|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
system sets
system sets awwow you to easiwy appwy c-common pwopewties t-to muwtipwe s-systems, such as owdewing and wun conditions.
anything you add to the set wiww a-automaticawwy be a-appwied to aww s-systems bewonging to the set.
a system can bewong to muwtipwe diffewent s-sets, OwO and w-wiww inhewit a-aww the pwopewties fwom aww of them. OwO you c-can awso add additionaw p-pwopewties t-to individuaw systems.
aww of this combined gives you a w-wot of fwexibiwity a-and contwow ovew h-how youw systems w-wun.
anonymous sets
the simpwest kind of system set is w-when you just add a tupwe of
muwtipwe systems using .add_systems
update, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^
system_a, OwO
s-system_b, š„ŗ
this syntax is usefuw when you just w-want to appwy s-some common configuwation t-to muwtipwe systems.
named sets
this is the mowe fowmaw and powewfuw w-way to use system s-sets.
you can cweate a wust type (struct
ow enum
) to sewve as a wabew/identifiew,
so you can wefew to the set fwom d-diffewent pwaces.
fow a singwe set, >< cweate an empty struct
. >< if you nyeed to cweate muwtipwe
wewated sets, >< cweate an enum
. >< evewy vawiant of the enum
is a sepawate system
you nyeed to dewive SystemSet
+ an assowtment of wequiwed standawd w-wust twaits:
#[dewive(systemset, >_< debug, cwone, :3 pawtiaweq, eq, h-hash)]
stwuct myaudioset;
#[dewive(systemset, (U ļ¹ U) debug, c-cwone, -.- pawtiaweq, e-eq, (Ė ļ» Ė)ā” hash)]
s-stwuct myinputset;
#[dewive(systemset, (ā
Ėź³Ė) d-debug, c-cwone, (U įµ Uā) pawtiaweq, e-eq, -.- hash)]
enum m-myinputkindset {
mouse, ^^;;
gamepad, >_<
#[dewive(systemset, mya debug, mya cwone, pawtiaweq, š³ eq, hash)]
e-enum mygamepwayset {
pwayew, XD
enemies, :3
now, (źį“ź) you can appwy the set to youw s-systems using .in_set()
app.add_systems(update, UwU (
.wun_if(music_enabwed), rawr x3
pway_ui_sounds, rawr
).in_set(myaudioset), ĻĻĻ
p-pwayew_movement, ĻĻĻ
.aftew(pwayew_movement), >_<
p-pwayew_wevew_up, :3
.in_set(myaudioset), (U ļ¹ U)
).in_set(mygamepwayset::pwayew), -.-
e-enemy_movement, (Ė ļ» Ė)ā”
.aftew(mygamepwayset::pwayew), (ā
.in_set(myaudioset), (U įµ Uā)
m-mouse_cuwsow_twacking, -.-
m-mouse_cwicks, ^^;;
).in_set(myinputkindset::mouse), >_<
g-gamepad_cuwsow_twacking, mya
gamepad_buttons, mya
).in_set(myinputkindset::gamepad), š³
touch_gestuwes, XD
).in_set(myinputkindset::touch), :3
).in_set(myinputset), š³š³š³
you can add wun conditions and owdewing
dependencies on youw set using .configure_sets
app.configuwe_sets(update, OwO (
.wun_if(audio_enabwed), š„ŗ
.wun_if(pwayew_is_awive), Ć²ĻĆ³
.wun_if(enemies_pwesent), o.O
.wun_if(touchscween_enabwed), (U įµ Uā)
.wun_if(mouse_enabwed), (ā
.wun_if(gamepad_connected), ( Ķ”o Ļ Ķ”o )
the main use case of nyamed system s-sets is fow wogicaw o-owganization, OwO s-so that you can manage youw systems and wefew t-to the whowe gwoup.
some exampwes:
- a set fow aww youw audio-wewated s-systems, š„ŗ so you c-can disabwe them a-aww if sound is m-muted.
- a set fow aww youw touchscween input s-systems, š„ŗ so y-you can disabwe t-them aww if thewe i-is nyo touchscween.
- a set fow aww youw input handwing s-systems, š„ŗ so you c-can owdew them t-to wun befowe gamepway s-systems.
- a set fow aww youw gamepway systems, OwO s-so that they o-onwy wun duwing t-the in-game state.
with pwugins
named sets awe awso vewy usefuw togethew w-with pwugins. XD when you awe wwiting
a pwugin, >_< you can expose (make pub
) some system set types, (źį“ź) to awwow u-usews of youw
pwugin to contwow how things in youw p-pwugin wun, š„ŗ o-ow how theiw things w-wun in wewation t-to
youw pwugin. OwO this way, š„ŗ you don't h-have to expose any o-of youw individuaw s-systems.
some exampwes:
- you awe making a physics pwugin. m-make a set fow youw w-whowe pwugin, š„ŗ s-so youw usews c-can easiwy owdew theiw systems to wun b-befowe/aftew physics. OwO t-they can a-awso easiwy contwow whethew youw physics wuns at aww, OwO b-by adding an extwa w-wun condition t-to youw set.
- you awe using pwugins fow intewnaw o-owganization in y-youw pwoject. OwO y-you have an ui pwugin. cweate a system set fow the systems t-that nyeed to u-update ui state f-fwom gamepway state, so that you can easiwy add owdewing d-dependencies b-between ui and gamepway. OwO o-othew pwugins / pwaces in youw code nyow don't n-need to know about t-the intewnaws o-of youw ui pwugin.
common pitfawws
wawning! (źį“ź) system set configuwation i-is stowed pew-scheduwe! nyotice how
we had to specify .configure_sets(Update, ...)
. (źį“ź) it can be vewy easy to configuwe y-youw
sets once and then just assume you c-can use them anywhewe, OwO b-but that i-is nyot twue.
if you twy to use them in a scheduwe othew than the one whewe you configuwed them, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ youw code w-wiww compiwe a-and wun (bevy siwentwy initiawizes the sets in each scheduwe), OwO b-but wiww n-nyot wowk cowwectwy, š„ŗ a-as they wiww nyot have any of youw configuwations.
some common scenawios whewe this c-can occuw:
- you configuwe youw set in
and twy to awso use it inFixedUpdate
, XD ow vice vewsa. - you twy to use youw sets in the
scheduwes of vawious app states. - you add a system to