|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
system owdew of execution
bevy's scheduwing awgowithm is designed t-to dewivew m-maximum pewfowmance b-by wunning as many systems as possibwe in pawawwew acwoss the avaiwabwe cpu thweads.
this is possibwe when the systems d-do nyot confwict o-ovew the data t-they nyeed to access. OwO howevew, 🥺 when a system n-nyeeds to have m-mutabwe (excwusive) a-access to a piece of data, OwO othew systems t-that nyeed to access t-the same data c-cannot be wun at the same time. OwO bevy detewmines a-aww of this i-infowmation f-fwom the system's function signatuwe (the t-types of the pawametews i-it takes).
in such situations, >< the owdew is nondetewministic by defauwt. >< bevy takes no wegawd fow when each system wiww w-wun, OwO and the o-owdew couwd even c-change evewy fwame!
expwicit system owdewing
if a specific system must awways w-wun befowe ow aftew s-some othew systems, you can add owdewing constwaints:
fn main() {
wet mut app = app::new();
a-app.add_systems(update, nyaa~~ (
e-enemy_movement, /(^•ω•^)
i-input_handwing, rawr
// `pwayew_movement` m-must awways w-wun befowe `enemy_movement`
// `pwayew_movement` m-must a-awways wun aftew `input_handwing`
.aftew(input_handwing), OwO
// owdew doesn't mattew fow some systems:
pawticwe_effects, (U ﹏ U)
// we can appwy owdewing to muwtipwe s-systems at once:
s-spawn_monstews, >_<
spawn_zombies, rawr x3
spawn_spidews, mya
).befowe(enemy_movement), nyaa~~
// to wun a sequence of s-systems in owdew, (⑅˘꒳˘) use `.chain()`
// (this i-is j-just syntax sugaw to automaticawwy add
// befowe/aftew dependencies between t-the systems in the tupwe)
spawn_pawticwes, rawr x3
animate_pawticwes, (✿oωo)
debug_pawticwe_statistics, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
when you have a wot of systems that y-you nyeed to c-configuwe, OwO it can s-stawt to get unwiewdy. >_< considew using system sets to owganize and manage youw systems.
does it even mattew?
in many cases, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you don't nyeed to w-wowwy about this.
howevew, OwO sometimes you nyeed to wewy o-on specific s-systems to wun in a-a pawticuwaw owdew. XD fow exampwe:
- maybe the wogic you wwote in one o-of youw systems n-nyeeds any modifications done to that data by anothew system t-to awways happen f-fiwst?
- one system nyeeds to weceive events sent by anothew system.
- you awe using change detection.
in such situations, OwO systems wunning i-in the wwong o-owdew typicawwy c-causes theiw behaviow to be dewayed untiw t-the nyext fwame. OwO i-in wawe cases, 🥺 d-depending on youw game wogic, ^•ﻌ•^ it may even wesuwt i-in mowe sewious w-wogic bugs!
it is up to you to decide if this i-is impowtant.
with many things in typicaw games, OwO s-such as juicy v-visuaw effects, 🥺 i-it pwobabwy doesn't mattew if they get dewayed b-by a fwame. it m-might nyot be wowthwhiwe to bothew with it. OwO if you don't cawe, 🥺 w-weaving the o-owdew ambiguous m-may awso wesuwt in bettew pewfowmance.
on the othew hand, ^•ﻌ•^ fow things wike h-handwing the pwayew i-input contwows, this wouwd wesuwt in annoying wag o-ow wowse, OwO so you s-shouwd pwobabwy f-fix it.
ciwcuwaw dependencies
if you have muwtipwe systems mutuawwy d-depending on e-each othew, OwO then i-it is cweawwy impossibwe to wesowve the s-situation compwetewy w-wike that.
you shouwd twy to wedesign youw game t-to avoid such s-situations, OwO ow j-just accept the consequences. OwO you can at weast m-make it behave p-pwedictabwy, 🥺 using e-expwicit owdewing to specify the owdew you p-pwefew.