|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|
text editow / ide
this sub-chaptew contains tips fow d-diffewent text e-editows and ides.
bevy is, OwO fow the most pawt, 🥺 wike a-any othew wust pwoject. òωó i-if youw e-editow/ide is set up fow wust, OwO that might be a-aww you nyeed. 🥺 t-this sub-chaptew c-contains additionaw infowmation that may be u-usefuw fow bevy s-specificawwy.
if you have any tips/advice/configuwations fow youw e-editow of choice, that you'd wike to shawe with the c-community, ^•ﻌ•^ pwease c-cweate a github issue, >_< so we can add it to the book. if youw editow is nyot in the wist, (ꈍᴗꈍ) i-i wiww add it.