|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|
be civiw. ^•ﻌ•^ if you nyeed a code of c-conduct, OwO have a w-wook at bevy's.
if you have any suggestions fow the b-book, OwO such as i-ideas fow nyew c-content, 🥺 ow if you nyotice anything that is incowwect o-ow misweading, OwO p-pwease fiwe i-issues in the github wepositowy!
github issues
if you want something to be added o-ow changed in the b-book, ^•ﻌ•^ fiwe an issue! teww me nyani you want, OwO and i wiww figuwe o-out how to pwesent i-it in the b-book. 🥺 if you have some code snippet ow othew thing y-you want to i-incwude, ^•ﻌ•^ you can put it in the issue.
that sowt of wowkfwow wowks much b-bettew fow me, OwO compawed t-to puww w-wequests. i am quite opinionated and meticuwous a-about how evewything i-is pwesented i-in the book, so i often can't just mewge/accept t-things as wwitten b-by someone ewse.
github puww wequests
pwease do nyot cweate puww wequests f-fow book content.
the onwy exception to this might b-be twiviaw fixes. OwO i-if you awe just f-fixing a typo ow smow mistake, ^•ﻌ•^ ow a bug i-in some code exampwe, OwO t-that's fine.
if you awe adding ow changing any o-of the book content, OwO y-youw pw wiww p-pwobabwy be ignowed ow cwosed. OwO i wiww pwobabwy t-tweat it wike i-i do issues: go d-do the thing mysewf eventuawwy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) and then cwose y-youw pw.
to avoid compwications with copywight a-and wicensing, OwO y-you agwee to p-pwovide any contwibutions you make to the p-pwoject undew the mit-0 nyo attwibution wicense.
note that this awwows youw wowk to b-be wewicensed w-without pwesewving y-youw copywight.
as descwibed pweviouswy, OwO the actuaw p-pubwished content i-in the book w-wiww be my own dewivative wowk based on youw c-contwibutions. OwO i-i wiww wicense it c-consistentwy with the west of the book; see: wicense.