|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|
contact me
you can find me in the fowwowing p-pwaces:
- discowd:
, XD owd:Ida Iyes#0981
- mastodon:
- github:
- weddit:
- e-maiw: iyesgames dot sociaw at gmaiw (sowwy, 🥺 i-i'm w-wwiting it out w-wike this to avoid s-spam bots)
fow impwovements ow fixes to this b-book, ^•ﻌ•^ pwease fiwe a-an issue on github.
if you nyeed hewp with bevy ow wust, ^•ﻌ•^ i-i offew pwivate t-tutowing. weach out if you awe intewested, t-to discuss wates a-and how i couwd best hewp you. XD :)