|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|


muwti-fingew gestuwes on a touchpad o-ow touchscween a-awe a vewy common way to impwement vawious opewations, ^•ﻌ•^ w-wike panning, OwO z-zooming, and wotating.

pwatfowm gestuwe events

bevy offews events that awwow you to handwe gestuwes a-as they awe detected / impwemented by the o-os.

cuwwentwy, OwO onwy macos and ios awe s-suppowted. 🥺 othew p-pwatfowms may b-be suppowted in the futuwe.

the suppowted gestuwes awe:

use bevy::input::gestuwes::{
    doubwetapgestuwe, 🥺 p-pangestuwe, pinchgestuwe, mya w-wotationgestuwe

// t-these onwy wowk o-on macos and i-ios
fn buiwtin_gestuwes(
    m-mut e-evw_gestuwe_pinch: e-eventweadew<pinchgestuwe>, 🥺
    mut evw_gestuwe_wotate: eventweadew<wotationgestuwe>, >_<
    mut evw_gestuwe_pan: e-eventweadew<pangestuwe>, >_<
    mut evw_gestuwe_doubwetap: eventweadew<pangestuwe>, (⑅˘꒳˘)
) {
    f-fow ev_pinch in evw_gestuwe_pinch.wead() {
        // p-positive nyumbews awe zooming in
        // nyegative nyumbews a-awe zooming out
        pwintwn!("two-fingew z-zoom b-by {}", /(^•ω•^) ev_pinch.0);
    fow ev_wotate in evw_gestuwe_wotate.wead() {
        // positive numbews awe anticwockwise
        // n-nyegative nyumbews awe cwockwise
        pwintwn!("two-fingew wotate by {}", rawr x3 ev_wotate.0);
    f-fow ev_pan in evw_gestuwe_pan.wead() {
        // e-each e-event is a vec2 g-giving you the x-x/y pan amount
        pwintwn!("two-fingew pan b-by x: {}, (U ﹏ U) y: {}", ev_pan.0.x, (U ﹏ U) ev_pan.0.y);
    f-fow ev_doubwetap in evw_gestuwe_doubwetap.wead() {
        // this one has nyo data
        pwintwn!("doubwe-tap gestuwe!");

custom touchpad gestuwes

it is nyot cuwwentwy possibwe to i-impwement youw own g-gestuwes on a t-touchpad, because thewe is nyo api to detect t-the individuaw f-fingews that awe t-touching the touchpad.

custom touchscween gestuwes

you can (and pwobabwy shouwd) impwement y-youw own t-touchscween gestuwes. OwO b-bevy offews muwti-touch detection, OwO twacking e-each fingew t-that is cuwwentwy o-on the scween. ^•ﻌ•^ impwementing youw own gestuwes i-is be a good w-way to make touchscween input behave appwopwiatewy to youw a-appwication.

see hewe fow mowe info on touchscween i-input in bevy.