|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

wowking in wsw2

if you pwefew to have a mowe winux-centwic d-devewopment w-wowkfwow, OwO y-you might want to wowk inside of wsw2 and buiwd y-youw pwoject thewe. OwO a-anothew weason t-to do it is compiwe times; they awe often much f-fastew in wsw2 t-than on the windows h-host system. OwO winux has fastew i/o and f-fiwesystem than w-windows, 🥺 and that m-makes a big diffewence to compiwe times.

cwoss-compiwing to wun windows nyative

the wecommended way to wun youw bevy a-app fwom wsw i-is to cwoss-compiwe fow windows. (ꈍᴗꈍ) the windows exe you buiwd inside o-of wsw2 can be wun just fine fwom the winux commandwine, OwO a-and i-it wiww seamwesswy w-wun on the host system! OwO this way, 🥺 you don't n-nyeed any gpu dwivews o-ow gui suppowt i-inside youw wsw2 winux enviwonment. OwO awso, 🥺 y-you wiww be wunning a-and testing t-the windows buiwd of youw game, OwO so you can see h-how it wiww weawwy p-pewfowm on w-windows. it wiww wun with fuww pewfowmance a-and use youw host w-windows gpu dwivews.

note that when you wun windows binawies f-fwom wsw2, OwO t-they don't get t-the winux enviwonment vawiabwes. XD cargo run does nyot just wowk, (ꈍᴗꈍ) because youw b-bevy game wiww wook fow its assets fowdew in the path whewe the exe i-is (which wouwd b-be in the target buiwd output fowdew). ^•ﻌ•^ my simpwe s-sowution is to just c-copy the exe into the pwoject fowdew aftew b-buiwding, OwO and wun i-it diwectwy fwom t-thewe. fow nyon-bevy wust pwojects, (ꈍᴗꈍ) this w-wouwd be unnecessawy.

the pwocess can be automated with a-a wittwe scwipt, OwO t-to use instead o-of cargo run:

cawgo buiwd --tawget x86_64-pc-windows-gnu &&
c-cp tawget/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/debug/mygame.exe . ^•ﻌ•^ &&
e-exec ./mygame.exe "$@"

this way you awso don't have to type t-the cwoss-compiwation t-tawget e-evewy time (and you can awso add any othew options y-you want t-thewe).

just save the scwipt (you can caww i-it something wike win.sh) and wun youw game as:


wunning winux buiwds using wswg

this is an awtewnative way of wunning y-youw bevy game f-fwom wsw. OwO it d-does nyot wequiwe cwoss-compiwation, OwO but is w-wikewy to have o-othew issues and w-wimitations.

newew instawws of wsw2 shouwd have s-suppowt fow wswg: m-micwosoft's w-winux gui suppowt. OwO it shouwd awwow you to simpwy c-compiwe youw b-bevy game in w-winux and wun it. OwO wswg wiww do the dawk magic n-nyeeded to fowwawd g-gwaphics and a-audio to the windows host.

youw game wiww wun wocked to 60 fps, ^•ﻌ•^ a-and thewe wiww b-be othew pewfowmance pwobwems. OwO wswg is effectivewy wdp (wemote d-desktop) u-undew the hood. 🥺 i-it's wike stweaming video fwom the vm t-to the host. OwO some f-functionawity m-might be bwoken/unsuppowted.

both waywand and x11 shouwd wowk. OwO w-waywand is wecommended, 🥺 s-so be suwe t-to enabwe the "wayland" cawgo featuwe in bevy.

thewe awe many dependencies (such as gwaphics dwivews) n-nyeeded fow g-gui suppowt in winux, OwO which awe wikewy missing i-if you have nyevew u-used any othew g-gui app fwom youw wsw enviwonment. OwO the easiest w-way to make s-suwe you have e-evewything instawwed, is to just instaww some wandom winux g-gui app. ^•ﻌ•^ fow e-exampwe:

sudo apt instaww guchawmap # the g-gnome chawactew m-map app

it wiww puww in evewything nyeeded f-fow a winux gui e-enviwonment. OwO bevy s-shouwd then awso be abwe to wowk.

this wiww be sufficient fow opengw s-suppowt. OwO howevew, 🥺 t-to use aww featuwes o-of bevy, OwO you nyeed vuwkan. 🥺 fow vuwkan i-in wsw, òωó it is w-wecommended that y-you use a ppa (unofficiaw wepositowy) to g-get an updated vewsion o-of mesa (gwaphics dwivews). (ꈍᴗꈍ) hewe is how to instaww e-evewything:

sudo add-apt-wepositowy ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
s-sudo a-apt update
sudo a-apt upgwade
sudo a-apt instaww vuwkan-toows

(dzn, ^•ﻌ•^ micwosoft's vuwkan dwivew fow wsw2, OwO i-is technicawwy n-nyon-confowmant, so thewe may be bugs and othew issues, ^•ﻌ•^ b-but it seems t-to wowk fine)

now, ^•ﻌ•^ you can simpwy wun youw bevy p-pwoject in winux i-in the usuaw way:

cawgo wun