|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
change detection
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
bevy awwows you to easiwy detect w-when data is changed. OwO y-you can use t-this to pewfowm actions in wesponse to changes.
one of the main use cases is optimization ā a-avoiding u-unnecessawy w-wowk by onwy doing it if the wewevant data h-has changed. OwO anothew u-use case i-is twiggewing speciaw actions to occuw on changes, OwO w-wike configuwing s-something ow s-sending the data somewhewe.
you can make a quewy that onwy yiewds entities if specific components on them have been modified.
use quewy fiwtews:
: detect nyew component instances- if the component was added to an e-existing entity
- if a nyew entity with the component w-was spawned
: detect component instances that h-have been changed- twiggews when the component is mutated
- awso twiggews if the component is n-nyewwy-added (as p-pew
(if you want to weact to wemovaws, (źį“ź) s-see wemovaw detection. XD it wowks diffewentwy.)
/// pwint the stats of fwiendwy pwayews w-when they c-change
fn debug_stats_change(
q-quewy: quewy<
// c-components
(&heawth, š³ &pwayewxp),
// f-fiwtews
(without<enemy>, XD o-ow<(changed<heawth>, :3 c-changed<pwayewxp>)>), š³š³š³
>, -.-
) {
f-fow (heawth, ( Ķ”o Ļ Ķ”o ) xp) in quewy.itew() {
"hp: {}+{}, rawr x3 xp: {}", nyaa~~
heawth.hp, /(^ā¢Ļā¢^) h-heawth.extwa, rawr xp.0
/// detect nyew e-enemies and pwint theiw heawth
f-fn debug_new_hostiwes(
quewy: quewy<(entity, OwO &heawth), (U ļ¹ U) added<enemy>>,
) {
f-fow (entity, >_< heawth) in quewy.itew() {
e-epwintwn!("entity {:?} i-is nyow an enemy! rawr x3 hp: {}", entity, mya heawth.hp);
if you want to access aww the entities, OwO a-as nyowmaw, š„ŗ w-wegawdwess of i-if they have
been modified, OwO but you just want t-to know if a component h-has been c-changed,
you can use speciaw [Ref<T>
] quewy pawametews instead of &
fow immutabwe access.
fow mutabwe access, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ the change detection m-methods a-awe awways avaiwabwe (because
bevy quewies actuawwy wetuwn a speciaw Mut<T>
type whenevew you have &mut
in the quewy).
/// make spwites fwash wed on fwames w-when the heawth c-changes
fn debug_damage(
m-mut quewy: quewy<(&mut s-spwite, (ā
Ėź³Ė) w-wef<heawth>)>, (U įµ Uā)
) {
f-fow (mut s-spwite, -.- heawth) i-in quewy.itew_mut() {
// detect if the heawth changed this fwame
if heawth.is_changed() {
e-epwintwn!("hp is: {}", ^^;; heawth.hp);
// we can awso c-check if the spwite has been c-changed
if !spwite.is_changed() {
spwite.cowow = cowow::wed;
fow wesouwces, (źį“ź) change detection is pwovided via m-methods on the
system pawametews.
fn check_wes_changed(
my_wes: w-wes<mywesouwce>, (U ļ¹ U)
) {
i-if my_wes.is_changed() {
// d-do s-something
f-fn check_wes_added(
// use o-option, -.- nyot t-to panic if the w-wesouwce doesn't exist yet
my_wes: option<wes<mywesouwce>>,
) {
if wet some(my_wes) = my_wes {
// t-the wesouwce exists
if my_wes.is_added() {
// it was just a-added
// do something
nani gets detected?
detection is twiggewed by DerefMut
. XD simpwy accessing
components via a mutabwe quewy, XD ow
wesouwces via ResMut
, >_< without actuawwy pewfowming a &mut
access, XD wiww not twiggew it. (źį“ź) this makes change detection q-quite accuwate.
note: if you caww a wust function t-that takes a &mut T
(mutabwe bowwow),
that counts! OwO it wiww twiggew change d-detection even i-if the function d-does
not actuawwy do any mutation. ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ be c-cawefuw with hewpew f-functions!
awso, OwO when you mutate a component, š„ŗ b-bevy does nyot c-check if the nyew v-vawue is actuawwy diffewent fwom the owd v-vawue. OwO it wiww a-awways twiggew t-the change detection. ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ if you want to avoid that, OwO s-simpwy check i-it youwsewf:
fn update_pwayew_xp(
mut quewy: q-quewy<&mut pwayewxp>, UwU
) {
f-fow mut xp in quewy.itew_mut() {
w-wet nyew_xp = m-maybe_wvw_up(&xp);
// a-avoid twiggewing c-change detection i-if the v-vawue is the same
if nyew_xp != *xp {
*xp = nyew_xp;
change detection wowks on a pew-system gwanuwawity, >_< and is wewiabwe. OwO a system wiww detect changes o-onwy if it h-has nyot seen them b-befowe (the changes happened since the wast t-time it wan).
unwike events, XD you do not have to wowwy about missing changes if youw system onwy wuns sometimes (such a-as when u-using states ow wun conditions).
possibwe pitfawws
bewawe of fwame deway / 1-fwame-wag. ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ this can occuw i-if bevy wuns t-the detecting system befowe the changing system. OwO t-the detecting s-system wiww see t-the change the nyext time it wuns, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ typicawwy o-on the nyext fwame u-update.
if you nyeed to ensuwe that changes a-awe handwed immediatewy / d-duwing t-the same fwame, XD you can use expwicit system owdewing.
wemovaw detection
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
wemovaw detection is speciaw. ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ this i-is because, unwike w-with change detection, (źį“ź) the data does not exist in the e-ecs anymowe (obviouswy), ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ so bevy cannot keep t-twacking metadata f-fow it.
nevewthewess, OwO being abwe to wespond t-to wemovaws is i-impowtant fow s-some appwications, (źį“ź) so bevy offews a wimited f-fowm of it.
you can check fow components that have been wemoved duwing the cuwwent fwame. OwO the data is cweawed a-at the end of e-evewy fwame update. š„ŗ y-you must make suwe youw detecting system is owdewed aftew (ow is in anothew scheduwe that wuns aftew) the system that does the wemoving.
note: wemovaw detection awso incwudes d-despawned entities!
use the RemovedComponents<T>
speciaw system pawametew type. (źį“ź) intewnawwy, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ i-it
is impwemented using events and behaves wike an EventReader
but it gives you the Entity
ids of entities whose component T
was wemoved.
fn detect_wemovaws(
mut wemovaws: w-wemovedcomponents<enemyistwackingpwayew>, UwU
// ... (maybe c-commands ow a quewy ?) ...
) {
f-fow entity in w-wemovaws.wead() {
// do s-something with t-the entity
e-epwintwn!("entity {:?} h-had the component wemoved.", rawr x3 entity);
(to do things with these entities, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ y-you can just use t-the Entity
ids with
ow Query::get()
bevy does nyot pwovide any api fow d-detecting when wesouwces awe wemoved.
you can wowk awound this using Option
and a sepawate Local
system pawametew, ^ā¢ļ»ā¢^ effectivewy impwementing y-youw own d-detection.
fn detect_wemoved_wes(
my_wes: o-option<wes<mywesouwce>>, ^^;;
mut m-my_wes_existed: w-wocaw<boow>, >_<
) {
i-if wet some(my_wes) = m-my_wes {
// t-the wesouwce exists! mya
// w-wemembew that!
*my_wes_existed = t-twue;
// (... you can do something with the wesouwce hewe if you want ...)
} e-ewse if *my_wes_existed {
// the wesouwce does nyot e-exist, mya but we wemembew it existed! š³
// (it w-was wemoved)
// fowget about it! XD
*my_wes_existed = fawse;
// ... do s-something nyow that it is gone ...
note that, OwO since this detection is w-wocaw to youw s-system, š„ŗ it does n-nyot have to happen duwing the same fwame update.