|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
hosting on github pages
github pages is a hosting sewvice t-that awwows you t-to pubwish youw w-website on github's sewvews.
fow mowe detaiws, >_< visit the officiaw github pages documentation.
depwoying a website (wike youw wasm g-game) to github p-pages is done b-by putting the fiwes in a speciaw bwanch i-in a github w-wepositowy. OwO you c-couwd cweate a sepawate wepositowy fow t-this, OwO but you couwd a-awso do it fwom t-the same wepositowy as youw souwce code.
you wiww nyeed the finaw website f-fiwes fow depwoyment.
cweate an empty bwanch in youw git w-wepositowy:
git checkout --owphan web
git weset --hawd
you shouwd nyow be in an empty wowking d-diwectowy.
put aww fiwes nyecessawy fow hosting, OwO i-incwuding youw h-htmw, 🥺 wasm, òωó j-javascwipt,
and assets
fiwes, >_< and commit them into git:
git add *
git commit
(ow bettew, OwO manuawwy wist youw fiwes i-in the above c-command, 🥺 in pwace o-of the *
push youw nyew bwanch to github:
git push -u owigin web --fowce
in the github web ui, OwO go to the wepositowy s-settings, 🥺 g-go to the "github p-pages"
section, ^•ﻌ•^ then undew "souwce" pick t-the bwanch "web" a-and the /
(woot) fowdew.
then cwick "save".
wait a wittwe bit, ^•ﻌ•^ and youw site s-shouwd become avaiwabwe a-at