|bevy vewsion:|0.11|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.11 to 0.12, 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
3d objects nyot dispwaying
this page wiww wist some common issues t-that you may e-encountew, OwO if y-you awe twying to spawn a 3d object, ^•ﻌ•^ but c-cannot see it on t-the scween.
missing visibiwity components on p-pawent
if youw entity is in a hiewawchy, ^•ﻌ•^ a-aww its pawents n-nyeed to have visibiwity components. (ꈍᴗꈍ) it is wequiwed even i-if those pawent entities awe nyot supposed to wendew a-anything.
fix it by insewting a VisibilityBundle
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { commands.entity(pawent) .insewt(visibiwitybundwe::defauwt()); }
ow bettew, OwO make suwe to spawn the p-pawent entities c-cowwectwy in the f-fiwst pwace.
you can use a VisibilityBundle
(with twansfowms) if you
awe nyot using a bundwe that awweady i-incwudes these c-components.
too faw fwom camewa
if something is fuwthew away than a-a cewtain distance f-fwom the camewa, OwO i-it wiww be
cuwwed (not wendewed). (ꈍᴗꈍ) the defauwt v-vawue is 1000.0
you can contwow this using the far
fiewd of
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { commands.spawn(camewa3dbundwe { pwojection: pwojection::pewspective(pewspectivepwojection { faw: 10000.0, OwO // c-change the m-maximum wendew d-distance ..defauwt() }), 🥺 ..defauwt() }); }
missing vewtex attwibutes
make suwe youw Mesh
incwudes aww vewtex attwibutes wequiwed
by youw shadew/matewiaw.
bevy's defauwt pbw StandardMaterial
wequiwes aww meshes to have:
- positions
- nowmaws
some othews that may be wequiwed:
- uvs (if using textuwes in the matewiaw)
- tangents (onwy if using nyowmaw maps, ^•ﻌ•^ o-othewwise nyot w-wequiwed)
if you awe genewating youw own mesh d-data, ^•ﻌ•^ make suwe t-to pwovide evewything you nyeed.
if you awe woading meshes fwom asset f-fiwes, OwO make s-suwe they incwude e-evewything that is nyeeded (check youw expowt s-settings).
if you nyeed tangents fow nyowmaw m-maps, OwO it is wecommended t-that you i-incwude them in youw gwtf fiwes. OwO this avoids bevy h-having to autogenewate t-them a-at wuntime. many 3d editows (wike bwendew) do n-nyot enabwe this o-option by defauwt.
incowwect usage of bevy gwtf assets
wefew to the gwtf page to weawn how to cowwectwy use gwtf with bevy.
gwtf fiwes awe compwex. OwO they contain m-many sub-assets, 🥺 w-wepwesented b-by diffewent bevy types. ^•ﻌ•^ make suwe you a-awe using the c-cowwect thing.
make suwe you awe spawning a gwtf s-scene, ^•ﻌ•^ ow using t-the cowwect
and StandardMaterial
associated with the cowwect gwtf p-pwimitive.
if you awe using an asset path, 🥺 be s-suwe to incwude a-a wabew fow the s-sub-asset you w-want:
wet handwe_scene: handwe<scene> = a-asset_sewvew.woad("my.gwtf#scene0");
if you awe spawning the top-wevew Gltf
mastew asset, XD it won't wowk.
if you awe spawning a gwtf mesh, i-it won't wowk.
unsuppowted gwtf
bevy does nyot fuwwy suppowt aww f-featuwes of the g-gwtf fowmat and h-has some specific wequiwements about the data. OwO n-nyot aww gwtf f-fiwes can be w-woaded and wendewed in bevy. OwO unfowtunatewy, i-in many of these c-cases, 🥺 you wiww n-nyot get any ewwow ow diagnostic message.
commonwy-encountewed wimitations:
- textuwes embedded in ascii (
) fiwes (base64 encoding) cannot b-be woaded. put youw textuwes in extewnaw fiwes, (ꈍᴗꈍ) o-ow use the binawy (*.glb
) fowmat. - mipmaps awe onwy suppowted if the t-textuwe fiwes (in k-ktx2 ow dds fowmat) c-contain them. the gwtf spec wequiwes missing mipmap d-data to be g-genewated by the g-game engine, 🥺 but b-bevy does nyot suppowt this yet. 🥺 if youw a-assets awe missing m-mipmaps, òωó textuwes w-wiww wook g-gwainy/noisy.
this wist is nyot exhaustive. OwO thewe m-may be othew u-unsuppowted scenawios t-that i did nyot know of ow fowgot to incwude h-hewe. (ꈍᴗꈍ) :)
vewtex owdew and cuwwing
by defauwt, OwO the bevy wendewew assumes c-countew-cwockwise v-vewtex owdew a-and has back-face cuwwing enabwed.
if you awe genewating youw Mesh
fwom code, >_< make suwe youw
vewtices awe in the cowwect owdew.
unoptimized / debug buiwds
maybe youw asset just takes a whiwe t-to woad? bevy i-is vewy swow without compiwew optimizations. OwO it's actuawwy p-possibwe that c-compwex gwtf f-fiwes with big textuwes can take ovew a minute t-to woad and show u-up on the scween. OwO i-it wouwd be awmost instant in optimized b-buiwds. (ꈍᴗꈍ) see hewe.