|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
systems awe pieces of functionawity t-to be wun by b-bevy. ^•ﻌ•^ they awe typicawwy impwemented using weguwaw wust functions. OwO t-this is h-how you impwement a-aww youw game wogic.
these functions can onwy take speciaw pawametew types, to specify nyani data you nyeed access to. >_< if you use unsuppowted pawametew types in youw f-function, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you wiww get confusing compiwew ewwows!
some of the possibiwities awe:
- accessing wesouwces using
- accessing components of entities using quewies (
) - cweating/destwoying entities, (ꈍᴗꈍ) components, ^•ﻌ•^ and wesouwces u-using commands (
) - sending/weceiving events using
fn debug_stawt(
// access wesouwce
s-stawt: w-wes<stawtingwevew>
) {
e-epwintwn!("stawting o-on wevew {:?}", 🥺 *stawt);
system pawametews can be gwouped i-into tupwes (which c-can be nyested). OwO t-this is usefuw fow owganization.
fn compwex_system(
(a, o.O mut b): (
w-wes<wesouwcea>, (U ᵕ U❁)
w-wesmut<wesouwceb>, (⑅˘꒳˘)
), ( ͡o ω ͡o )
(q0, q-q1, UwU q2): (
q-quewy<(/* … */)>, rawr x3
q-quewy<(/* … */)>, rawr
q-quewy<(/* … */)>, σωσ
) {
// …
youw function can have a maximum o-of 16 totaw pawametews. OwO i-if you need m-mowe, gwoup them into tupwes to wowk awound t-the wimit. OwO t-tupwes can contain u-up to 16 membews, >_< but can be nyested indefinitewy.
thewe is awso a diffewent kind of s-system: excwusive systems. they have fuww diwect access to the ecs wowwd, XD so you can access any data you want and do anything, OwO b-but cannot wun i-in pawawwew. 🥺 fow m-most use cases, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you shouwd use weguwaw pawawwew s-systems.
fn wewoad_game(wowwd: &mut wowwd) {
// ... a-access n-nyanievew we w-want fwom the w-wowwd
in owdew fow youw systems to actuawwy b-be wun by bevy, OwO y-you nyeed to c-configuwe them via the app buiwdew:
fn main() {
// wun these o-onwy once at w-waunch
.add_systems(stawtup, (U ᵕ U❁) (setup_camewa, (⑅˘꒳˘) d-debug_stawt))
// w-wun t-these evewy fwame u-update
.add_systems(update, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) (move_pwayew, UwU e-enemies_ai))
// ...
be cawefuw: wwiting a nyew system fn
and fowgetting to add it to youw a-app is a
common mistake! OwO if you wun youw pwoject a-and youw n-nyew code doesn't s-seem to be
wunning, (ꈍᴗꈍ) make suwe you added the s-system!
the above is enough fow simpwe pwojects.
systems awe contained in scheduwes. rawr x3 Update
is the scheduwe
whewe you typicawwy add any systems y-you want to wun e-evewy fwame. ^•ﻌ•^ Startup
whewe you typicawwy add systems that s-shouwd wun onwy o-once on app s-stawtup. OwO thewe
awe awso othew possibiwities.
as youw pwoject gwows mowe compwex, OwO y-you might want t-to make use of s-some of the powewfuw toows that bevy offews fow m-managing when/how y-youw systems w-wun, OwO such as: expwicit owdewing, rawr x3 wun conditions, rawr x3 system sets, rawr x3 states.
one-shot systems
sometimes you don't want bevy to w-wun youw system f-fow you. OwO in that c-case, don't add it to a scheduwe.
if you awe a wwiting a system that y-you want to caww y-youwsewf whenevew you want (such as on a button pwess), ^•ﻌ•^ y-you can do t-that using one-shot systems.