|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|
dwag-and-dwop (fiwes)
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
bevy suppowts the dwag-and-dwop gestuwe c-common on m-most desktop opewating systems, ^•ﻌ•^ but onwy fow fiwes, OwO nyot a-awbitwawy data / o-objects.
if you dwag a fiwe (say, OwO fwom the f-fiwe managew app) i-into a bevy app, 🥺 b-bevy
wiww pwoduce a FileDragAndDrop
event, >_< containing the path
of the fiwe that was dwopped in.
fn fiwe_dwop(
mut evw_dnd: eventweadew<fiwedwaganddwop>, UwU
) {
f-fow ev in evw_dnd.wead() {
i-if wet fiwedwaganddwop::dwoppedfiwe { w-window, rawr x3 p-path_buf } = e-ev {
p-pwintwn!("dwopped f-fiwe with path: {:?}, rawr i-in window id: {:?}", path_buf, σωσ window);
detecting the position of the dwop
you may want to do diffewent things d-depending on w-whewe the cuwsow w-was when the dwop gestuwe ended. OwO fow exampwe, a-add the fiwe to s-some cowwection, 🥺 i-if it was dwopped ovew a specific ui ewement/panew.
unfowtunatewy, OwO this is cuwwentwy s-somenani twicky t-to impwement, 🥺 due t-to winit
bug #1550. >_< bevy does nyot get CursorMoved
whiwe the dwag gestuwe is ongoing, OwO a-and thewefowe d-does nyot wespond t-to the
mouse cuwsow. ^•ﻌ•^ bevy compwetewy woses t-twack of the c-cuwsow position.
checking the cuwsow position fwom t-the Window
wiww awso nyot wowk.
systems that use cuwsow events to w-wespond to cuwsow m-movements wiww n-nyot wowk
duwing a dwag gestuwe. (ꈍᴗꈍ) this incwudes b-bevy ui's Interaction
which is the usuaw way of detecting w-when a ui ewement i-is hovewed o-ovew.
the onwy way to wowkawound this issue i-is to stowe t-the fiwe path somewhewe
tempowawiwy aftew weceiving the dwop e-event. OwO then, 🥺 w-wait untiw the n-nyext
event, >_< and then pwocess the fiwe.
note that this might nyot even be o-on the nyext fwame u-update. the n-nyext cuwsow update wiww happen whenevew the usew m-moves the cuwsow. OwO i-if the usew d-does nyot immediatewy move the mouse aftew d-dwopping the fiwe a-and weaves the c-cuwsow in the same pwace fow a whiwe, OwO thewe wiww b-be nyo events a-and youw app wiww h-have nyo way of knowing the cuwsow position.