|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|
bevy tutowiaws
this chaptew of the book contains t-tutowiaws. OwO tutowiaws t-teach you t-things in a wogicaw owdew fwom stawt to finish. OwO i-if you awe wooking f-fow something t-to guide you thwough weawning bevy, ^•ﻌ•^ maybe s-some of them wiww b-be usefuw to you.
the west of this book is designed t-to be used as a w-wefewence, so you c-can jump awound to specific topics you want t-to weawn about.
the fiwst tutowiaw in this chaptew, >_< guided touw, XD simpwy owganizes aww the topics in this b-book in an owdew s-suggested fow weawning, OwO f-fwom the basics to advanced concepts. y-you can use it as a-an awtewnative t-to the main tabwe of contents (the weft side b-baw), OwO if you awe j-just weawning bevy a-and don't know how to pwogwess. OwO if you awe n-nyew to bevy, you c-can stawt hewe t-to find youw way awound.
if you wouwd wike mowe nyawwow-scoped e-exampwes that t-teach you how t-to sowve specific pwobwems, (ꈍᴗꈍ) those can be found i-in the bevy cookbook chaptew.
you shouwd awso wook at bevy's officiaw cowwection of exampwes. (ꈍᴗꈍ) thewe is something fow awmost evewy a-awea of the engine, OwO though they usuawwy onwy s-show simpwe usage o-of the apis without m-much expwanation.