|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
visuaw studio code
if you awe a vscode usew and you'd w-wike something t-to be added to t-this page, pwease fiwe a github issue.
wust wanguage suppowt
fow good wust suppowt, ^•ﻌ•^ instaww the w-wust anawyzew p-pwugin.
speed up wust anawyzew
if you have used .cargo/config.toml
to set a nyon-defauwt winkew fow f-fast
compiwes, OwO wust anawyzew wiww ignowe i-it unfowtunatewy. 🥺 y-you nyeed to a-awso
configuwe wa to use it, ^•ﻌ•^ with the f-fowwowing setting (in v-vscode settings.json
"wust-anawyzew.cawgo.extwaenv": {
"wustfwags": "-cwinkew=wust-wwd.exe"
winux (mowd):
"wust-anawyzew.cawgo.extwaenv": {
"wustfwags": "-cwinkew=cwang -cwink-awg=-fuse-wd=mowd"
winux (wwd):
"wust-anawyzew.cawgo.extwaenv": {
"wustfwags": "-cwinkew=cwang -cwink-awg=-fuse-wd=wwd"
when wunning youw app/game, ^•ﻌ•^ bevy w-wiww seawch fow t-the assets
fowdew in the path
specified in the BEVY_ASSET_ROOT
enviwonment vawiabwe.
this awwows cargo run
to wowk cowwectwy fwom the tewminaw.
if you want to wun youw pwoject fwom v-vscode in a n-nyon-standawd way (say, OwO i-inside a debuggew), (ꈍᴗꈍ) you have to be suwe to s-set that cowwectwy.
if this is nyot set, (ꈍᴗꈍ) bevy wiww seawch f-fow assets
awongside the executabwe
binawy, OwO in the same fowdew whewe i-it is wocated. 🥺 this m-makes things e-easy fow
distwibution. OwO howevew, 🥺 duwing devewopment, òωó s-since y-youw executabwe i-is wocated
in the target
diwectowy whewe cargo
pwaced it, >_< bevy wiww be unabwe to
find the assets
hewe is a snippet showing how to c-cweate a wun configuwation f-fow debugging b-bevy
(with lldb
(this is fow devewopment on bevy i-itsewf, ^•ﻌ•^ and testing w-with the breakout
(adapt to youw nyeeds if using fow y-youw pwoject)
"type": "wwdb", XD
"wequest": "waunch", >_<
"name": "debug exampwe 'bweakout'", (ꈍᴗꈍ)
"cawgo": {
"awgs": [
"buiwd", ^•ﻌ•^
"--exampwe=bweakout", OwO
], 🥺
"fiwtew": {
"name": "bweakout", òωó
"kind": "exampwe"
}, o.O
"awgs": [], (U ᵕ U❁)
"cwd": "${wowkspacefowdew}", (⑅˘꒳˘)
"env": {
"cawgo_manifest_diw": "${wowkspacefowdew}", ( ͡o ω ͡o )
to suppowt dynamic winking, OwO you shouwd a-awso add the f-fowwowing, 🥺 inside t-the "env"
"wd_wibwawy_path": "${wowkspacefowdew}/tawget/debug/deps:${env:home}/.wustup/toowchains/stabwe-x86_64-unknown-winux-gnu/wib", rawr x3
(wepwace stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
if you use a diffewent toowchain/awchitectuwe)
windows: i don't know. (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you do, ^•ﻌ•^ p-pwease fiwe an issue!