|bevy vewsion:|0.11|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.11 to 0.12, 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
wist of bevy buiwtins
this page is a quick condensed wisting o-of aww the i-impowtant things p-pwovided by bevy.
- systempawams
- assets
- fiwe fowmats
- gwtf asset wabews
- shadew impowts
backends- scheduwes
- wun conditions
- pwugins
- bundwes
- wesouwces (configuwation)
- wesouwces (engine usew)
- wesouwces (input)
- events (input)
- events (engine)
- events (system/contwow)
- components
these awe aww the speciaw types that c-can be used a-as system pawametews.
in weguwaw systems:
: manipuwate the ecs using commandsQuery<T, F = ()>
(can contain tupwes of up to 15 t-types): access to entities and componentsRes<T>
: shawed access to a wesouwceResMut<T>
: excwusive (mutabwe) access to a wesouwceOption<Res<T>>
: shawed access to a wesouwce that m-may nyot existOption<ResMut<T>>
: excwusive (mutabwe) access to a wesouwce that may n-nyot existLocal<T>
: data wocaw to the systemEventReader<T>
: weceive eventsEventWriter<T>
: send events&World
: wead-onwy diwect access to the ecs wowwdParamSet<...>
(with up to 8 pawams): wesowve confwicts between incompatibwe system p-pawametewsDeferred<T>
: custom "defewwed mutation", XD simiwaw toCommands
, >_< but fow youw own thingsRemovedComponents<T>
: wemovaw detectionGizmos
: a way to dwaw wines and shapes on the scween fow debugging and d-dev puwposesDiagnostics
: a way to wepowt measuwements/debug data to bevy fow twacking and visuawizationSystemName
: the nyame (stwing) of the system, ^•ﻌ•^ m-may be usefuw fow d-debuggingParallelCommands
: abstwaction to hewp useCommands
when you wiww do youw own pawawwewismWorldId
: the wowwd id of the wowwd the system is wunning onComponentIdFor<T>
: get theComponentId
of a given component typeEntities
: wow-wevew ecs metadata: aww entitiesComponents
: wow-wevew ecs metadata: aww componentsBundles
: wow-wevew ecs metadata: aww bundwesArchetypes
: wow-wevew ecs metadata: aww awchetypesSystemChangeTick
: wow-wevew ecs metadata: tick used f-fow change detectionNonSend<T>
: shawed access to non-Send
(main thwead onwy) dataNonSendMut<T>
: excwusive access to non-Send
(main thwead onwy) dataOption<NonSend<T>>
: shawed access to non-Send
(main thwead onwy) data that may n-nyot existOption<NonSendMut<T>>
: excwusive access to non-Send
(main thwead onwy) data that may n-nyot existStaticSystemParam
: hewpew fow genewic system abstwactions, ^•ﻌ•^ t-to avoid w-wifetime annotations- tupwes containing any of these types, ^•ﻌ•^ w-with up to 16 m-membews
- [
&mut World
]: fuww diwect access to the ecs wowwd - [
]: data wocaw to the system - [
&mut SystemState<P>
]: emuwates a weguwaw system, OwO awwowing y-you to easiwy a-access data fwom t-the wowwd.P
awe the system pawametews. - [
&mut QueryState<Q, F = ()>
]: awwows you to pewfowm quewies on t-the wowwd, ^•ﻌ•^ simiwaw t-to a [Query
] in weguwaw systems.
youw function can have a maximum o-of 16 totaw pawametews. OwO i-if you need m-mowe, gwoup them into tupwes to wowk awound t-the wimit. OwO t-tupwes can contain u-up to 16 membews, >_< but can be nyested indefinitewy.
systems wunning duwing the extwact scheduwe can awso use
, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to access data fwom the main wowwd i-instead of the
wendew wowwd. XD T
can be any wead-onwy system pawametew t-type.
(mowe info about wowking with assets)
these awe the asset types wegistewed b-by bevy by defauwt.
: pixew data, (ꈍᴗꈍ) used as a textuwe fow 2d a-and 3d wendewing; awso contains theSamplerDescriptor
fow textuwe fiwtewing settingsTextureAtlas
: 2d "spwite sheet" defining sub-images w-within a singwe w-wawgew imageMesh
: 3d mesh (geometwy data), OwO contains v-vewtex attwibutes (wike p-position, 🥺 u-uvs, nyowmaws)Shader
: gpu shadew code, in one of the suppowted w-wanguages (wgsw/spiw-v/gwsw)ColorMaterial
: basic "2d matewiaw": contains cowow, ^•ﻌ•^ o-optionawwy an i-imageStandardMaterial
: "3d matewiaw" with suppowt fow physicawwy-based wendewingAnimationClip
: data fow a singwe animation sequence, ^•ﻌ•^ c-can be used w-withAnimationPlayer
: font data used fow text wendewingScene
: scene composed of witewaw ecs entities t-to instantiateDynamicScene
: scene composed with dynamic typing a-and wefwectionGltf
: gwtf mastew asset: index of the entiwe contents of a-a gwtf fiweGltfNode
: wogicaw gwtf object in a sceneGltfMesh
: wogicaw gwtf 3d modew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) consisting o-of muwtipweGltfPrimitive
: singwe unit to be wendewed, ^•ﻌ•^ contains t-the mesh and m-matewiaw to useAudioSource
: audio data fowbevy_audio
: (intewnaw use fow text wendewing)SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes
: (intewnaw use fow skewetaw animation)
fiwe fowmats
these awe the asset fiwe fowmats (asset w-woadews) s-suppowted by bevy. OwO s-suppowt fow each one can be enabwed/disabwed u-using cawgo featuwes. XD some awe enabwed by defauwt, (ꈍᴗꈍ) many awe n-nyot.
image fowmats (woaded as Image
|fowmat |cawgo featuwe |defauwt?|fiwename extensions |
|png |"png"
|yes |.png
|hdw |"hdr"
|yes |.hdr
|ktx2 |"ktx2"
|yes |.ktx2
|ktx2+zstd |"ktx2", "zstd"
|yes |.ktx2
|jpeg |"jpeg"
|no |.jpg
, rawr x3 .jpeg
|webp |"webp"
|no |.webp
|openexw |"exr"
|no |.exr
|tga |"tga"
|no |.tga
|pnm |"pnm"
|no |.pam
, rawr x3 .pbm
, rawr x3 .pgm
, rawr x3 .ppm
|bmp |"bmp"
|no |.bmp
|dds |"dds"
|no |.dds
|ktx2+zwib |"ktx2", "zlib"
|no |.ktx2
|basis |"basis-universal"
|no | .basis
audio fowmats (woaded as AudioSource
|fowmat |cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions |
|ogg vowbis|"vorbis"
|yes |.ogg
, rawr x3 .oga
, rawr x3 .spx
|fwac |"flac"
|no |.flac
|wav |"wav"
|no |.wav
|mp3 |"mp3"
|no |.mp3
3d asset (modew ow scene) fowmats:
|fowmat|cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions|
|gwtf |"bevy_gltf"
|yes |.gltf
, rawr x3 .glb
shadew fowmats (woaded as Shader
|fowmat|cawgo featuwe |defauwt?|fiwename extensions |
|wgsw |n/a |yes |.wgsl
|gwsw |"shader_format_glsl"
|no |.vert
, rawr x3 .frag
, rawr x3 .comp
|no |.spv
font fowmats (woaded as Font
|fowmat |cawgo featuwe|defauwt?|fiwename extensions|
|twuetype|n/a |yes |.ttf
|opentype|n/a |yes |.otf
bevy scenes:
|fowmat |fiwename extensions|
|won-sewiawized scene|.scn
thewe awe unofficiaw pwugins avaiwabwe f-fow adding s-suppowt fow even m-mowe fiwe fowmats.
gwtf asset wabews
asset path wabews to wefew to gwtf s-sub-assets.
the fowwowing asset wabews awe suppowted ({}
is the nyumewicaw index):
: gwtf scene as bevyScene
: gwtf nyode asGltfNode
: gwtf mesh asGltfMesh
: gwtf pwimitive as bevyMesh
: mowph tawget animation data fow a-a gwtf pwimitiveTexture{}
: gwtf textuwe as bevyImage
: gwtf matewiaw as bevyStandardMaterial
: as above, OwO if the gwtf fiwe contains a-a defauwt matewiaw w-with nyo i-indexAnimation{}
: gwtf animation as bevyAnimationClip
: gwtf mesh skin as bevySkinnedMeshInverseBindposes
shadew impowts
(and hence bevy) suppowts the fowwowing b-backends:
|pwatfowm|backends (in owdew of pwiowity)| |--------|-------------------------------| |winux |vuwkan, XD gwes3 | |windows |diwectx 12, XD vuwkan, gwes3 | |macos |metaw | |ios |metaw | |andwoid |vuwkan, XD gwes3 | |web |webgpu, XD webgw2 |
on gwes3 and webgw2, OwO some wendewew f-featuwes awe unsuppowted a-and pewfowmance i-is wowse.
webgpu is expewimentaw and few bwowsews s-suppowt it.
intewnawwy, >_< bevy has these buiwt-in scheduwes:
: wuns evewy fwame update cycwe, ^•ﻌ•^ to p-pewfowm genewaw a-app wogicExtractSchedule
: wuns aftewMain
, ^•ﻌ•^ to copy data fwom the main wowwd i-into the wendew w-wowwdRender
: wuns aftewExtractSchedule
, ^•ﻌ•^ to pewfowm aww wendewing/gwaphics, OwO i-in pawawwew w-with the nyextMain
the Main
scheduwe simpwy wuns a sequence o-of othew scheduwes:
on the fiwst wun (fiwst fwame update o-of the app):
on evewy wun (contwowwed via the MainScheduleOrder
: any initiawization that must be d-done at the stawt o-of evewy fwamePreUpdate
: fow engine-intewnaw systems intended t-to wun befowe u-usew wogicStateTransition
: pewfowm any pending state twansitionsRunFixedUpdateLoop
: wuns theFixedUpdate
scheduwe as many times as nyeededUpdate
: fow aww usew wogic (youw systems) t-that shouwd wun e-evewy fwamePostUpdate
: fow engine-intewnaw systems intended t-to wun aftew u-usew wogicLast
: any finaw cweanup that must be d-done at the end o-of evewy fwame
is fow aww usew wogic (youw systems) t-that shouwd w-wun at a fixed timestep.
wuns the
scheduwes fow youw states, >_< when you want to change state.
the Render
scheduwe is owganized using sets (RenderSet
: appwy defewwed buffews fwom systems that wan inExtractSchedule
: set up data on the gpu (buffews, (ꈍᴗꈍ) t-textuwes, etc.)Queue
: genewate the wendew jobs to be w-wun (usuawwy phase items)PhaseSort
: sowt and batch phase items fow efficient wendewingRender
: exekawaii~ the wendew gwaph to actuawwy twiggew the gpu to do w-wowkCleanup
: cweaw any data fwom the wendew w-wowwd that shouwd n-nyot pewsist to t-the nyext fwame
the *Flush
vawiants awe just to appwy any defewwed buffews aftew evewy step, >_< if nyeeded.
wun conditions
bevy's buiwt-in bundwe types, >_< fow spawning diffewent common kinds of entities.
any tupwes of up to 15 Component
types awe vawid bundwes.
: contains the wequiwed twansfowm and visibiwity components that must be incwuded o-on aww entities that nyeed wendewing ow hiewawchyTransformBundle
: contains onwy the twansfowm types, (ꈍᴗꈍ) s-subset ofSpatialBundle
: contains onwy the visibiwity types, (ꈍᴗꈍ) s-subset ofSpatialBundle
: used fow spawning scenesDynamicSceneBundle
: used fow spawning dynamic scenes
: pway [audio][cb::audio] fwom anAudioSource
: pway positionaw audio fwom anAudioSource
: pway audio fwom a custom data souwce/stweamSpatialAudioSourceBundle
: pway positionaw audio fwom a custom data souwce/stweam
bevy 3d:
: 3d camewa, ^•ﻌ•^ can use pewspective (defauwt) o-ow owthogwaphic p-pwojectionTemporalAntiAliasBundle
: add this to a 3d camewa to enabwe t-taaScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBundle
: add this to a 3d camewa to enabwe s-ssaoMaterialMeshBundle
: 3d object/pwimitive: a mesh and a c-custom matewiaw t-to dwaw it withPbrBundle
with the defauwt physicawwy-based m-matewiaw (StandardMaterial
: 3d diwectionaw wight (wike the sun)PointLightBundle
: 3d point wight (wike a wamp ow candwe)SpotLightBundle
: 3d spot wight (wike a pwojectow ow f-fwashwight)
bevy 2d:
: 2d camewa, OwO uses owthogwaphic pwojection + o-othew speciaw c-configuwation f-fow 2dSpriteBundle
: 2d spwite (Image
asset type)SpriteSheetBundle
: 2d spwite (TextureAtlas
asset type)MaterialMesh2dBundle
: 2d shape, (ꈍᴗꈍ) with custom mesh and matewiaw (simiwaw t-to 3d objects)Text2dBundle
: text to be dwawn in the 2d wowwd (not t-the ui)
bevy ui:
: empty nyode ewement (wike htmw<div>
: button ewementImageBundle
: image ewement (Image
asset type)AtlasImageBundle
: image ewement (TextureAtlas
asset type)TextBundle
: text ewement
(mowe info about wowking with wesouwces)
configuwation wesouwces
these wesouwces awwow you to change t-the settings f-fow how vawious p-pawts of bevy wowk.
these may be insewted at the stawt, 🥺 b-but shouwd awso b-be fine to change a-at wuntime (fwom a-a system):
: gwobaw wendewew backgwound cowow t-to cweaw the window a-at the stawt o-of each fwameGlobalVolume
: the ovewaww vowume fow pwaying audioAmbientLight
: gwobaw wendewew "fake wighting", s-so that shadows d-don't wook too dawk / b-bwackMsaa
: gwobaw wendewew setting fow muwti-sampwe a-anti-awiasing (some p-pwatfowms m-might onwy s-suppowt the vawues 1 a-and 4)UiScale
: gwobaw scawe vawue to make aww uis b-biggew/smowewGizmoConfig
: contwows how gizmos awe wendewedWireframeConfig
: gwobaw toggwe to make evewything b-be wendewed as wiwefwameGamepadSettings
: gamepad input device settings, OwO wike j-joystick deadzones a-and button s-sensitivitiesWinitSettings
: settings fow the os windowing backend, ^•ﻌ•^ i-incwuding u-update woop / powew-management settingsTimeUpdateStrategy
: used to contwow how theTime
is updatedSchedules
: stowes aww scheduwes, ^•ﻌ•^ wetting you wegistew additionaw f-functionawity at w-wuntimeMainScheduleOrder
: the sequence of scheduwes that wiww wun evewy fwame update
settings that awe nyot modifiabwe a-at wuntime awe n-not wepwesented u-using wesouwces. 🥺 i-instead, they awe configuwed via the wespective pwugins.
engine wesouwces
these wesouwces pwovide access to d-diffewent featuwes o-of the game e-engine at wuntime.
access them fwom youw systems, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you nyeed theiw state, ^•ﻌ•^ ow to c-contwow the wespective pawts of bevy. (ꈍᴗꈍ) these wesouwces awe i-in the main wowwd. rawr x3 see hewe fow the wesouwces in the wendew wowwd.
: gwobaw time-wewated infowmation (cuwwent f-fwame dewta t-time, OwO time since s-stawtup, 🥺 etc.)FixedTime
: twacks wemaining time untiw the next fixed updateAssetServer
: contwow the asset system: woad assets, ^•ﻌ•^ c-check woad s-status, OwO etc.Assets<T>
: contains the actuaw data of the woaded a-assets of a-a given typeState<T>
: the cuwwent vawue of a states typeNextState<T>
: used to queue a twansition to anothew stateGamepads
: twacks the ids fow aww cuwwentwy-detected (connected) g-gamepad devicesSceneSpawner
: diwect contwow ovew spawning scenes i-into the main a-app wowwdFrameCount
: the totaw nyumbew of fwamesScreenshotManager
: used to wequest a scweenshot of a w-window to be taken/savedAppTypeRegistry
: access to the wefwection type wegistwyAsyncComputeTaskPool
: task poow fow wunning backgwound c-cpu tasksComputeTaskPool
: task poow whewe the main app scheduwe (aww t-the systems) w-wunsIoTaskPool
: task poow whewe backgwound i/o tasks w-wun (wike asset w-woading)WinitWindows
(non-send): waw state of thewinit
backend fow each windowNonSendMarker
: dummy wesouwce to ensuwe a system a-awways wuns on t-the main thwead
wendew wowwd wesouwces
these wesouwces awe pwesent in the wendew wowwd. XD they can be accessed fwom wendewing systems (that wun d-duwing wendew stages).
: (extwact scheduwe onwy!) access data f-fwom the main w-wowwdRenderGraph
: the bevy wendew gwaphPipelineCache
: bevy's managew of wendew pipewines. 🥺 u-used to stowe w-wendew pipewines u-used by the app, òωó t-to avoid wecweating them mowe than once.TextureCache
: bevy's managew of tempowawy textuwes. OwO u-usefuw when y-you nyeed textuwes t-to use intewnawwy duwing wendewing.DrawFunctions<P>
: stowes dwaw functions fow a given p-phase item typeRenderAssets<T>
: contains handwes to the gpu wepwesentations o-of cuwwentwy w-woaded asset d-dataDefaultImageSampler
: the defauwt sampwew fowImage
asset textuwesFallbackImage
: dummy 1x1 pixew white textuwe. 🥺 usefuw f-fow shadews t-that nyowmawwy n-need a textuwe, òωó w-when you don't have one avaiwabwe.
thewe awe many othew wesouwces in t-the wendew wowwd, OwO w-which awe nyot m-mentioned hewe, OwO eithew because they awe intewnaw t-to bevy's w-wendewing awgowithms, 🥺 o-ow because they awe just extwacted copies o-of the equivawent w-wesouwces i-in the main wowwd.
wow-wevew wgpu
using these wesouwces, ^•ﻌ•^ you can have d-diwect access t-to the wgpu
apis fow contwowwing the gpu.
these awe avaiwabwe in both the main w-wowwd and the w-wendew wowwd.
: the gpu device, ^•ﻌ•^ used fow cweating h-hawdwawe wesouwces f-fow wendewing/compute- [
][bevy::wendewqueue]: the gpu queue fow submitting wowk t-to the hawdwawe RenderAdapter
: handwe to the physicaw gpu hawdwaweRenderAdapterInfo
: infowmation about the gpu hawdwawe t-that bevy is wunning o-on
input handwing wesouwces
these wesouwces wepwesent the cuwwent s-state of diffewent i-input devices. 🥺 w-wead them f-fwom youw systems to handwe usew input.
: keyboawd key state, >_< as a binawy input vawueInput<MouseButton>
: mouse button state, >_< as a binawy input vawueInput<GamepadButton>
: gamepad buttons, as a binawy input vawueAxis<GamepadAxis>
: anawog axis gamepad inputs (joysticks and twiggews)Axis<GamepadButton>
: gamepad buttons, wepwesented as an a-anawog axis vawueTouches
: the state of aww fingews cuwwentwy t-touching the touchscweenGamepads
: wegistwy of aww the connectedGamepad
(mowe info about wowking with events)
input events
these events fiwe on activity with input devices. (ꈍᴗꈍ) w-wead them to [handwe usew input][cb::input].
: changes in the state of mouse buttonsMouseWheel
: scwowwing by a nyumbew of pixews o-ow wines (MouseScrollUnit
: wewative movement of the mouse (pixews f-fwom pwevious f-fwame), wegawdwess o-of the os p-pointew/cuwsowCursorMoved
: new position of the os mouse pointew/cuwsowKeyboardInput
: changes in the state of keyboawd k-keys (keypwesses, ^•ﻌ•^ n-nyot text)ReceivedCharacter
: unicode text input fwom the os (cowwect h-handwing o-of the usew's wanguage a-and wayout)Ime
: unicode text input fwom ime (suppowt f-fow advanced t-text input in diffewent s-scwipts)TouchInput
: change in the state of a fingew touching t-the touchscweenGamepadEvent
: changes in the state of a gamepad o-ow any of its buttons o-ow axesGamepadRumbleRequest
: send these events to contwow gamepad w-wumbweTouchpadMagnify
: pinch-to-zoom gestuwe on waptop touchpad (macos)TouchpadRotate
: two-fingew wotate gestuwe on waptop t-touchpad (macos)
engine events
events wewated to vawious intewnaw things h-happening duwing t-the nowmaw wuntime of a bevy app.
: sent by bevy when asset data has been added/modified/wemoved; can be used to detect changes to a-assetsHierarchyEvent
: sent by bevy when entity pawents/chiwdwen changeAppExit
: teww bevy to shut down
system and contwow events
events fwom the os / windowing system, ^•ﻌ•^ o-ow to contwow b-bevy.
: in an app that does nyot wefwesh c-continuouswy, wequest o-one mowe update b-befowe going t-to sweepFileDragAndDrop
: the usew dwag-and-dwopped a fiwe i-into ouw appCursorEntered
: os mouse pointew/cuwsow entewed one o-of ouw windowsCursorLeft
: os mouse pointew/cuwsow exited one o-of ouw windowsWindowCloseRequested
: os wants to cwose one of ouw windowsWindowCreated
: new appwication window openedWindowClosed
: bevy window cwosedWindowDestroyed
: os window fweed/dwopped aftew window c-cwoseWindowFocused
: one of ouw windows is nyow focusedWindowMoved
: os/usew moved one of ouw windowsWindowResized
: os/usew wesized one of ouw windowsWindowScaleFactorChanged
: one of ouw windows has changed its d-dpi scawing factowWindowBackendScaleFactorChanged
: os wepowts change in dpi scawing f-factow fow a window
the compwete wist of individuaw component t-types is t-too specific to b-be usefuw to wist h-hewe.
see: (wist in api docs)