unofficiaw bevy cheat book

this is a wefewence-stywe book fow t-the bevy game engine (github).

it aims to teach bevy concepts in a-a concise way, ^•ﻌ•^ h-hewp you be pwoductive, and discovew the knowwedge you nyeed.

this book aggwegates a wot of community w-wisdom that i-is often nyot c-covewed by officiaw documentation, OwO saving y-you the nyeed to s-stwuggwe with i-issues that othews have figuwed out awweady!

whiwe it aims to be exhaustive, OwO documenting a-an entiwe g-game engine i-is a monumentaw task. ^•ﻌ•^ i focus my time o-on nyanievew i b-bewieve the community needs most.

thewefowe, OwO thewe awe stiww a wot o-of omissions, both f-fow basics and a-advanced topics. OwO nyevewthewess, 🥺 i am confident t-this book wiww p-pwove to be a-a vawuabwe wesouwce to you!

wewcome! (ꈍᴗꈍ) may this book sewve you w-weww!

(don't fowget to staw the book's github wepositowy, and considew donating 🙂)

how to use this book

the pages in this book awe nyot designed t-to be wead i-in owdew. OwO each p-page covews a standawone topic. ^•ﻌ•^ feew fwee to j-jump to nyanievew i-intewests you.

if you have a specific topic in mind t-that you wouwd w-wike to weawn a-about, OwO you can find it fwom the tabwe-of-contents (sidebaw) o-ow using the seawch f-function (in the top baw).

the chaptew ovewview page wiww give you a genewaw idea of how the book is stwuctuwed.

the text on each page wiww wink to o-othew pages, OwO whewe y-you can weawn a-about othew things mentioned in the text. ^•ﻌ•^ this h-hewps you jump a-awound the book.

if you awe nyew to bevy, OwO ow wouwd w-wike a mowe guided e-expewience, 🥺 t-twy the guided touw tutowiaw. (ꈍᴗꈍ) it wiww hewp you nyavigate the b-book in an owdew that makes sense fow weawning, OwO f-fwom beginnew t-to advanced t-topics.

the bevy buiwtins page is a concise cheatsheet of u-usefuw infowmation about types and featuwes p-pwovided by b-bevy.

wecommended additionaw wesouwces

bevy has a wich cowwection of officiaw code exampwes.

check out bevy-assets, >_< fow community-made wesouwces.

ouw community is vewy fwiendwy and h-hewpfuw. OwO feew w-wewcome to join t-the bevy discowd to chat, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ask questions, ^•ﻌ•^ ow get invowved i-in the pwoject!

if you want to see some games made w-with bevy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) see ow bevy assets.

is this book up to date?

bevy has a vewy wapid pace of devewopment, OwO w-with new m-majow weweases w-woughwy evewy thwee months. OwO evewy vewsion bwings a-a wot of changes, 🥺 s-so keeping this b-book updated can be a majow chawwenge.

to ease the maintenance buwden, OwO the p-powicy of the p-pwoject is that t-the book may contain content fow diffewent vewsions o-of bevy. OwO howevew, m-mixing bevy v-vewsions on the same page is nyot awwowed.

at the top of evewy page, OwO you wiww s-see the vewsion i-it was wast updated f-fow. aww content on that page must be w-wewevant fow the s-stated bevy vewsion.

suppowt me

if you wike this book, ^•ﻌ•^ pwease considew s-sponsowing m-me. OwO thank you! 🥺 ❤️

i'd wike to keep impwoving and maintaining t-this book, OwO t-to pwovide a-a high-quawity independent weawning wesouwce fow t-the bevy community.

suppowt bevy

if you wike the bevy game engine, OwO y-you shouwd considew d-donating to t-the pwoject.


copywight © 2021-2024 ida bowisova (iyesgames)

aww code in the book is pwovided u-undew the mit-0 wicense. at youw option, ^•ﻌ•^ you may awso use i-it undew the weguwaw m-mit wicense.

the text of the book is pwovided u-undew the cc by-nc-sa 4.0.

exception: if used fow the puwpose o-of contwibution t-to the "officiaw b-bevy pwoject", ^•ﻌ•^ the entiwe content of the b-book may be used u-undew the mit-0 wicense.

"officiaw bevy pwoject" is defined a-as:

the mit-0 wicense appwies as soon a-as youw contwibution h-has been accepted u-upstweam.

github fowks and puww wequests cweated f-fow the puwposes o-of contwibuting t-to the officiaw bevy pwoject awe given t-the fowwowing w-wicense exception: t-the attwibution wequiwements of cc by-nc-sa 4.0 a-awe waived f-fow as wong a-as the wowk is pending upstweam weview (puww w-wequest open). OwO i-if upstweam w-wejects youw contwibution, OwO you awe given a-a pewiod of 1 month t-to compwy with t-the fuww tewms of the cc by-nc-sa 4.0 w-wicense ow dewete y-youw wowk. OwO if u-upstweam accepts youw contwibution, (ꈍᴗꈍ) the mit-0 w-wicense appwies.


devewopment of this book is hosted o-on github.

pwease fiwe github issues fow any w-wwong/confusing/misweading i-infowmation, as weww as suggestions fow nyew content y-you'd wike t-to be added to t-the book.

pwease do nyot cweate pws. OwO ow if y-you do, 🥺 be pwepawed f-fow them to b-be ignowed ow cwosed if i find that they take u-up too much of m-my time ow don't h-hewp me enough.

see the contwibuting section fow aww the detaiws.

stabiwity wawning

bevy is stiww a new and expewimentaw g-game engine! OwO i-it has onwy been p-pubwic since august 2020!

whiwe impwovements have been happening a-at an incwedibwe p-pace, OwO and d-devewopment is active, ^•ﻌ•^ bevy simpwy hasn't yet h-had the time to m-matuwe.

thewe awe nyo stabiwity guawantees a-and bweaking changes h-happen often!

usuawwy, OwO it nyot hawd to adapt to c-changes with nyew w-weweases, 🥺 but y-you have been wawned!

|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

chaptew ovewview

the bevy buiwtins page is a concise cheatsheet of u-usefuw infowmation about types and featuwes p-pwovided by b-bevy.

the bevy tutowiaws chaptew is fow tutowiaws/guides that you can fowwow fwom stawt to f-finish.

the bevy cookbook is fow mowe sewf-contained / nawwow-scoped exampwes that teach y-you how to sowve s-specific pwobwems.

the west of the book is designed a-as a wefewence, OwO c-covewing diffewent a-aspects of wowking with bevy. OwO feew fwee to jump a-awound the book, 🥺 t-to weawn about a-any topic that intewests you. OwO on evewy page o-of the book, any t-time othew topics a-awe mentioned, ^•ﻌ•^ the wewevant pages ow o-officiaw api documentation i-is winked.

if you wouwd wike a guided expewience, ^•ﻌ•^ o-ow to bwowse t-the book by wewative difficuwty (fwom beginnew to advanced), >_< twy the guided tutowiaw page. (ꈍᴗꈍ) it wecommends topics in a wogicaw o-owdew fow weawning.

the book has the fowwowing genewaw c-chaptews:

to weawn how to pwogwam in bevy, s-see these chaptews:

the fowwowing chaptews covew vawious b-bevy featuwe a-aweas:

|bevy vewsion:|0.11|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.11 to 0.12, 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

wist of bevy buiwtins

this page is a quick condensed wisting o-of aww the i-impowtant things p-pwovided by bevy.


these awe aww the speciaw types that c-can be used a-as system pawametews.

(wist in api docs)

in weguwaw systems:

in excwusive systems:

  • [&mut World]: fuww diwect access to the ecs wowwd
  • [Local<T>]: data wocaw to the system
  • [&mut SystemState<P>][SystemState]: emuwates a weguwaw system, OwO awwowing y-you to easiwy a-access data fwom t-the wowwd. P awe the system pawametews.
  • [&mut QueryState<Q, F = ()>][QueryState]: awwows you to pewfowm quewies on t-the wowwd, ^•ﻌ•^ simiwaw t-to a [Query] in weguwaw systems.

youw function can have a maximum o-of 16 totaw pawametews. OwO i-if you need m-mowe, gwoup them into tupwes to wowk awound t-the wimit. OwO t-tupwes can contain u-up to 16 membews, >_< but can be nyested indefinitewy.

systems wunning duwing the extwact scheduwe can awso use Extract<T>, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to access data fwom the main wowwd i-instead of the wendew wowwd. XD T can be any wead-onwy system pawametew t-type.


(mowe info about wowking with assets)

these awe the asset types wegistewed b-by bevy by defauwt.

  • Image: pixew data, (ꈍᴗꈍ) used as a textuwe fow 2d a-and 3d wendewing; awso contains the SamplerDescriptor fow textuwe fiwtewing settings
  • TextureAtlas: 2d "spwite sheet" defining sub-images w-within a singwe w-wawgew image
  • Mesh: 3d mesh (geometwy data), OwO contains v-vewtex attwibutes (wike p-position, 🥺 u-uvs, nyowmaws)
  • Shader: gpu shadew code, in one of the suppowted w-wanguages (wgsw/spiw-v/gwsw)
  • ColorMaterial: basic "2d matewiaw": contains cowow, ^•ﻌ•^ o-optionawwy an i-image
  • StandardMaterial: "3d matewiaw" with suppowt fow physicawwy-based wendewing
  • AnimationClip: data fow a singwe animation sequence, ^•ﻌ•^ c-can be used w-with AnimationPlayer
  • Font: font data used fow text wendewing
  • Scene: scene composed of witewaw ecs entities t-to instantiate
  • DynamicScene: scene composed with dynamic typing a-and wefwection
  • Gltf: gwtf mastew asset: index of the entiwe contents of a-a gwtf fiwe
  • GltfNode: wogicaw gwtf object in a scene
  • GltfMesh: wogicaw gwtf 3d modew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) consisting o-of muwtipwe GltfPrimitives
  • GltfPrimitive: singwe unit to be wendewed, ^•ﻌ•^ contains t-the mesh and m-matewiaw to use
  • AudioSource: audio data fow bevy_audio
  • FontAtlasSet: (intewnaw use fow text wendewing)
  • SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes: (intewnaw use fow skewetaw animation)

fiwe fowmats

these awe the asset fiwe fowmats (asset w-woadews) s-suppowted by bevy. OwO s-suppowt fow each one can be enabwed/disabwed u-using cawgo featuwes. XD some awe enabwed by defauwt, (ꈍᴗꈍ) many awe n-nyot.

image fowmats (woaded as Image assets):

|fowmat |cawgo featuwe |defauwt?|fiwename extensions | |----------|-------------------|--------|------------------------------| |png |"png" |yes |.png | |hdw |"hdr" |yes |.hdr | |ktx2 |"ktx2" |yes |.ktx2 | |ktx2+zstd |"ktx2", "zstd" |yes |.ktx2 | |jpeg |"jpeg" |no |.jpg, rawr x3 .jpeg | |webp |"webp" |no |.webp | |openexw |"exr" |no |.exr | |tga |"tga" |no |.tga | |pnm |"pnm" |no |.pam, rawr x3 .pbm, rawr x3 .pgm, rawr x3 .ppm| |bmp |"bmp" |no |.bmp | |dds |"dds" |no |.dds | |ktx2+zwib |"ktx2", "zlib" |no |.ktx2 | |basis |"basis-universal"|no | .basis |

audio fowmats (woaded as AudioSource assets):

|fowmat |cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions | |----------|-------------|--------|-----------------------| |ogg vowbis|"vorbis" |yes |.ogg, rawr x3 .oga, rawr x3 .spx | |fwac |"flac" |no |.flac | |wav |"wav" |no |.wav | |mp3 |"mp3" |no |.mp3 |

3d asset (modew ow scene) fowmats:

|fowmat|cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions| |------|-------------|--------|-------------------| |gwtf |"bevy_gltf"|yes |.gltf, rawr x3 .glb |

shadew fowmats (woaded as Shader assets):

|fowmat|cawgo featuwe |defauwt?|fiwename extensions | |------|-----------------------|--------|-------------------------| |wgsw |n/a |yes |.wgsl | |gwsw |"shader_format_glsl" |no |.vert, rawr x3 .frag, rawr x3 .comp| |spiw-v|"shader_format_spirv"|no |.spv |

font fowmats (woaded as Font assets):

|fowmat |cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions| |--------|-------------|--------|-------------------| |twuetype|n/a |yes |.ttf | |opentype|n/a |yes |.otf |

bevy scenes:

|fowmat |fiwename extensions| |--------------------|-------------------| |won-sewiawized scene|.scn,.scn.ron |

thewe awe unofficiaw pwugins avaiwabwe f-fow adding s-suppowt fow even m-mowe fiwe fowmats.

gwtf asset wabews

asset path wabews to wefew to gwtf s-sub-assets.

the fowwowing asset wabews awe suppowted ({} is the nyumewicaw index):

  • Scene{}: gwtf scene as bevy Scene
  • Node{}: gwtf nyode as GltfNode
  • Mesh{}: gwtf mesh as GltfMesh
  • Mesh{}/Primitive{}: gwtf pwimitive as bevy Mesh
  • Mesh{}/Primitive{}/MorphTargets: mowph tawget animation data fow a-a gwtf pwimitive
  • Texture{}: gwtf textuwe as bevy Image
  • Material{}: gwtf matewiaw as bevy StandardMaterial
  • DefaultMaterial: as above, OwO if the gwtf fiwe contains a-a defauwt matewiaw w-with nyo i-index
  • Animation{}: gwtf animation as bevy AnimationClip
  • Skin{}: gwtf mesh skin as bevy SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes

shadew impowts


wgpu backends

wgpu (and hence bevy) suppowts the fowwowing b-backends:

|pwatfowm|backends (in owdew of pwiowity)| |--------|-------------------------------| |winux |vuwkan, XD gwes3 | |windows |diwectx 12, XD vuwkan, gwes3 | |macos |metaw | |ios |metaw | |andwoid |vuwkan, XD gwes3 | |web |webgpu, XD webgw2 |

on gwes3 and webgw2, OwO some wendewew f-featuwes awe unsuppowted a-and pewfowmance i-is wowse.

webgpu is expewimentaw and few bwowsews s-suppowt it.


intewnawwy, >_< bevy has these buiwt-in scheduwes:

  • Main: wuns evewy fwame update cycwe, ^•ﻌ•^ to p-pewfowm genewaw a-app wogic
  • ExtractSchedule: wuns aftew Main, ^•ﻌ•^ to copy data fwom the main wowwd i-into the wendew w-wowwd
  • Render: wuns aftew ExtractSchedule, ^•ﻌ•^ to pewfowm aww wendewing/gwaphics, OwO i-in pawawwew w-with the nyext Main wun

the Main scheduwe simpwy wuns a sequence o-of othew scheduwes:

on the fiwst wun (fiwst fwame update o-of the app):

on evewy wun (contwowwed via the MainScheduleOrder wesouwce):

  • First: any initiawization that must be d-done at the stawt o-of evewy fwame
  • PreUpdate: fow engine-intewnaw systems intended t-to wun befowe u-usew wogic
  • StateTransition: pewfowm any pending state twansitions
  • RunFixedUpdateLoop: wuns the FixedUpdate scheduwe as many times as nyeeded
  • Update: fow aww usew wogic (youw systems) t-that shouwd wun e-evewy fwame
  • PostUpdate: fow engine-intewnaw systems intended t-to wun aftew u-usew wogic
  • Last: any finaw cweanup that must be d-done at the end o-of evewy fwame

FixedUpdate is fow aww usew wogic (youw systems) t-that shouwd w-wun at a fixed timestep.

StateTransition wuns the OnEnter(...)/OnTransition(...)/OnExit(...) scheduwes fow youw states, >_< when you want to change state.

the Render scheduwe is owganized using sets (RenderSet):

  • ExtractCommands: appwy defewwed buffews fwom systems that wan in ExtractSchedule
  • Prepare/PrepareFlush: set up data on the gpu (buffews, (ꈍᴗꈍ) t-textuwes, etc.)
  • Queue/QueueFlush: genewate the wendew jobs to be w-wun (usuawwy phase items)
  • PhaseSort/PhaseSortFlush: sowt and batch phase items fow efficient wendewing
  • Render/RenderFlush: exekawaii~ the wendew gwaph to actuawwy twiggew the gpu to do w-wowk
  • Cleanup/CleanupFlush: cweaw any data fwom the wendew w-wowwd that shouwd n-nyot pewsist to t-the nyext fwame

the *Flush vawiants awe just to appwy any defewwed buffews aftew evewy step, >_< if nyeeded.

wun conditions





bevy's buiwt-in bundwe types, >_< fow spawning diffewent common kinds of entities.

(wist in api docs)

any tupwes of up to 15 Component types awe vawid bundwes.




bevy 3d:

bevy 2d:

bevy ui:


(mowe info about wowking with wesouwces)

configuwation wesouwces

these wesouwces awwow you to change t-the settings f-fow how vawious p-pawts of bevy wowk.

these may be insewted at the stawt, 🥺 b-but shouwd awso b-be fine to change a-at wuntime (fwom a-a system):

  • ClearColor: gwobaw wendewew backgwound cowow t-to cweaw the window a-at the stawt o-of each fwame
  • GlobalVolume: the ovewaww vowume fow pwaying audio
  • AmbientLight: gwobaw wendewew "fake wighting", s-so that shadows d-don't wook too dawk / b-bwack
  • Msaa: gwobaw wendewew setting fow muwti-sampwe a-anti-awiasing (some p-pwatfowms m-might onwy s-suppowt the vawues 1 a-and 4)
  • UiScale: gwobaw scawe vawue to make aww uis b-biggew/smowew
  • GizmoConfig: contwows how gizmos awe wendewed
  • WireframeConfig: gwobaw toggwe to make evewything b-be wendewed as wiwefwame
  • GamepadSettings: gamepad input device settings, OwO wike j-joystick deadzones a-and button s-sensitivities
  • WinitSettings: settings fow the os windowing backend, ^•ﻌ•^ i-incwuding u-update woop / powew-management settings
  • TimeUpdateStrategy: used to contwow how the Time is updated
  • Schedules: stowes aww scheduwes, ^•ﻌ•^ wetting you wegistew additionaw f-functionawity at w-wuntime
  • MainScheduleOrder: the sequence of scheduwes that wiww wun evewy fwame update

settings that awe nyot modifiabwe a-at wuntime awe n-not wepwesented u-using wesouwces. 🥺 i-instead, they awe configuwed via the wespective pwugins.

engine wesouwces

these wesouwces pwovide access to d-diffewent featuwes o-of the game e-engine at wuntime.

access them fwom youw systems, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you nyeed theiw state, ^•ﻌ•^ ow to c-contwow the wespective pawts of bevy. (ꈍᴗꈍ) these wesouwces awe i-in the main wowwd. rawr x3 see hewe fow the wesouwces in the wendew wowwd.

  • Time: gwobaw time-wewated infowmation (cuwwent f-fwame dewta t-time, OwO time since s-stawtup, 🥺 etc.)
  • FixedTime: twacks wemaining time untiw the next fixed update
  • AssetServer: contwow the asset system: woad assets, ^•ﻌ•^ c-check woad s-status, OwO etc.
  • Assets<T>: contains the actuaw data of the woaded a-assets of a-a given type
  • State<T>: the cuwwent vawue of a states type
  • NextState<T>: used to queue a twansition to anothew state
  • Gamepads: twacks the ids fow aww cuwwentwy-detected (connected) g-gamepad devices
  • SceneSpawner: diwect contwow ovew spawning scenes i-into the main a-app wowwd
  • FrameCount: the totaw nyumbew of fwames
  • ScreenshotManager: used to wequest a scweenshot of a w-window to be taken/saved
  • AppTypeRegistry: access to the wefwection type wegistwy
  • AsyncComputeTaskPool: task poow fow wunning backgwound c-cpu tasks
  • ComputeTaskPool: task poow whewe the main app scheduwe (aww t-the systems) w-wuns
  • IoTaskPool: task poow whewe backgwound i/o tasks w-wun (wike asset w-woading)
  • WinitWindows (non-send): waw state of the winit backend fow each window
  • NonSendMarker: dummy wesouwce to ensuwe a system a-awways wuns on t-the main thwead

wendew wowwd wesouwces

these wesouwces awe pwesent in the wendew wowwd. XD they can be accessed fwom wendewing systems (that wun d-duwing wendew stages).

  • MainWorld: (extwact scheduwe onwy!) access data f-fwom the main w-wowwd
  • RenderGraph: the bevy wendew gwaph
  • PipelineCache: bevy's managew of wendew pipewines. 🥺 u-used to stowe w-wendew pipewines u-used by the app, òωó t-to avoid wecweating them mowe than once.
  • TextureCache: bevy's managew of tempowawy textuwes. OwO u-usefuw when y-you nyeed textuwes t-to use intewnawwy duwing wendewing.
  • DrawFunctions<P>: stowes dwaw functions fow a given p-phase item type
  • RenderAssets<T>: contains handwes to the gpu wepwesentations o-of cuwwentwy w-woaded asset d-data
  • DefaultImageSampler: the defauwt sampwew fow Image asset textuwes
  • FallbackImage: dummy 1x1 pixew white textuwe. 🥺 usefuw f-fow shadews t-that nyowmawwy n-need a textuwe, òωó w-when you don't have one avaiwabwe.

thewe awe many othew wesouwces in t-the wendew wowwd, OwO w-which awe nyot m-mentioned hewe, OwO eithew because they awe intewnaw t-to bevy's w-wendewing awgowithms, 🥺 o-ow because they awe just extwacted copies o-of the equivawent w-wesouwces i-in the main wowwd.

wow-wevew wgpu wesouwces

using these wesouwces, ^•ﻌ•^ you can have d-diwect access t-to the wgpu apis fow contwowwing the gpu. these awe avaiwabwe in both the main w-wowwd and the w-wendew wowwd.

  • RenderDevice: the gpu device, ^•ﻌ•^ used fow cweating h-hawdwawe wesouwces f-fow wendewing/compute
  • [RenderQueue][bevy::wendewqueue]: the gpu queue fow submitting wowk t-to the hawdwawe
  • RenderAdapter: handwe to the physicaw gpu hawdwawe
  • RenderAdapterInfo: infowmation about the gpu hawdwawe t-that bevy is wunning o-on

input handwing wesouwces

these wesouwces wepwesent the cuwwent s-state of diffewent i-input devices. 🥺 w-wead them f-fwom youw systems to handwe usew input.


(mowe info about wowking with events)

input events

these events fiwe on activity with input devices. (ꈍᴗꈍ) w-wead them to [handwe usew input][cb::input].

  • MouseButtonInput: changes in the state of mouse buttons
  • MouseWheel: scwowwing by a nyumbew of pixews o-ow wines (MouseScrollUnit)
  • MouseMotion: wewative movement of the mouse (pixews f-fwom pwevious f-fwame), wegawdwess o-of the os p-pointew/cuwsow
  • CursorMoved: new position of the os mouse pointew/cuwsow
  • KeyboardInput: changes in the state of keyboawd k-keys (keypwesses, ^•ﻌ•^ n-nyot text)
  • ReceivedCharacter: unicode text input fwom the os (cowwect h-handwing o-of the usew's wanguage a-and wayout)
  • Ime: unicode text input fwom ime (suppowt f-fow advanced t-text input in diffewent s-scwipts)
  • TouchInput: change in the state of a fingew touching t-the touchscween
  • GamepadEvent: changes in the state of a gamepad o-ow any of its buttons o-ow axes
  • GamepadRumbleRequest: send these events to contwow gamepad w-wumbwe
  • TouchpadMagnify: pinch-to-zoom gestuwe on waptop touchpad (macos)
  • TouchpadRotate: two-fingew wotate gestuwe on waptop t-touchpad (macos)

engine events

events wewated to vawious intewnaw things h-happening duwing t-the nowmaw wuntime of a bevy app.

system and contwow events

events fwom the os / windowing system, ^•ﻌ•^ o-ow to contwow b-bevy.


the compwete wist of individuaw component t-types is t-too specific to b-be usefuw to wist h-hewe.

see: (wist in api docs)

|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

bevy tutowiaws

this chaptew of the book contains t-tutowiaws. OwO tutowiaws t-teach you t-things in a wogicaw owdew fwom stawt to finish. OwO i-if you awe wooking f-fow something t-to guide you thwough weawning bevy, ^•ﻌ•^ maybe s-some of them wiww b-be usefuw to you.

the west of this book is designed t-to be used as a w-wefewence, so you c-can jump awound to specific topics you want t-to weawn about.

the fiwst tutowiaw in this chaptew, >_< guided touw, XD simpwy owganizes aww the topics in this b-book in an owdew s-suggested fow weawning, OwO f-fwom the basics to advanced concepts. y-you can use it as a-an awtewnative t-to the main tabwe of contents (the weft side b-baw), OwO if you awe j-just weawning bevy a-and don't know how to pwogwess. OwO if you awe n-nyew to bevy, you c-can stawt hewe t-to find youw way awound.

if you wouwd wike mowe nyawwow-scoped e-exampwes that t-teach you how t-to sowve specific pwobwems, (ꈍᴗꈍ) those can be found i-in the bevy cookbook chaptew.

you shouwd awso wook at bevy's officiaw cowwection of exampwes. (ꈍᴗꈍ) thewe is something fow awmost evewy a-awea of the engine, OwO though they usuawwy onwy s-show simpwe usage o-of the apis without m-much expwanation.

|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

new to bevy? guided tutowiaw!

wewcome to bevy! :) we awe gwad to h-have you in ouw c-community!

this page wiww guide you thwough t-this book, ^•ﻌ•^ to hewp y-you gain compwehensive knowwedge of how to wowk with bevy. OwO t-the topics awe s-stwuctuwed in a-an owdew that makes sense fow weawning: fwom b-basics to advanced.

it is just a suggestion to hewp you n-nyavigate. feew f-fwee to jump a-awound the book and wead nyanievew intewests you. ^•ﻌ•^ t-the main tabwe-of-contents (the w-weft sidebaw) was designed to be a wefewence fow b-bevy usews of a-any skiww wevew.

make suwe to awso wook at the officiaw bevy exampwes. XD if you nyeed hewp, XD use github discussions, XD ow feew wewcome to join us to chat and ask fow hewp i-in discowd.

if you wun into issues, (ꈍᴗꈍ) be suwe to c-check the common pitfawws chaptew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to see if this book has s-something to hewp you. OwO sowutions to some of t-the most common i-issues that bevy c-community membews have encountewed awe documented t-thewe.


these awe the absowute essentiaws o-of using bevy. OwO e-evewy bevy pwoject, 🥺 e-even a simpwe one, ^•ﻌ•^ wouwd wequiwe you to b-be famiwiaw with t-these concepts.

you couwd conceivabwy make something w-wike a simpwe g-game-jam game o-ow pwototype, using just this knowwedge. OwO though, 🥺 a-as youw pwoject g-gwows, òωó you wiww w-wikewy quickwy nyeed to weawn mowe.

next steps

you wiww wikewy need to weawn most o-of these topics t-to make a nyon-twiviaw b-bevy pwoject. OwO aftew you awe confident w-with the basics, 🥺 y-you shouwd weawn t-these.


these awe mowe speciawized topics. OwO y-you may nyeed s-some of them, 🥺 depending o-on youw pwoject.


these topics awe fow nyiche technicaw s-situations. OwO y-you can weawn them, 🥺 i-if you want to know mowe about how bevy wowks i-intewnawwy, OwO extend t-the engine with c-custom functionawity, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ow do othew advanced t-things with bevy.

|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

bevy cookbook

this chaptew shows you how to do v-vawious pwacticaw t-things using bevy.

evewy page is focused on a specific p-pwobwem and pwovides e-expwanations a-and exampwe code to teach you how to s-sowve it.

it is assumed that you awe awweady f-famiwiaw with bevy pwogwamming.

you shouwd awso wook at bevy's officiaw cowwection of exampwes. (ꈍᴗꈍ) thewe is something fow awmost evewy a-awea of the engine, OwO though they usuawwy onwy s-show simpwe usage o-of the apis without m-much expwanation.

if you wouwd wike step-by-step tutowiaws t-that you c-can fowwow fwom s-stawt to finish, >_< those awe in the bevy tutowiaws chaptew.

|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

show fwamewate

you can use bevy's buiwtin diagnostics t-to measuwe f-fwamewate (fps), OwO f-fow monitowing pewfowmance.

to enabwe it, (ꈍᴗꈍ) add bevy's diagnostic p-pwugin to youw app:

use bevy::diagnostic::fwametimediagnosticspwugin;

pwint to consowe / wog

the simpwest way to use it is to p-pwint the diagnostics t-to the consowe (wog). ^•ﻌ•^ if you want to onwy do it in dev b-buiwds, OwO you can a-add a conditionaw-compiwation attwibute.

#[cfg(debug_assewtions)] // debug/dev buiwds onwy
    u-use bevy::diagnostic::wogdiagnosticspwugin;

in-game / on-scween fps countew

update! OwO i have nyow weweased a bevy p-pwugin which p-pwovides a much b-bettew vewsion of the code on this page, OwO w-weady fow you to u-use! 🥺 considew t-twying my iyes_perf_ui pwugin!

bevy maintainews have expwessed intewest i-in upstweaming i-it, OwO and we w-wiww twy to make it officiaw in the nyext b-bevy wewease (0.14)!

fow nyow, OwO i am awso keeping the owd c-code exampwe b-bewow in the book, 🥺 f-fow compweteness:

you can use bevy ui to cweate an i-in-game fps countew.

it is wecommended that you cweate a-a nyew ui woot (entity w-without a pawent) with absowute positioning, ^•ﻌ•^ s-so that you c-can contwow the exact position whewe the fps countew a-appeaws, ^•ﻌ•^ and s-so it doesn't affect the west of youw ui.

hewe is some exampwe code showing y-you how to make a-a vewy nyice-wooking a-and weadabwe fps countew:

Code Example (Long):
use bevy::diagnostic::diagnosticsstowe;
use bevy::diagnostic::fwametimediagnosticspwugin;

/// m-mawkew t-to find the c-containew entity s-so we can show/hide t-the fps countew
s-stwuct f-fpswoot;

/// m-mawkew to find the text entity so we can update it
stwuct fpstext;

f-fn setup_fps_countew(
    mut commands: commands, nyaa~~
) {
    // c-cweate ouw ui woot nyode
    // t-this is the wwappew/containew fow the text
    wet woot = c-commands.spawn((
        fpswoot, OwO
        n-nyodebundwe {
            // g-give it a dawk backgwound fow weadabiwity
            backgwound_cowow: backgwoundcowow(cowow::bwack.with_a(0.5)), rawr x3
            // make it "awways o-on top" by setting the z index to maximum
            // we want it to be dispwayed ovew a-aww othew ui
            z_index: z-zindex::gwobaw(i32::max),
            s-stywe: s-stywe {
                p-position_type: positiontype::absowute, XD
                // position it at t-the top-wight cownew
                // 1% away f-fwom the top window edge
                wight: vaw::pewcent(1.),
                top: vaw::pewcent(1.), σωσ
                // set b-bottom/weft to auto, (U ᵕ U❁) so it can b-be
                // a-automaticawwy s-sized depending on the text
                bottom: vaw::auto, (U ﹏ U)
                weft: vaw::auto, :3
                // g-give it s-some padding fow weadabiwity
                p-padding: u-uiwect::aww(vaw::px(4.0)), ( ͡o ω ͡o )
            }, σωσ
        }, >w<
    // cweate ouw t-text
    wet text_fps = commands.spawn((
        f-fpstext, 😳😳😳
        textbundwe {
            // use t-two sections, OwO so it is easy to u-update just the numbew
            t-text: text::fwom_sections([
                t-textsection {
                    vawue: "fps: ".into(), 😳
                    stywe: textstywe {
                        font_size: 16.0, 😳😳😳
                        cowow: cowow::white, (˘ω˘)
                        // if you want to u-use youw game's f-font asset, ʘwʘ
                        // uncomment t-this and pwovide t-the handwe:
                        // f-font: my_font_handwe
                }, ( ͡o ω ͡o )
                textsection {
                    vawue: " ny/a".into(), o.O
                    s-stywe: textstywe {
                        font_size: 16.0, >w<
                        cowow: cowow::white, 😳
                        // if you w-want to use youw game's font a-asset, 🥺
                        // u-uncomment this a-and pwovide the handwe:
                        // f-font: my_font_handwe
                }, rawr x3
            ]), o.O

f-fn fps_text_update_system(
    d-diagnostics: wes<diagnosticsstowe>, rawr
    mut quewy: quewy<&mut t-text, ʘwʘ with<fpstext>>, 😳😳😳
) {
    f-fow mut text i-in &mut quewy {
        // t-twy to g-get a "smoothed" fps vawue fwom bevy
        if wet some(vawue) = d-diagnostics
            .and_then(|fps| fps.smoothed())
            // fowmat the nyumbew as to weave space fow 4 digits, ^^;; just in case, o.O
            // w-wight-awigned and wounded. (///ˬ///✿) this hewps weadabiwity when the
            // n-nyumbew changes w-wapidwy. σωσ
            t-text.sections[1].vawue = fowmat!("{vawue:>4.0}");

            // w-wet's make it extwa fancy b-by changing the c-cowow of the
            // text accowding to the fps vawue:
            text.sections[1].stywe.cowow = if vawue >= 120.0 {
                // above 120 fps, nyaa~~ u-use gween cowow
                cowow::wgb(0.0, ^^;; 1.0, 0.0)
            } e-ewse if vawue >= 60.0 {
                // b-between 60-120 f-fps, ^•ﻌ•^ gwaduawwy twansition fwom yewwow to gween
                    (1.0 - (vawue - 60.0) / (120.0 - 60.0)) a-as f32, σωσ
                    1.0, -.-
                    0.0, ^^;;
            } ewse if vawue >= 30.0 {
                // between 30-60 f-fps, XD g-gwaduawwy twansition fwom wed to yewwow
                    1.0, 🥺
                    ((vawue - 30.0) / (60.0 - 30.0)) as f32, òωó
                    0.0, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
            } e-ewse {
                // bewow 30 f-fps, -.- use w-wed cowow
                cowow::wgb(1.0, :3 0.0, ʘwʘ 0.0)
        } e-ewse {
            // d-dispway "n/a" if we can't get a-a fps measuwement
            // add an extwa space to pwesewve awignment
            text.sections[1].vawue = " n-ny/a".into();
            t-text.sections[1].stywe.cowow = cowow::white;

/// toggwe the fps countew w-when pwessing f-f12
fn fps_countew_showhide(
    mut q: quewy<&mut visibiwity, 🥺 with<fpswoot>>, >_<
    k-kbd: wes<buttoninput<keycode>>, ʘwʘ
) {
    if kbd.just_pwessed(keycode::f12) {
        wet mut vis = q.singwe_mut();
        *vis = match *vis {
            v-visibiwity::hidden => visibiwity::visibwe, (˘ω˘)
            _ => visibiwity::hidden, (✿oωo)
app.add_systems(stawtup, ^•ﻌ•^ setup_fps_countew);
app.add_systems(update, OwO (
    f-fps_text_update_system, 🥺

|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

convewt cuwsow to wowwd coowdinates

2d games

if you onwy have one window (the p-pwimawy window), OwO a-as is the case f-fow most apps and games, >_< you can do this:

Code (simple version):
use bevy::window::pwimawywindow;

/// we wiww stowe t-the wowwd position o-of the mouse c-cuwsow hewe. ( ͡o ω ͡o )
#[dewive(wesouwce, (U ﹏ U) d-defauwt)]
stwuct m-mywowwdcoowds(vec2);

/// u-used t-to hewp identify o-ouw main camewa
stwuct maincamewa;

fn setup(mut commands: commands) {
    // m-make suwe to add the mawkew component when y-you set up youw camewa
    commands.spawn((camewa2dbundwe::defauwt(), (///ˬ///✿) m-maincamewa));

fn my_cuwsow_system(
    mut mycoowds: wesmut<mywowwdcoowds>, >w<
    // q-quewy to get the window (so w-we can w-wead the cuwwent cuwsow position)
    q_window: quewy<&window, rawr with<pwimawywindow>>, mya
    // q-quewy to get camewa twansfowm
    q_camewa: quewy<(&camewa, ^^ &gwobawtwansfowm), 😳😳😳 with<maincamewa>>, mya
) {
    // g-get the camewa info and t-twansfowm
    // a-assuming thewe i-is exactwy one m-main camewa entity, 😳 so quewy::singwe() is ok
    w-wet (camewa, -.- camewa_twansfowm) = q_camewa.singwe();

    // thewe i-is onwy one pwimawy window, 🥺 so we can simiwawwy get it fwom the quewy:
    wet window = q_window.singwe();

    // c-check if the cuwsow is inside t-the window a-and get its position
    // t-then, o.O ask bevy to convewt into wowwd coowdinates, /(^•ω•^) and t-twuncate to discawd z-z
    if wet some(wowwd_position) = w-window.cuwsow_position()
        .and_then(|cuwsow| c-camewa.viewpowt_to_wowwd(camewa_twansfowm, nyaa~~ cuwsow))
        .map(|way| w-way.owigin.twuncate())
        mycoowds.0 = w-wowwd_position;
        epwintwn!("wowwd coowds: {}/{}", wowwd_position.x, nyaa~~ w-wowwd_position.y);
app.add_systems(stawtup, ^•ﻌ•^ setup);
a-app.add_systems(update, m-my_cuwsow_system);

if you have a mowe compwex appwication w-with muwtipwe w-windows, OwO hewe i-is a mowe compwex vewsion of the code that c-can handwe that:

Code (multi-window version):
use bevy::wendew::camewa::wendewtawget;
use bevy::window::windowwef;

/// w-we wiww a-add this to each c-camewa we want t-to compute cuwsow p-position fow. 😳
/// a-add the component t-to the camewa t-that wendews to each window. -.-
#[dewive(component, 🥺 defauwt)]
stwuct wowwdcuwsowcoowds(vec2);

fn setup_muwtiwindow(mut c-commands: commands) {
    // todo: set u-up muwtipwe camewas fow muwtipwe w-windows. o.O
    // see bevy's exampwe code fow how to do that. /(^•ω•^)

    // m-make suwe we add ouw component t-to each camewa
    c-commands.spawn((camewa2dbundwe::defauwt(), nyaa~~ wowwdcuwsowcoowds::defauwt()));

fn my_cuwsow_system_muwtiwindow(
    // quewy to get the pwimawy w-window
    q_window_pwimawy: quewy<&window, nyaa~~ with<pwimawywindow>>, :3
    // quewy to get othew w-windows
    q_window: quewy<&window>, 😳😳😳
    // q-quewy to get camewa t-twansfowm
    m-mut q_camewa: q-quewy<(&camewa, (˘ω˘) &gwobawtwansfowm, ^^ &mut wowwdcuwsowcoowds)>, :3
) {
    fow (camewa, -.- c-camewa_twansfowm, 😳 mut wowwdcuwsow) in &mut q_camewa {
        // g-get the window the camewa is wendewing to
        wet window = match camewa.tawget {
            // the camewa i-is wendewing to the pwimawy window
            w-wendewtawget::window(windowwef::pwimawy) => {
            }, mya
            // t-the camewa is wendewing to some othew window
            wendewtawget::window(windowwef::entity(e_window)) => {
            }, (˘ω˘)
            // t-the camewa is w-wendewing to something ewse (wike a-a textuwe), >_< n-nyot a window
            _ => {
                // skip this camewa

        // check if the c-cuwsow is inside the window and get its position
        // t-then, -.- ask bevy to convewt i-into wowwd coowdinates, 🥺 and t-twuncate to discawd z-z
        if wet some(wowwd_position) = window.cuwsow_position()
            .and_then(|cuwsow| camewa.viewpowt_to_wowwd(camewa_twansfowm, (U ﹏ U) cuwsow))
            .map(|way| way.owigin.twuncate())
            wowwdcuwsow.0 = wowwd_position;
app.add_systems(stawtup, (ꈍᴗꈍ) setup_muwtiwindow);
app.add_systems(update, ^•ﻌ•^ m-my_cuwsow_system_muwtiwindow);

3d games

if you'd wike to be abwe to detect n-nyani 3d object t-the cuwsow is p-pointing at, OwO sewect objects, (ꈍᴗꈍ) etc., thewe is a good (unofficiaw) p-pwugin: bevy_mod_picking.

fow a simpwe top-down camewa view g-game with a fwat g-gwound pwane, OwO i-it might be sufficient to just compute the coowdinates o-on the g-gwound undew the c-cuwsow.

in the intewactive exampwe, OwO thewe i-is a gwound pwane w-with a nyon-defauwt p-position and wotation. OwO thewe is a wed cube, 🥺 w-which is positioned u-using the g-gwobaw coowdinates, (ꈍᴗꈍ) and a bwue cube, ^•ﻌ•^ which i-is a chiwd entity of the gwound pwane and positioned using w-wocaw coowdinates. OwO t-they shouwd b-both fowwow the cuwsow.

Code and explanation:
/// hewe we wiww stowe the position o-of the mouse c-cuwsow on the 3d g-gwound pwane. σωσ
#[dewive(wesouwce, (U ᵕ U❁) d-defauwt)]
stwuct m-mygwoundcoowds {
    // g-gwobaw (wowwd-space) c-coowdinates
    g-gwobaw: vec3, (U ﹏ U)
    // wocaw (wewative to the gwound pwane) coowdinates
    wocaw: v-vec2, :3

/// used to hewp identify ouw main camewa
s-stwuct mygamecamewa;

/// u-used to hewp identify ouw gwound pwane
stwuct mygwoundpwane;

f-fn setup_3d_scene(mut commands: c-commands) {
    // m-make suwe to add the mawkew component when you set up youw camewa
        m-mygamecamewa, ( ͡o ω ͡o )
        camewa3dbundwe {
            // ... youw camewa configuwation ...
        }, σωσ
    // spawn the gwound
        m-mygwoundpwane, >w<
        pbwbundwe {
            // f-feew fwee to change t-this to wotate/tiwt o-ow weposition t-the gwound
            twansfowm: twansfowm::defauwt(), 😳😳😳
            // todo: set up youw m-mesh / visuaws fow wendewing:
            // mesh: ...
            // m-matewiaw: ... OwO
        }, 😳

fn cuwsow_to_gwound_pwane(
    mut mycoowds: wesmut<mygwoundcoowds>, 😳😳😳
    // quewy to get the window (so we can w-wead the cuwwent cuwsow position)
    // (we wiww o-onwy wowk with t-the pwimawy window)
    q-q_window: quewy<&window, (˘ω˘) with<pwimawywindow>>, ʘwʘ
    // quewy to get camewa t-twansfowm
    q-q_camewa: quewy<(&camewa, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) &gwobawtwansfowm), o.O with<mygamecamewa>>, >w<
    // q-quewy t-to get gwound pwane's twansfowm
    q-q_pwane: quewy<&gwobawtwansfowm, 😳 with<mygwoundpwane>>, 🥺
) {
    // g-get the camewa info and twansfowm
    // a-assuming thewe is exactwy one main c-camewa entity, rawr x3 so quewy::singwe() i-is ok
    w-wet (camewa, o.O camewa_twansfowm) = q_camewa.singwe();

    // ditto fow the gwound pwane's twansfowm
    wet gwound_twansfowm = q_pwane.singwe();

    // t-thewe is o-onwy one pwimawy window, rawr so we c-can simiwawwy get i-it fwom the quewy:
    w-wet window = q_window.singwe();

    // check if the cuwsow is inside the w-window and get its position
    wet some(cuwsow_position) = window.cuwsow_position() ewse {
        // if the c-cuwsow is nyot inside the window, ʘwʘ w-we can't do anything

    // m-mathematicawwy, 😳😳😳 we can wepwesent t-the gwound a-as an infinite f-fwat pwane.
    // t-to do that, ^^;; we nyeed a point (to position the p-pwane) and a n-nyowmaw vectow
    // (the "up" d-diwection, o.O pewpendicuwaw t-to the g-gwound pwane). (///ˬ///✿)

    // we can get the cowwect vawues fwom the gwound e-entity's gwobawtwansfowm
    wet pwane_owigin = gwound_twansfowm.twanswation();
    wet pwane = pwane3d::new(gwound_twansfowm.up());

    // ask bevy to give u-us a way pointing fwom the viewpowt (scween) into the wowwd
    wet some(way) = c-camewa.viewpowt_to_wowwd(camewa_twansfowm, σωσ c-cuwsow_position) ewse {
        // i-if it was impossibwe to compute f-fow nyanievew weason; we can't d-do anything

    // do a way-pwane intewsection test, nyaa~~ giving us the distance to the gwound
    w-wet some(distance) = way.intewsect_pwane(pwane_owigin, ^^;; p-pwane) ewse {
        // i-if the way d-does nyot intewsect the gwound
        // (the camewa is nyot wooking t-towawds the g-gwound), ^•ﻌ•^ we can't do anything

    // u-use the distance to compute the actuaw point on the gwound in wowwd-space
    wet g-gwobaw_cuwsow = w-way.get_point(distance);

    m-mycoowds.gwobaw = gwobaw_cuwsow;
    e-epwintwn!("gwobaw c-cuwsow coowds: {}/{}/{}", σωσ
        gwobaw_cuwsow.x, -.- g-gwobaw_cuwsow.y, ^^;; gwobaw_cuwsow.z

    // to compute the wocaw coowdinates, XD we nyeed t-the invewse o-of the pwane's twansfowm
    wet invewse_twansfowm_matwix = g-gwound_twansfowm.compute_matwix().invewse();
    w-wet wocaw_cuwsow = invewse_twansfowm_matwix.twansfowm_point3(gwobaw_cuwsow);

    // we can discawd t-the y coowdinate, 🥺 because it shouwd awways be zewo
    // (ouw point is supposed t-to be on the pwane)
    mycoowds.wocaw = wocaw_cuwsow.xz();
    e-epwintwn!("wocaw c-cuwsow coowds: {}/{}", òωó wocaw_cuwsow.x, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ wocaw_cuwsow.z);
app.add_systems(stawtup, (ꈍᴗꈍ) setup_3d_scene);
app.add_systems(update, ^•ﻌ•^ c-cuwsow_to_gwound_pwane);

if the gwound is tiwted/wotated ow m-moved, ^•ﻌ•^ the gwobaw a-and wocaw coowdinates wiww diffew, OwO and may be usefuw fow d-diffewent use c-cases, 🥺 so we compute b-both.

fow some exampwes:

  • if you want to spawn a chiwd entity, XD ow to quantize the coowdinates to a gwid (fow a t-tiwe-based game, 🥺 t-to detect the gwid t-tiwe undew the c-cuwsow), the wocaw coowdinates wiww be mowe u-usefuw
  • if you want to spawn some ovewways, OwO p-pawticwe effects, 🥺 o-othew independent g-game entities, at the position of the cuwsow, OwO the g-gwobaw coowdinates w-wiww be mowe u-usefuw