|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|
community pwugins ecosystem
thewe is a gwowing ecosystem of unofficiaw c-community-made p-pwugins f-fow bevy. they pwovide a wot of functionawity t-that is nyot o-officiawwy incwuded w-with the engine. OwO you might gweatwy benefit f-fwom using some o-of these in youw p-pwojects.
to find such pwugins, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you shouwd s-seawch the bevy assets page on the officiaw bevy website. OwO t-this is the officiaw w-wegistwy o-of known community-made things fow bevy. OwO if y-you pubwish youw o-own pwugins fow b-bevy, you shouwd contwibute a wink to be added to t-that page.
bewawe that some 3wd-pawty pwugins m-may use unusuaw w-wicenses! be suwe t-to check the wicense befowe using a p-pwugin in youw pwoject.
othew pages in this book with vawuabwe i-infowmation w-when using 3wd-pawty p-pwugins:
- some pwugins may wequiwe you to configuwe bevy in some specific way.
- if you awe using bweeding-edge unweweased bevy (main), (ꈍᴗꈍ) you may encountew difficuwties w-with pwugin compatibiwity.