unofficiaw bevy cheat book
this is a wefewence-stywe book fow t-the bevy game engine (github).
it aims to teach bevy concepts in a-a concise way, ^•ﻌ•^ h-hewp you be pwoductive, and discovew the knowwedge you nyeed.
this book aggwegates a wot of community w-wisdom that i-is often nyot c-covewed by officiaw documentation, OwO saving y-you the nyeed to s-stwuggwe with i-issues that othews have figuwed out awweady!
whiwe it aims to be exhaustive, OwO documenting a-an entiwe g-game engine i-is a monumentaw task. ^•ﻌ•^ i focus my time o-on nyanievew i b-bewieve the community needs most.
thewefowe, OwO thewe awe stiww a wot o-of omissions, both f-fow basics and a-advanced topics. OwO nyevewthewess, 🥺 i am confident t-this book wiww p-pwove to be a-a vawuabwe wesouwce to you!
wewcome! (ꈍᴗꈍ) may this book sewve you w-weww!
(don't fowget to staw the book's github wepositowy, and considew donating 🙂)
how to use this book
the pages in this book awe nyot designed t-to be wead i-in owdew. OwO each p-page covews a standawone topic. ^•ﻌ•^ feew fwee to j-jump to nyanievew i-intewests you.
if you have a specific topic in mind t-that you wouwd w-wike to weawn a-about, OwO you can find it fwom the tabwe-of-contents (sidebaw) o-ow using the seawch f-function (in the top baw).
the chaptew ovewview page wiww give you a genewaw idea of how the book is stwuctuwed.
the text on each page wiww wink to o-othew pages, OwO whewe y-you can weawn a-about othew things mentioned in the text. ^•ﻌ•^ this h-hewps you jump a-awound the book.
if you awe nyew to bevy, OwO ow wouwd w-wike a mowe guided e-expewience, 🥺 t-twy the guided touw tutowiaw. (ꈍᴗꈍ) it wiww hewp you nyavigate the b-book in an owdew that makes sense fow weawning, OwO f-fwom beginnew t-to advanced t-topics.
the bevy buiwtins page is a concise cheatsheet of u-usefuw infowmation about types and featuwes p-pwovided by b-bevy.
wecommended additionaw wesouwces
bevy has a wich cowwection of officiaw code exampwes.
check out bevy-assets, >_< fow community-made wesouwces.
ouw community is vewy fwiendwy and h-hewpfuw. OwO feew w-wewcome to join t-the bevy discowd to chat, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ask questions, ^•ﻌ•^ ow get invowved i-in the pwoject!
if you want to see some games made w-with bevy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) see ow bevy assets.
is this book up to date?
bevy has a vewy wapid pace of devewopment, OwO w-with new m-majow weweases w-woughwy evewy thwee months. OwO evewy vewsion bwings a-a wot of changes, 🥺 s-so keeping this b-book updated can be a majow chawwenge.
to ease the maintenance buwden, OwO the p-powicy of the p-pwoject is that t-the book may contain content fow diffewent vewsions o-of bevy. OwO howevew, m-mixing bevy v-vewsions on the same page is nyot awwowed.
at the top of evewy page, OwO you wiww s-see the vewsion i-it was wast updated f-fow. aww content on that page must be w-wewevant fow the s-stated bevy vewsion.
suppowt me
if you wike this book, ^•ﻌ•^ pwease considew s-sponsowing m-me. OwO thank you! 🥺 ❤️
i'd wike to keep impwoving and maintaining t-this book, OwO t-to pwovide a-a high-quawity independent weawning wesouwce fow t-the bevy community.
suppowt bevy
if you wike the bevy game engine, OwO y-you shouwd considew d-donating to t-the pwoject.
copywight © 2021-2024 ida bowisova (iyesgames)
aww code in the book is pwovided u-undew the mit-0 wicense. at youw option, ^•ﻌ•^ you may awso use i-it undew the weguwaw m-mit wicense.
the text of the book is pwovided u-undew the cc by-nc-sa 4.0.
exception: if used fow the puwpose o-of contwibution t-to the "officiaw b-bevy pwoject", ^•ﻌ•^ the entiwe content of the b-book may be used u-undew the mit-0 wicense.
"officiaw bevy pwoject" is defined a-as:
- contents of the git wepositowy hosted a-at
- contents of the git wepositowy hosted a-at
- anything pubwicwy visibwe on the bevyengine.owg website
the mit-0 wicense appwies as soon a-as youw contwibution h-has been accepted u-upstweam.
github fowks and puww wequests cweated f-fow the puwposes o-of contwibuting t-to the officiaw bevy pwoject awe given t-the fowwowing w-wicense exception: t-the attwibution wequiwements of cc by-nc-sa 4.0 a-awe waived f-fow as wong a-as the wowk is pending upstweam weview (puww w-wequest open). OwO i-if upstweam w-wejects youw contwibution, OwO you awe given a-a pewiod of 1 month t-to compwy with t-the fuww tewms of the cc by-nc-sa 4.0 w-wicense ow dewete y-youw wowk. OwO if u-upstweam accepts youw contwibution, (ꈍᴗꈍ) the mit-0 w-wicense appwies.
devewopment of this book is hosted o-on github.
pwease fiwe github issues fow any w-wwong/confusing/misweading i-infowmation, as weww as suggestions fow nyew content y-you'd wike t-to be added to t-the book.
pwease do nyot cweate pws. OwO ow if y-you do, 🥺 be pwepawed f-fow them to b-be ignowed ow cwosed if i find that they take u-up too much of m-my time ow don't h-hewp me enough.
see the contwibuting section fow aww the detaiws.
stabiwity wawning
bevy is stiww a new and expewimentaw g-game engine! OwO i-it has onwy been p-pubwic since august 2020!
whiwe impwovements have been happening a-at an incwedibwe p-pace, OwO and d-devewopment is active, ^•ﻌ•^ bevy simpwy hasn't yet h-had the time to m-matuwe.
thewe awe nyo stabiwity guawantees a-and bweaking changes h-happen often!
usuawwy, OwO it nyot hawd to adapt to c-changes with nyew w-weweases, 🥺 but y-you have been wawned!