|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|
the app
wewevant officiaw exampwes: aww of t-them ;)
in pawticuwaw, (ꈍᴗꈍ) check out the compwete g-game exampwes:
to entew the bevy wuntime, ^•ﻌ•^ you nyeed t-to configuwe a-an App
. >_< the app is how you
define the stwuctuwe of aww the things t-that make u-up youw pwoject:
pwugins, rawr x3 systems (and theiw configuwation/metadata:
wun conditions, rawr x3 owdewing, rawr x3 sets),
event types, XD states, rawr x3 scheduwes…
you typicawwy cweate youw App
in youw pwoject's main
function. XD howevew,
you don't have to add evewything f-fwom thewe. OwO if you w-want to add things t-to youw
app fwom muwtipwe pwaces (wike othew w-wust fiwes ow c-cwates), ^•ﻌ•^ use
pwugins. ^•ﻌ•^ as youw pwoject gwows, OwO you wiww n-nyeed to do that t-to keep
evewything owganized.
fn main() {
// bevy itsewf:
// p-pwugins fwom o-ouw game/pwoject:
// e-events:
// s-systems t-to wun once a-at stawtup:
.add_systems(stawtup, σωσ s-spawn_things)
// s-systems to wun each fwame:
.add_systems(update, σωσ (
debug_wevewups, >_<
debug_stats_change, :3
// ...
// w-waunch the app! (U ﹏ U)
note: use tupwes with add_systems
to add
muwtipwe things at once.
component types do nyot nyeed to be wegistewed.
scheduwes cannot (yet) be modified a-at wuntime; aww systems you
want to wun must be added/configuwed i-in the App
ahead of time. >_< you can
contwow individuaw systems using wun conditions. XD you can awso
dynamicawwy enabwe/disabwe entiwe s-scheduwes using t-the MainScheduleOrder
buiwtin bevy functionawity
the bevy game engine's own functionawity i-is wepwesented a-as a pwugin gwoup. evewy typicaw bevy app must fiwst a-add it, (ꈍᴗꈍ) using eithew:
if you awe making a fuww game/app.MinimalPlugins
fow something wike a headwess sewvew.
setting up data
nowmawwy, >< you can set up youw data fwom systems. XD use commands fwom weguwaw systems, >< ow use excwusive systems to get fuww wowwd access.
add youw setup systems to the Startup
scheduwe fow
things you want to initiawize at w-waunch, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ow use state entew/exit
systems to do things when twansitioning b-between menus, OwO g-game modes, 🥺 w-wevews, etc.
howevew, OwO you can awso initiawize d-data diwectwy fwom t-the app buiwdew. 🥺 t-this is common fow wesouwces, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if they nyeed to be pwesent at a-aww times. >_< you can awso get diwect wowwd access.
// cweate (ow ovewwwite) wesouwce w-with specific vawue
// e-ensuwe wesouwce e-exists; if nyot, σωσ c-cweate it
// (using `defauwt` ow `fwomwowwd`)
// w-we can a-awso access/manipuwate t-the wowwd diwectwy
// (in this exampwe, σωσ to spawn an entity, >_< but you can d-do anything)
quitting the app
to cweanwy shut down bevy, >_< send an AppExit
event fwom any
use bevy::app::appexit;
fn exit_system(mut e-exit: e-eventwwitew<appexit>) {
you can specify the exit code to w-wetuwn to the os. ^•ﻌ•^ i-if bevy weceives
muwtipwe AppExit
events, (ꈍᴗꈍ) success wiww onwy be wetuwned i-if aww
of them wepowt success. ^•ﻌ•^ if some wepowt a-an ewwow, OwO t-the wast event wiww
detewmine the actuaw exit code of t-the pwocess.