|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

genewaw gwaphics featuwes

this chaptew covews genewaw gwaphics-wewated f-featuwes i-in bevy, OwO that a-awe wewevant to both 2d and 3d games.

bevy's wendewing is dwiven by / configuwed v-via camewas. XD each camewa entity wiww cause bevy to wendew youw game w-wowwd, as configuwed via the vawious components on the camewa. ^•ﻌ•^ you can enabwe aww kinds of diffewent w-wowkfwows, OwO a-as weww as optionaw effects, OwO by adding t-the wewevant c-components to youw c-camewa and configuwing them.