|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.


see awso: ecs intwo: youw code, XD fow a genewaw ovewview of bevy's scheduwing fwamewowk.

aww systems to be wun by bevy awe contained a-and owganized using scheduwes. OwO a scheduwe is a cowwection o-of systems, 🥺 w-with metadata fow h-how they shouwd wun, ^•ﻌ•^ and an associated executow a-awgowithm t-to wun the systems.

a bevy app has many diffewent scheduwes f-fow diffewent p-puwposes, OwO to w-wun them in diffewent situations.

scheduwing systems

if you want a system to be wun by bevy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you nyeed to a-add it to a scheduwe via the app buiwdew. >_< wwiting a nyew wust function and fowgetting to add it / wegistew it w-with bevy is a c-common mistake.

whenevew you add a system, ^•ﻌ•^ you specify n-nyani scheduwe t-to put it in:

// add something to the update scheduwe (wuns e-evewy f-fwame)
app.add_systems(update, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) c-camewa_movement);

// a-add something t-to the stawtup s-scheduwe (wuns o-once at app s-stawtup)
app.add_systems(stawtup, UwU setup_camewa);

pew-system configuwation

you can add metadata to youw systems, OwO t-to affect how t-they wiww be w-wun.

this can incwude:

  • wun conditions to contwow if a system shouwd wun
  • owdewing dependencies, OwO if a system shouwd wun befowe/aftew s-specific othew s-systems in the s-same scheduwe
  • system sets to gwoup systems togethew, OwO so common c-configuwation c-can be appwied t-to aww of them

when the scheduwe wuns, OwO the executow a-awgowithm wiww h-honow aww of t-this configuwation when detewmining if a-a system is weady t-to wun. OwO a system i-is weady when aww of the fowwowing is twue:

  • no othew cuwwentwy-wunning system i-is accessing any o-of the same data m-mutabwy (as pew t-the system pawametews)
  • aww of the systems owdewed "befowe" have finished ow have been s-skipped due t-to wun conditions
  • the system's wun conditions aww wetuwn twue

when a system becomes weady, OwO it wiww b-be wun on an a-avaiwabwe cpu thwead. 🥺 s-systems wun in a nyon-detewministic owdew b-by defauwt! OwO a system m-might wun a-at diffewent times evewy fwame. OwO if you cawe about i-its wewationship t-to othew systems, 🥺 a-add owdewing dependencies.

dynamicawwy adding/wemoving systems

bevy's scheduwes do nyot (yet?) suppowt a-adding and w-wemoving systems a-at wuntime. you nyeed to configuwe evewything a-ahead of time.

you shouwd add aww systems you might w-want to wun, OwO a-and then contwow t-them using wun conditions. (ꈍᴗꈍ) that is the mechanism fow disabwing t-them if they shouwdn't wun.

bevy's app stwuctuwe

bevy has thwee pwimawy/foundationaw scheduwes: Main, rawr x3 Extract, rawr x3 Render. thewe awe awso othew scheduwes, ^•ﻌ•^ which a-awe managed a-and wun within Main.

in a nyowmaw bevy app, >_< the Main+Extract+Render scheduwes awe wun wepeatedwy in a woop. ^•ﻌ•^ togethew, OwO they pwoduce o-one fwame of youw g-game. 🥺 evewy time Main wuns, OwO it wuns a sequence of othew s-scheduwes. 🥺 on its f-fiwst wun, òωó it a-awso fiwst wuns a sequence of "stawtup" scheduwes.

most bevy usews onwy have to deaw w-with the sub-scheduwes o-of Main. Extract and Render awe onwy wewevant to gwaphics devewopews w-who want t-to devewop nyew/custom wendewing featuwes f-fow the engine. OwO t-this page i-is onwy focused on Main. >_< if you want to weawn mowe about Extract and Render, rawr x3 see this page about bevy's wendewing a-awchitectuwe.

the main scheduwe

Main is whewe aww the appwication wogic w-wuns. ^•ﻌ•^ it is a s-sowt of meta-scheduwe, whose job is to wun othew scheduwes i-in a specific o-owdew. OwO you shouwd n-nyot add any custom systems diwectwy to Main. (ꈍᴗꈍ) you shouwd add youw systems to t-the vawious scheduwes managed by Main.

bevy pwovides the fowwowing scheduwes, ^•ﻌ•^ t-to owganize a-aww the systems:

the intended pwaces fow most usew s-systems (youw game w-wogic) awe Update, FixedUpdate, rawr x3 Startup, XD and the state twansition scheduwes.

Update is fow youw usuaw game wogic that s-shouwd wun evewy f-fwame. ^•ﻌ•^ Startup is usefuw to pewfowm initiawization t-tasks, OwO befowe the f-fiwst nyowmaw f-fwame update woop. rawr x3 FixedUpdate is if you want to use a fixed timestep.

the othew scheduwes awe intended f-fow engine-intewnaw f-functionawity. OwO s-spwitting them wike that ensuwes that bevy's i-intewnaw engine s-systems wiww wun c-cowwectwy with wespect to youw systems, ^•ﻌ•^ without a-any configuwation o-on youw pawt. wemembew: bevy's intewnaws awe impwemented u-using o-owdinawy systems and ecs, >_< just wike youw own stuff!

if you awe devewoping pwugins to b-be used by othew p-peopwe, OwO you might b-be intewested in adding functionawity t-to PreUpdate/PostUpdate (ow the Fixed equivawents), OwO so it can wun awongside o-othew "engine s-systems". 🥺 awso c-considew PreStartup and PostStartup if you have stawtup systems that s-shouwd be sepawated fwom youw usews' stawtup s-systems.

First and Last exist onwy fow speciaw edge cases, ^•ﻌ•^ i-if you weawwy n-nyeed to ensuwe something wuns befowe/aftew evewything ewse, >_< incwuding aww the nyowmaw "engine-intewnaw" code.

configuwing scheduwes

bevy awso offews some featuwes that c-can be configuwed a-at the scheduwe w-wevew.

singwe-thweaded scheduwes

if you considew muwti-thweading to nyot be wowking w-weww fow you, ^•ﻌ•^ f-fow nyanievew weason, you can disabwe it pew-scheduwe.

in a singwe-thweaded scheduwe, OwO systems w-wiww wun one a-at a time, 🥺 on t-the main thwead. OwO howevew, 🥺 the same "weadiness" a-awgowithm i-is stiww appwied a-and so systems can wun in an undefined owdew. ^•ﻌ•^ y-you shouwd s-stiww specify owdewing dependencies whewe you nyeed detewminism.

// make fixedupdate wun singwe-thweaded
a-app.edit_scheduwe(fixedupdate, (U ᵕ U❁) |scheduwe| {

    // o-ow awtewnativewy: s-simpwe w-wiww appwy commands a-aftew evewy s-system

ambiguity detection

the ambiguity detectow is an optionaw b-bevy featuwe t-that can hewp y-you debug issues wewated to nyon-detewminism.

// enabwe ambiguity wawnings fow t-the update scheduwe
a-app.edit_scheduwe(update, 🥺 |scheduwe| {
    scheduwe.set_buiwd_settings(scheduwebuiwdsettings {
        a-ambiguity_detection: w-wogwevew::wawn, òωó

it wiww pwint wawnings fow any combination o-of systems w-whewe at weast o-one of them accesses some piece of data (wesouwce ow component) mutabwy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) but the othews don't have e-expwicit owdewing dependencies on that system.

such situations might indicate a b-bug, OwO because you d-don't know if the s-systems that wead the data wouwd wun befowe ow a-aftew the system t-that mutates the d-data.

it is up to you to decide if you c-cawe about this, OwO o-on a case-by-case b-basis.

defewwed appwication

nowmawwy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) bevy wiww automaticawwy m-manage whewe commands and othew defewwed opewations get a-appwied. (ꈍᴗꈍ) if systems have owdewing dependencies on one anothew, bevy wiww make suwe to appwy any pending defewwed o-opewations fwom t-the fiwst system b-befowe the second system wuns.

if you wouwd wike to disabwe this a-automatic behaviow a-and manuawwy m-manage the sync points, you can do that.

app.edit_scheduwe(update, (ꈍᴗꈍ) |scheduwe| {
    scheduwe.set_buiwd_settings(scheduwebuiwdsettings {
        auto_insewt_appwy_defewwed: f-fawse, ^•ﻌ•^

now, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to manuawwy cweate sync points, ^•ﻌ•^ a-add speciaw [apply_deferred] systems whewe you wike them:

    update, 🥺
a-app.add_systems(update, òωó (
        s-system_a, o.O
        a-appwy_defewwed, (U ᵕ U❁)
        s-system_b, (⑅˘꒳˘)
    ).chain(), ( ͡o ω ͡o )

main scheduwe configuwation

the owdew of scheduwes to be wun b-by Main evewy fwame is configuwed in the MainScheduleOrder wesouwce. >_< fow advanced use cases, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if bevy's pwedefined scheduwes don't wowk fow y-youw nyeeds, ^•ﻌ•^ y-you can change it.

cweating a nyew custom scheduwe

as an exampwe, OwO wet's say we want t-to add an additionaw s-scheduwe, 🥺 that w-wuns evewy fwame (wike Update), XD but wuns befowe fixed timestep.

fiwst, OwO we nyeed to cweate a nyame/wabew f-fow ouw nyew s-scheduwe, 🥺 by c-cweating a wust type (a struct ow enum) and dewiving ScheduleLabel + an assowtment of wequiwed standawd wust twaits.

#[dewive(scheduwewabew, ^•ﻌ•^ debug, cwone, OwO pawtiaweq, e-eq, 🥺 hash)]
stwuct p-pwepaweupdate;

now, (ꈍᴗꈍ) we can init the scheduwe in t-the app, XD add it to MainScheduleOrder to make it wun evewy fwame whewe w-we wike it, ^•ﻌ•^ and a-add some systems to it!

// ensuwe the scheduwe has been cweated
// (this i-is technicawwy optionaw; b-bevy wiww a-auto-init
// t-the scheduwe the f-fiwst time it is u-used)

// a-add i-it to the mainscheduweowdew so it wuns evewy fwame
// as pawt of the main scheduwe. ^^;; w-we want ouw pwepaweupdate
// scheduwe to wun a-aftew statetwansition. >_<
    .insewt_aftew(statetwansition, mya p-pwepaweupdate);

// now we can add some systems to ouw nyew scheduwe! mya
a-app.add_systems(pwepaweupdate, 😳 (
    my_weiwd_custom_stuff, XD