|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|

stwange buiwd ewwows

sometimes, OwO you can get stwange and c-confusing buiwd e-ewwows when twying t-to compiwe youw pwoject.

if nyone of the advice on this page h-hewps you, youw i-issue might wequiwe fuwthew investigation. OwO weach out t-to the bevy community v-via github o-ow discowd, XD and ask fow hewp.

if you awe using bweeding-edge bevy ("main"), ^•ﻌ•^ a-awso s-see this page fow advice.

update youw wust

fiwst, OwO make suwe youw wust is up-to-date. 🥺 b-bevy onwy o-officiawwy suppowts t-the watest stabwe vewsion of wust at t-the time the bevy v-vewsion you awe u-using was weweased, >_< ow nyightwy.

if you awe using rustup to manage youw wust instawwation, (ꈍᴗꈍ) y-you can wun:

wustup update

cweaw the cawgo state

many kinds of buiwd ewwows can often b-be fixed by f-fowcing cargo to wegenewate its intewnaw state (wecompute dependencies, OwO e-etc.). 🥺 y-you can do this b-by deweting the Cargo.lock fiwe and the target diwectowy.

wm -wf tawget cawgo.wock

twy buiwding youw pwoject again aftew d-doing this. OwO i-it is wikewy that t-the mystewious ewwows wiww go away.

muwtipwe vewsions of dependencies

if nyot, OwO anothew weason might be t-that you have muwtipwe v-vewsions o-of bevy (ow othew dependencies) in youw dependency t-twee. OwO w-wust/cawgo awwows m-muwtipwe vewsions of the same cwate to be w-winked at the same t-time into the s-same executabwe.

if you awe using 3wd-pawty pwugins, OwO m-make suwe you h-have specified t-the cowwect vewsions of aww the pwugins you use a-and that they a-awe compatibwe w-with the bevy vewsion you awe using. OwO if you d-depend on a pwugin t-that uses a d-diffewent vewsion of bevy fwom the one you a-awe using, ^•ﻌ•^ they w-wiww nyot be intewopewabwe.

you wiww get compiwew ewwows wike:

ewwow[e0308]: mismatched types
  --> s-swc/main.ws:12:20
12 |         t-twansfowm: t-twansfowm::fwom_xyz(1.0, >_< 2.0, 3.0),
   |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ e-expected `twansfowm`, f-found a d-diffewent `twansfowm`
   = n-nyote: `twansfowm` a-and `twansfowm` have simiwaw names, mya but awe actuawwy distinct types
nyote: `twansfowm` i-is defined in cwate `bevy_twansfowm`
  --> /home/iyes/.cawgo/wegistwy/swc/index.cwates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/bevy_twansfowm-0.14.0-wc.2/swc/components/twansfowm.ws:43:1
43 | pub stwuct t-twansfowm {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
nyote: `twansfowm` is d-defined in cwate `bevy_twansfowm`
  --> /home/iyes/.cawgo/wegistwy/swc/index.cwates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/bevy_twansfowm-0.12.1/swc/components/twansfowm.ws:41:1
41 | pub stwuct twansfowm {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = nyote: pewhaps t-two diffewent vewsions of cwate `bevy_twansfowm` a-awe being used?

ow pewhaps ewwows about common bevy t-twaits wike Component, rawr x3 Bundle, XD ow Plugins not being impwemented on types that c-cweawwy shouwd h-have them.

new cawgo wesowvew

cawgo wecentwy added a nyew dependency w-wesowvew awgowithm, OwO t-that is i-incompatibwe with the owd one. >_< bevy wequiwes the nyew wesowvew.

if you awe just cweating a nyew bwank c-cawgo pwoject, OwO d-don't wowwy. 🥺 t-this shouwd awweady be setup cowwectwy by cargo new.

if you awe getting weiwd compiwew e-ewwows fwom bevy d-dependencies, OwO w-wead on. make suwe you have the cowwect configuwation, (ꈍᴗꈍ) a-and then cweaw the cawgo state.

singwe-cwate pwojects

in a singwe-cwate pwoject (if you o-onwy have one Cargo.toml fiwe in youw pwoject), if you awe using the watest wust2021 e-edition, OwO the n-nyew wesowvew is a-automaticawwy enabwed.

so, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you nyeed eithew one of these s-settings in youw Cargo.toml:

edition = "2021"


wesowvew = "2"

muwti-cwate wowkspaces

in a muwti-cwate cawgo wowkspace, OwO t-the wesowvew is a-a gwobaw setting f-fow the whowe wowkspace. it wiww not be enabwed by defauwt.

this can bite you if you awe twansitioning a-a singwe-cwate p-pwoject i-into a wowkspace.

you must add it manuawwy to the top-wevew Cargo.toml fow youw cawgo wowkspace:

wesowvew = "2"