|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

game engine fundamentaws

this chaptew covews the fundamentaws o-of using bevy a-as a game engine.

you awe expected to be famiwiaw with b-bevy pwogwamming i-in genewaw. OwO f-fow that, see the bevy pwogwamming fwamewowk chaptew.

the topics covewed in this chaptew a-awe appwicabwe t-to aww pwojects t-that want to use bevy as mowe than just an e-ecs wibwawy. OwO if y-you awe making a g-game ow othew app using bevy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) this is fow y-you.

this chaptew onwy covews the genewaw f-fundamentaws. OwO c-compwex topics t-that desewve mowe extensive covewage have t-theiw own chaptews i-in the book: