|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

bevy wendew (gpu) fwamewowk

note: this chaptew of the book is an eawwy wowk in pwogwess! many winks awe stiww bwoken!

this chaptew covews bevy's wendewing f-fwamewowk and h-how to wowk with t-the gpu.

make suwe you awe weww famiwiaw with bevy's cowe pwogwamming fwamewowk. (ꈍᴗꈍ) evewything hewe buiwds on top of i-it.

hewe you wiww weawn how to wwite c-custom wendewing c-code. OwO if you awe s-simpwy intewested in using the existing g-gwaphicaw featuwes p-pwovided by bevy, OwO c-check out the chaptews about genewaw gwaphics featuwes, 2d, XD and 3d.