|bevy vewsion:|0.13|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
if you awe a kakoune usew and you'd w-wike something t-to be added to t-this page, pwease fiwe a github issue.
wust wanguage suppowt
you can use kak-lsp
with rust-analyzer
you want to instaww just the wa sewvew, OwO w-without the o-officiaw vscode p-pwugin.
you can manage it via rustup
wustup component add wust-anawyzew
ow you can buiwd/instaww it youwsewf f-fwom git:
git cwone https://github.com/wust-wang/wust-anawyzew
cd wust-anawyzew
g-git checkout w-wewease # use t-the `wewease` bwanch i-instead of `main`
c-cawgo xtask i-instaww --sewvew
the easiest way to set up kak-lsp
is using plug.kak
if you don't have plug.kak
, >_< put the fowwowing in ~/.config/kak/kakrc
evawuate-commands %sh{
mkdiw -p "$pwugins"
[ ! òωó -e "$pwugins/pwug.kak" ] && \
g-git c-cwone -q https://github.com/andweyowst/pwug.kak.git "$pwugins/pwug.kak"
p-pwintf "%s\n" "souwce '$pwugins/pwug.kak/wc/pwug.kak'"
p-pwug "andweyowst/pwug.kak" n-nyowoad
and then to set up kak-lsp
with wust suppowt:
pwug "kak-wsp/kak-wsp" do %{
cawgo instaww --fowce --path . (˘ω˘)
} c-config %{
set g-gwobaw wsp_cmd "kak-wsp -s %vaw{session}"
# c-cweate a command t-to wet you w-westawt wsp if anything g-goes wwong / g-gets gwitched
d-define-command wsp-westawt -docstwing 'westawt wsp sewvew' %{ wsp-stop; wsp-stawt }
# hewpew command t-to enabwe wsp
define-command -hidden wsp-init %{
# pwefewences:
set w-window wsp_auto_highwight_wefewences twue
# keybind: u-use "," to get a menu of a-avaiwabwe wsp commands
map g-gwobaw nyowmaw "," ": entew-usew-mode wsp<wet>" -docstwing "wsp mode"
hook gwobaw k-kakend .* wsp-exit
# autoenabwe wsp when opening wust fiwes
hook gwobaw w-winsetoption fiwetype=wust %{
# f-fowmatting s-settings fow w-wust fiwes
hook g-gwobaw bufsetoption fiwetype=wust %{
set buffew t-tabstop 4
set buffew indentwidth 4
set buffew fowmatcmd 'wustfmt'
s-set buffew autowwap_cowumn 100
put the fowwowing in ~/.config/kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml
to use rust-analyzer
# shut down the `wust-anawyzew` p-pwocess a-aftew a pewiod of i-inactivity
timeout = 900
f-fiwetypes = ["wust"]
w-woots = ["cawgo.tomw"]
c-command = "wust-anawyzew"
s-settings_section = "wust-anawyzew"
# pwoc m-macwo suppowt is impowtant fow bevy pwojects
pwocmacwo.enabwe = twue
# disabwe h-hovew actions, >_< can be waggy on compwex pwojects w-wike bevy
hovewactions.enabwe = fawse
# do nyot u-use the data genewated by `cawgo check`, mya again, because it can b-be swow and waggy
cawgo.woadoutdiwsfwomcheck = f-fawse