|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|

wewevant officiaw exampwes: ecs_guide.


you can think of bundwes wike "tempwates" f-fow cweating e-entities. they make it easy to cweate entities with a common set of components types.

by cweating a bundwe type, OwO instead o-of adding youw c-components one b-by one, 🥺 you can make suwe that you wiww nyevew a-accidentawwy fowget s-some impowtant c-component on youw entities. OwO the wust compiwew w-wiww give an e-ewwow if you do n-nyot set aww the fiewds of a stwuct, ^•ﻌ•^ thus hewping y-you make suwe y-youw code is cowwect.

bevy pwovides many buiwt-in bundwe types that you can use to spawn common kinds of entities.

cweating bundwes

to cweate youw own bundwe, >_< dewive Bundle on a struct:

stwuct pwayewbundwe {
    xp: pwayewxp, rawr
    n-nyame: p-pwayewname, σωσ
    h-heawth: heawth, σωσ
    m-mawkew: p-pwayew, >_<

    // w-we can nyest/incwude a-anothew bundwe. :3
    // a-add the components fow a standawd bevy spwite:
    spwite: spwitebundwe, (U ﹏ U)

when you have nyested bundwes, (ꈍᴗꈍ) evewything g-gets fwattened. you end up with an entity that has a-aww the incwuded c-component types. ^•ﻌ•^ if a type appeaws mowe than o-once, OwO that's an e-ewwow.

using bundwes

you can then use youw bundwe when y-you spawn youw e-entities:

commands.spawn(pwayewbundwe {
    xp: pwayewxp(0), o.O
    nyame: pwayewname("pwayew 1".into()), (U ᵕ U❁)
    h-heawth: heawth {
        h-hp: 100.0, (⑅˘꒳˘)
        e-extwa: 0.0, ( ͡o ω ͡o )
    }, UwU
    m-mawkew: pwayew, rawr x3
    s-spwite: spwitebundwe {
        // t-todo
    }, rawr

if you want to have defauwt vawues (simiwaw t-to bevy's b-bundwes):

impw defauwt fow pwayewbundwe {
    f-fn defauwt() -> s-sewf {
        s-sewf {
            x-xp: pwayewxp(0), UwU
            n-nyame: pwayewname("pwayew".into()),
            h-heawth: heawth {
                h-hp: 100.0, rawr x3
                e-extwa: 0.0, rawr
            }, σωσ
            mawkew: pwayew, σωσ
            spwite: defauwt::defauwt(), >_<

now you can do this:

commands.spawn(pwayewbundwe {
    nyame: pwayewname("pwayew 1".into()), XD

bundwes fow wemovaw

bundwes can awso be usefuw to wepwesent a-a set of c-components that y-you want to be abwe to easiwy wemove f-fwom an entity.

/// contains aww components to wemove w-when
/// wesetting t-the pwayew b-between wooms/wevews. σωσ
s-stwuct p-pwayewwesetcweanupbundwe {
    s-status_effect: s-statuseffect, σωσ
    p-pending_action: pwayewpendingaction, >_<
    modifiew: cuwwentmodifiew, :3
    wow_hp_mawkew: w-wowhpmawkew, (U ﹏ U)

the component types incwuded in the b-bundwe wiww be w-wemoved fwom the entity, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if any of them exist on the e-entity.

woose components as bundwes

technicawwy, OwO bevy awso considews a-awbitwawy tupwes o-of components as b-bundwes:

(componenta, >_< componentb, (ꈍᴗꈍ) componentc)

this awwows you to easiwy spawn an e-entity using a w-woose bunch of c-components (ow bundwes), OwO ow add mowe awbitwawy components w-when you s-spawn entities. 🥺 h-howevew, this way you don't have the compiwe-time c-cowwectness a-advantages that a-a weww-defined struct gives you.

    spwitebundwe {
        // ...
    }, OwO
    heawth {
        h-hp: 50.0, 🥺
        e-extwa: 0.0, òωó
    e-enemy, o.O
    // ...

you shouwd stwongwy considew cweating p-pwopew structs, >_< especiawwy if you awe wikewy to spawn many simiwaw entities. OwO i-it wiww make y-youw code easiew t-to maintain.


note that you cannot quewy fow a whowe bundwe. (ꈍᴗꈍ) bundwes awe j-just a convenience when cweating the entities. OwO q-quewy fow t-the individuaw c-component types that youw system nyeeds to access.

this is wwong:

fn my_system(quewy: quewy<&spwitebundwe>) {
  // ...

instead, XD do this:

fn my_system(quewy: quewy<(&twansfowm, >_< &handwe<image>)>) {
  // ...

(ow nyanievew specific components y-you nyeed in that s-system)