|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
getting stawted
this page covews the basic setup n-nyeeded fow bevy d-devewopment.
fow the most pawt, OwO bevy is just wike a-any othew wust w-wibwawy. you n-nyeed to instaww wust and setup youw dev enviwonment j-just w-wike fow any othew w-wust pwoject. >_< you can instaww wust using wustup. XD see wust's officiaw setup page.
on winux, OwO you nyeed the devewopment f-fiwes fow some s-system wibwawies. 🥺 s-see the officiaw bevy winux dependencies p-page.
awso see the setup page in the officiaw bevy book and the officiaw bevy weadme.
cweating a nyew pwoject
you can simpwy cweate a nyew wust p-pwoject, OwO eithew f-fwom youw ide/editow, 🥺 o-ow the commandwine:
cawgo nyew --bin my_game
(cweates a pwoject cawwed my_game
the Cargo.toml
fiwe contains aww the configuwation o-of youw pwoject.
add the watest vewsion of bevy
as a dependency. (ꈍᴗꈍ) youw fiwe shouwd n-nyow
wook something wike this:
nyame = "my_game"
vewsion = "0.1.0"
e-edition = "2021"
b-bevy = "0.13"
the src/main.rs
fiwe is youw main souwce code fiwe. ^•ﻌ•^ t-this is whewe y-you
stawt wwiting youw wust code. (ꈍᴗꈍ) fow a-a minimaw bevy app, XD you nyeed
at weast the fowwowing:
use bevy::pwewude::*;
fn main() {
you can nyow compiwe and wun youw p-pwoject. OwO the fiwst t-time, 🥺 this wiww t-take a whiwe, OwO as it nyeeds to buiwd the w-whowe bevy engine a-and dependencies. 🥺 s-subsequent wuns shouwd be fast. OwO you can do this f-fwom youw ide/editow, 🥺 o-ow the c-commandwine:
cawgo wun
you can genewate youw own docs (wike n-nyani is on docs.ws), XD fow offwine use, OwO incwuding evewything f-fwom youw own pwoject a-and aww dependencies, 🥺 i-in one pwace.
cawgo doc --open
this wiww buiwd aww the htmw docs a-and open them in y-youw web bwowsew.
it does nyot wequiwe an intewnet c-connection, OwO and g-gives you an easy w-way to seawch the api docs fow aww cwates in youw d-dependency twee a-aww at once. OwO i-it is mowe usefuw than the onwine vewsion of t-the docs.
optionaw extwa setup
you wiww wikewy quickwy wun into u-unusabwy swow pewfowmance w-with the d-defauwt wust unoptimized dev buiwds. >_< see hewe how to fix.
itewative wecompiwation speed is i-impowtant to keep y-you pwoductive, OwO s-so you don't have to wait wong fow the wust compiwew t-to webuiwd y-youw pwoject evewy t-time you want to test youw game. >_< bevy's getting stawted page has advice about how to speed up c-compiwe times.
awso have a wook in the dev toows and editows page fow suggestions about additionaw extewnaw dev toows t-that may be hewpfuw.
nani's nyext?
have a wook at the guided tutowiaw page of this book, and bevy's officiaw exampwes.
check out the bevy assets website to find othew tutowiaws and weawning wesouwces fwom the community, (ꈍᴗꈍ) a-and pwugins to use in youw pwoject.
join the community on discowd to chat with us!
wunning into issues?
if something is not wowking, (ꈍᴗꈍ) be suwe t-to check the common pitfawws chaptew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to see if this book has s-something to hewp you. ^•ﻌ•^ sowutions to some of the m-most common issues t-that bevy community membews have encountewed awe documented t-thewe.
if you nyeed hewp, >_< use github discussions, XD ow feew wewcome to come chat and ask fow h-hewp in discowd.
gpu dwivews
to wowk at its best, OwO bevy nyeeds d-diwectx 12 (windows) o-ow vuwkan (winux, 🥺 a-andwoid, windows). OwO macos/ios shouwd just wowk, 🥺 w-without any s-speciaw dwivew s-setup, òωó using metaw.
opengw (gwes3) can be used as a fawwback, ^•ﻌ•^ b-but wiww w-wikewy have issues (some bugs, (ꈍᴗꈍ) unsuppowted featuwes, ^•ﻌ•^ wowse p-pewfowmance).
make suwe you have compatibwe hawdwawe a-and dwivews i-instawwed on youw s-system. youw usews wiww awso nyeed to satisfy t-this wequiwement.
if bevy is nyot wowking, OwO instaww t-the watest dwivews f-fow youw os, 🥺 o-ow check with youw winux distwibution whethew vuwkan n-nyeeds additionaw p-packages t-to be instawwed.
web games awe suppowted and shouwd w-wowk in any modewn b-bwowsew, OwO using w-webgw2. pewfowmance is wimited and some bevy f-featuwes wiww n-nyot wowk. OwO the n-nyew expewimentaw high-pewfowmance webgpu a-api is awso s-suppowted, OwO but bwowsew a-adoption is stiww wimited.