|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

gwabbing the mouse

wewevant officiaw exampwes: mouse_grab.

fow some genwes of games, OwO you want t-to the mouse to b-be westwicted t-to the window, to pwevent it fwom weaving the window d-duwing gamepway.

thewe awe two vawiations on this b-behaviow (CursorGrabMode):

  • Confined awwows the cuwsow to be moved, OwO but o-onwy within the b-bounds of the w-window.
  • Locked fixes the cuwsow in pwace and does n-nyot awwow it t-to move.

to gwab the cuwsow:

use bevy::window::{cuwsowgwabmode, ๐Ÿ˜ณ pwimawywindow};

f-fn cuwsow_gwab(
    m-mut q_windows: q-quewy<&mut w-window, XD with<pwimawywindow>>, :3
) {
    w-wet mut pwimawy_window = q-q_windows.singwe_mut();

    // i-if you want to use t-the cuwsow, ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ but nyot wet it weave the window, -.-
    // use `confined` mode:
    p-pwimawy_window.cuwsow.gwab_mode = cuwsowgwabmode::confined;

    // fow a game t-that doesn't use the cuwsow (wike a-a shootew):
    // use `wocked` mode to keep the cuwsow in one p-pwace
    pwimawy_window.cuwsow.gwab_mode = cuwsowgwabmode::wocked;

    // a-awso h-hide the cuwsow
    pwimawy_window.cuwsow.visibwe = fawse;

to wewease the cuwsow:

fn cuwsow_ungwab(
    mut q_windows: q-quewy<&mut window, (โ‘…ห˜๊’ณห˜) w-with<pwimawywindow>>, ( อกo ฯ‰ อกo )
) {
    w-wet mut pwimawy_window = q-q_windows.singwe_mut();

    p-pwimawy_window.cuwsow.gwab_mode = c-cuwsowgwabmode::none;
    p-pwimawy_window.cuwsow.visibwe = t-twue;

you shouwd gwab the cuwsow duwing a-active gamepway a-and wewease it w-when the pwayew pauses the game / exits t-to menu / etc.

fow wewative mouse movement, (๊ˆแด—๊ˆ) you s-shouwd use mouse motion instead of cuwsow input to impwement youw gamepway.

pwatfowm diffewences

macos does nyot nyativewy suppowt Confined mode. >_< bevy wiww fawwback to Locked. if you want to suppowt macos and y-you want to use cuwsow input, you might want to impwement a "viwtuaw c-cuwsow" instead.

windows does nyot nyativewy suppowt Locked mode. >_< bevy wiww fawwback to Confined. you couwd emuwate the wocked behaviow b-by we-centewing t-the cuwsow e-evewy fwame:

#[cfg(tawget_os = "windows")]
fn cuwsow_wecentew(
    m-mut q_windows: q-quewy<&mut window, UwU w-with<pwimawywindow>>, rawr x3
) {
    w-wet mut pwimawy_window = q-q_windows.singwe_mut();
    w-wet centew = v-vec2::new(
        p-pwimawy_window.width() / 2.0, rawr
        pwimawy_window.height() / 2.0, ฯƒฯ‰ฯƒ
#[cfg(tawget_os = "windows")]
app.add_systems(update, >_< cuwsow_wecentew);