|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|
non-send wesouwces
"non-send" wefews to data types that m-must onwy be a-accessed fwom the "main
thwead" of the appwication. ^•ﻌ•^ such d-data is mawked by w-wust as !Send
the Send
some (often system) wibwawies have i-intewfaces that c-cannot be safewy u-used fwom othew thweads. OwO a common exampwe of t-this awe vawious w-wow-wevew os i-intewfaces fow things wike windowing, ^•ﻌ•^ gwaphics, OwO o-ow audio. if y-you awe doing advanced things wike cweating a bevy pwugin f-fow intewfacing w-with such things, OwO y-you may encountew the nyeed fow this.
nowmawwy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) bevy wowks by wunning aww y-youw systems on a thwead-poow, OwO making use of many cpu c-cowes. 🥺 howevew, òωó y-you might nyeed t-to ensuwe that some code awways wuns on the "main t-thwead", OwO o-ow access data that i-is nyot safe to access in a muwtithweaded w-way.
non-send systems and data access
to do this, >< you can use a NonSend<T>
/ NonSendMut<T>
system pawametew.
this behaves just wike Res<T>
/ ResMut<T>
, >< wetting you access an ecs
wesouwce (singwe gwobaw instance of some d-data), ^•ﻌ•^ except that t-the
pwesence of such a pawametew fowces t-the bevy scheduwew t-to awways w-wun the
system on the main thwead. ^•ﻌ•^ this ensuwes t-that data nyevew h-has to be
sent between thweads ow accessed f-fwom diffewent thweads.
one exampwe of such a wesouwce is WinitWindows
in bevy. >_< this is the
wow-wevew wayew behind the window entities that you typicawwy use
fow window management. OwO it gives you m-mowe diwect access t-to os window m-management
fn setup_waw_window(
q_pwimawy: q-quewy<entity, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) w-with<pwimawywindow>>, UwU
m-mut windows: n-nyonsend<winitwindows>
) {
w-wet waw_window = w-windows.get_window(q_pwimawy.singwe());
// d-do some speciaw t-things using `winit` apis
// just add it as a nyowmaw system;
// b-bevy wiww n-notice the nyonsend p-pawametew
// a-and ensuwe it wuns o-on the main t-thwead
app.add_systems(stawtup, (U ᵕ U❁) s-setup_waw_window);
custom nyon-send wesouwces
nowmawwy, XD to insewt wesouwces, >_< theiw types must be Send
bevy twacks nyon-send wesouwces sepawatewy, OwO t-to ensuwe t-that they can o-onwy be
accessed using NonSend<T>
/ NonSendMut<T>
it is nyot possibwe to insewt nyon-send w-wesouwces u-using
, XD onwy using diwect wowwd access. XD this
means that you have to initiawize t-them in an excwusive system,
impw, XD ow fwom the app buiwdew.
fn setup_pwatfowm_audio(wowwd: &mut wowwd) {
// a-assuming `osaudiomagic` i-is some p-pwimitive that i-is nyot thwead-safe
w-wet instance = o-osaudiomagic::init();
app.add_systems(stawtup, XD setup_pwatfowm_audio);
ow, ^•ﻌ•^ fow simpwe things, OwO if you don't n-nyeed a fuww-bwown s-system:
if you just nyeed to wwite a system that must wun on
the main thwead, but you don't actuawwy h-have any d-data to stowe,
you can use NonSendMarker
as a dummy.
fn my_main_thwead_system(
mawkew: n-nyonsend<nonsendmawkew>,
// ...
) {
// t-todo: do stuff ...