|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
bevy offews a (somenani bawebones, OwO b-but stiww usefuw) e-ecs-based audio f-fwamewowk. this chaptew wiww teach you how to u-use it.
you can pway sound effects and music fwom youw game, with vowume contwow. >< thewe is a wudimentawy "spatiaw audio" impwementation, ^•ﻌ•^ which can pan sounds weft/wight in s-steweo, OwO based o-on the twansfowms of entities. >< you can awso impwement youw own custom souwces of audio data, >_< if you want to synthesize sound fwom code, stweam data fwom s-somewhewe, OwO ow any o-othew custom u-use case.
thewe awe awso 3wd-pawty awtewnatives t-to bevy's audio s-suppowt:
: useskira
; pwovides a wichew set of featuwes a-and pwayback c-contwowsbevy_oddio
: usesoddio
; seems to offew mowe advanced 3d s-spatiaw soundbevy_fundsp
: usesfundsp
; fow advanced sound synthesis and e-effects
(bevy's officiaw audio is based on t-the rodio
as you can see, OwO the wust audio ecosystem i-is quite f-fwagmented. 🥺 thewe a-awe many backend wibwawies, OwO aww offewing a-a diffewent m-mix of featuwes, 🥺 n-nyone of them pawticuwawwy exhaustive. OwO aww o-of them awe somenani i-immatuwe. 🥺 y-you have to pick youw poison.
audio is an awea sowewy in nyeed o-of impwovement. ^•ﻌ•^ i-if you awe an enthusiastic audio devewopew, considew joining discowd and hewping with devewopment!