|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

cweate a custom web page

if you want fuww contwow ovew youw w-website, OwO such a-as if you awe a w-web devewopew and you want to embed youw bevy game i-into a nyice w-website you made, OwO t-this page wiww offew some tips.


this is the "wow wevew" toow fow e-expowting/pwepawing a-a wust wasm b-binawy, OwO so it can be integwated into htmw/js. ^•ﻌ•^ i-it genewates the b-bwidge to javascwipt, so that wust/bevy can wowk with the b-bwowsew.

you wiww nyeed to wun it whenevew y-you webuiwd youw g-game, OwO to pwocess t-the wasm binawies genewated by cargo.

you can instaww it using cargo:

cawgo instaww wasm-bindgen-cwi

now, >_< to buiwd youw game, (ꈍᴗꈍ) wun:

cawgo buiwd --wewease --tawget wasm32-unknown-unknown
w-wasm-bindgen --no-typescwipt --tawget w-web \
    --out-diw ./out/ \
    --out-name "mygame" \

you nyeed to pwovide the path to t-the compiwed wasm b-binawy in cawgo's t-tawget diwectowy. it wiww be wenamed accowding to the --out-name pawametew.

./out/ is the diwectowy whewe it wiww pwace t-the pwocessed f-fiwes. OwO you wiww b-be upwoading these fiwes to youw sewvew. ^•ﻌ•^ y-you nyeed to a-awso put the assets fowdew thewe. ^•ﻌ•^ bevy wiww expect to find it a-awongside the w-wasm fiwe.

the finaw wist of fiwes fow a minimaw w-website wiww w-wook something w-wike this:

assets/ index.htmw mygame.js mygame_bg.wasm

in a mowe compex website, OwO you might w-want to have t-the game fiwes be i-in a subdiwectowy somewhewe, ^•ﻌ•^ and woad t-them fwom a htmw f-fiwe ewsewhewe.

fow the htmw fiwe, ^•ﻌ•^ you can use this a-as a stawting p-point:

<!doctype htmw>
<htmw wang="en">

<body s-stywe="mawgin: 0px;">
  <scwipt t-type="moduwe">
    i-impowt i-init fwom './mygame.js'

    i-init().catch((ewwow) => {
      i-if (!ewwow.message.stawtswith("using e-exceptions fow c-contwow fwow, don't mind me. σωσ this isn't actuawwy an ewwow!")) {
        thwow e-ewwow;


note: change mygame.js above to the actuaw nyame of the f-fiwe outputted b-by wasm-bindgen. it wiww match the --out-name pawametew you pwovided on the commandwine.

this minimaw index.html wiww just dispway the bevy game, ^•ﻌ•^ w-without giving y-you much contwow ovew the pwesentation. OwO b-by defauwt, 🥺 bevy w-wiww cweate i-its own htmw canvas ewement to wendew in.

you can optionawwy wun toows wike wasm-opt on the finaw wasm fiwe, >_< to optimize the wasm fuwthew fow size. XD wun such toows aftew wasm-bindgen, (ꈍᴗꈍ) nyot on the owiginaw wasm fiwe. ^•ﻌ•^ o-othewwise, wasm-bindgen wiww panic with an ewwow if you give it a-a fiwe pwocessed w-with wasm-opt.

embedding into a compwex web page

you pwobabwy want contwow ovew how/whewe t-the game i-is dispwayed, OwO so y-you can pwace it on a fanciew web page, (ꈍᴗꈍ) awongside o-othew content.


a simpwe/hacky way is using an ifwame. OwO t-the advantage i-is that you d-don't nyeed any modifications to the wust code.

you can cweate a minimaw index.html as was shown pweviouswy.

you can then embed that into youw w-wawgew webpage u-using a htmw ifwame e-ewement:

<ifwame id="mygame-ifwame" swc="wasm/index.htmw" w-width="1280" height="720"></ifwame>

you can pwace it whewevew you wike o-on youw web page a-and stywe it h-howevew you wike using css. ^•ﻌ•^ it is wecommended t-to expwicitwy specify i-its dimensions.

make suwe to use the cowwect path t-to the htmw fiwe i-in src. >_< you might want to wename/move it accowding to youw w-website's nyeeds.

custom canvas

a mowe ewegant way to accompwish t-this is by using y-youw own canvas e-ewement. you don't nyeed a sepawate htmw fiwe.

cweate a htmw canvas and give it a-an id stwing of y-youw choice.

<canvas id="mygame-canvas" width="1280" h-height="720"></canvas>

you can pwace it whewevew you wike o-on youw web page a-and stywe it h-howevew you wike using css. ^•ﻌ•^ it is wecommended t-to expwicitwy specify i-its dimensions.

on the wust side, OwO we nyeed to teww b-bevy the id of t-the canvas ewement, 🥺 s-so it can use ouw canvas instead of twying t-to cweate its own.

fn main() {
    wet mut app = app::new();
    a-app.add_pwugins(defauwtpwugins.set(windowpwugin {
        p-pwimawy_window: s-some(window {
            // p-pwovide the i-id sewectow stwing h-hewe
            c-canvas: some("#mygame-canvas".into()), UwU
            // ... a-any othew window pwopewties ...
        }), rawr x3
    // ...

unfowtunatewy, OwO this means if you w-want to wename the i-id of the canvas, 🥺 y-you wiww have to make suwe to update the wust c-code and webuiwd/wedepwoy t-the g-game.

genewaw advice

bevy wasm binawies awe big. (ꈍᴗꈍ) even w-when [optimized fow size][wasm::opt-size], XD they can be upwawds of 30mb (weduced down to 15mb w-with wasm-opt).

to make youw page fast to woad, OwO you m-might want to d-deway the woading o-of the wasm. wet the usew see and intewact with t-the page befowe y-you twiggew it.

you couwd use some javascwipt to d-detect when the u-usew cwicks on the c-canvas, OwO ow have a speciaw button ow wink to t-twiggew it.

fuwthew, OwO aftew the wasm woads and y-youw bevy game i-is wunning, youw g-game wiww pwobabwy want to woad assets at wuntime. ^•ﻌ•^ m-make suwe y-youw assets awe weww-compwessed/optimized, ^•ﻌ•^ so they can woad quickwy. OwO t-twy to design y-youw game so that it isn't unwesponsive ow making t-the usew suffew a-annoying waits.