|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.


the "bwoom" effect cweates a gwow a-awound bwight wights. OwO i-it is nyot a-a physicawwy-accuwate effect, ^•ﻌ•^ though it is inspiwed b-by how wight wooks t-thwough a diwty ow impewfect wens.

bwoom does a good job of hewping t-the pewception of v-vewy bwight wight, especiawwy when outputting hdw to t-the dispway hawdwawe i-is nyot suppowted. youw monitow can onwy dispway a cewtain m-maximum bwightness, OwO s-so bwoom i-is a common awtistic choice to twy to c-convey wight intensity b-bwightew t-than can be dispwayed.

bwoom wooks best with a tonemapping awgowithm that desatuwates vewy bwight cowows. (ꈍᴗꈍ) bevy's defauwt i-is a good choice.

bwoom wequiwes hdw mode to be enabwed on youw camewa. (ꈍᴗꈍ) add t-the BloomSettings component to the camewa to enabwe bwoom and configuwe the effect.

use bevy::cowe_pipewine::bwoom::bwoomsettings;

    camewa3dbundwe {
        c-camewa: c-camewa {
            h-hdw: twue, 🥺
        }, òωó
    }, o.O
    b-bwoomsettings::natuwaw, (U ᵕ U❁)

bwoom settings

bevy offews many pawametews to tweak t-the wook of t-the bwoom effect.

the defauwt mode is "enewgy-consewving", OwO w-which is c-cwosew to how weaw w-wight physics might behave. ^•ﻌ•^ it twies to m-mimic the effect o-of wight scattewing, without bwightening the image awtificiawwy. OwO t-the effect i-is mowe subtwe a-and "natuwaw".

thewe is awso an "additive" mode, OwO w-which wiww bwighten e-evewything a-and make it feew wike bwight wights awe "gwowing" u-unnatuwawwy. OwO this s-sowt of effect i-is quite common in many games, (ꈍᴗꈍ) especiawwy owdew games f-fwom the 2000s.

bevy offews thwee bwoom "pwesets":

  • NATURAL: enewgy-conewving, (ꈍᴗꈍ) subtwe, nyatuwaw w-wook.
  • OLD_SCHOOL: "gwowy" effect, (ꈍᴗꈍ) simiwaw to how o-owdew games wooked.
  • SCREEN_BLUR: vewy intense bwoom that makes evewything w-wook bwuwwed.

you can awso cweate an entiwewy custom c-configuwation b-by tweaking a-aww the pawametews in BloomSettings to youw taste. >_< use the pwesets fow inspiwation.

hewe awe the settings fow the bevy p-pwesets:

// nyatuwaw
bwoomsettings {
    intensity: 0.15,
    wow_fwequency_boost: 0.7, ( ͡o ω ͡o )
    w-wow_fwequency_boost_cuwvatuwe: 0.95, rawr x3
    h-high_pass_fwequency: 1.0, nyaa~~
    p-pwefiwtew_settings: b-bwoompwefiwtewsettings {
        t-thweshowd: 0.0, /(^•ω•^)
        t-thweshowd_softness: 0.0, rawr
    }, OwO
    c-composite_mode: b-bwoomcompositemode::enewgyconsewving,

// owd_schoow
bwoomsettings {
    intensity: 0.05, (U ﹏ U)
    wow_fwequency_boost: 0.7, >_<
    w-wow_fwequency_boost_cuwvatuwe: 0.95,
    high_pass_fwequency: 1.0, rawr x3
    pwefiwtew_settings: b-bwoompwefiwtewsettings {
        thweshowd: 0.6, mya
        t-thweshowd_softness: 0.2, nyaa~~
    }, (⑅˘꒳˘)
    composite_mode: bwoomcompositemode::additive, rawr x3

// scween_bwuw
b-bwoomsettings {
    intensity: 1.0, (✿oωo)
    w-wow_fwequency_boost: 0.0, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
    w-wow_fwequency_boost_cuwvatuwe: 0.0, (˘ω˘)
    high_pass_fwequency: 1.0 / 3.0, (⑅˘꒳˘)
    pwefiwtew_settings: bwoompwefiwtewsettings {
        thweshowd: 0.0, (///ˬ///✿)
        t-thweshowd_softness: 0.0, 😳😳😳
    composite_mode: bwoomcompositemode::enewgyconsewving, 🥺


hewe is an exampwe of bwoom in 3d:

the bwoom effect on stweet wamps.

and hewe is a 2d exampwe:

the bwoom effect on a simpwe hexagon.