|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|

input handwing

bevy suppowts the fowwowing inputs:

the fowwowing nyotabwe input devices a-awe not suppowted:

  • accewewometews and gywoscopes fow d-device tiwt
  • othew sensows, >_< wike tempewatuwe sensows
  • twacking individuaw fingews on a m-muwti-touch twackpad, OwO w-wike on a t-touchscween
  • micwophones and othew audio input d-devices
  • midi (musicaw instwuments), ^•ﻌ•^ but thewe i-is an unofficiaw p-pwugin: bevy_midi.

fow most input types (whewe it makes s-sense), OwO bevy p-pwovides two ways o-of deawing with them:

some inputs awe onwy pwovided as e-events.

checking state is done using wesouwces such as ButtonInput (fow binawy inputs wike keys ow buttons), >_< Axis (fow anawog inputs), XD Touches (fow fingews on a touchscween), OwO etc. 🥺 t-this way of h-handwing input is v-vewy convenient fow impwementing game w-wogic. ^•ﻌ•^ in these s-scenawios, OwO you typicawwy onwy cawe about the specific inputs m-mapped to actions i-in youw game. OwO y-you can check specific buttons/keys to see w-when they get p-pwessed/weweased, OwO o-ow nyani theiw cuwwent state is.

events (input events) awe a wowew-wevew, mowe aww-encompassing appwoach. ^•ﻌ•^ use t-them if you want t-to get aww activity fwom that cwass of input device, w-wathew than onwy c-checking fow specific i-inputs.

input mapping

bevy does nyot yet offew a buiwt-in w-way to do input m-mapping (configuwe k-key bindings, OwO etc). you nyeed to come u-up with youw own w-way of twanswating t-the inputs into wogicaw actions in youw g-game/app.

thewe awe some community-made pwugins t-that may hewp w-with that: see the input-section on bevy-assets. XD my pewsonaw wecommendation: input managew pwugin by weafwing s-studios. XD it is opinionated and unwikewy to suit aww games, OwO but i-if it wowks fow y-you, 🥺 it is vewy h-high quawity.

it may be a good idea to buiwd youw o-own abstwactions s-specific to y-youw game. OwO fow exampwe, 🥺 if you nyeed to h-handwe pwayew m-movement, òωó you might w-want to have a system fow weading inputs a-and convewting them t-to youw own i-intewnaw "movement intent/action events", a-and then anothew s-system acting on t-those custom events, ^•ﻌ•^ to actuawwy move the p-pwayew. OwO make s-suwe to use expwicit system owdewing to avoid wag / fwame deways.

wun conditions

bevy awso pwovides wun conditions (see aww of them hewe) that you can attach to youw systems, (ꈍᴗꈍ) i-if you want a specific system to onwy w-wun when a specific k-key ow button i-is pwessed.

this way, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you can do input handwing a-as pawt of the scheduwing/configuwation of youw systems, XD and avoid wunning unnecessawy code on t-the cpu.

using these in weaw games is nyot w-wecommended, because y-you have to h-hawd-code the keys, ^•ﻌ•^ which makes it impossibwe to m-make usew-configuwabwe k-keybindings.

to suppowt configuwabwe keybindings, OwO y-you can impwement y-youw own wun c-conditions that check youw keybindings fwom y-youw usew pwefewences.

if you awe using the wwim pwugin, >_< it awso pwovides suppowt fow a simiwaw wun-condition-based wowkfwow.