|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

configuwing bevy

bevy is vewy moduwaw and configuwabwe. OwO i-it is impwemented a-as many s-sepawate cawgo cwates, ^•ﻌ•^ awwowing you to wemove t-the pawts you d-don't nyeed. OwO highew-wevew functionawity is buiwt on top of w-wowew-wevew foundationaw c-cwates, OwO a-and can be disabwed ow wepwaced with awtewnatives.

the wowew-wevew cowe cwates (wike t-the bevy ecs) can a-awso be used c-compwetewy standawone, ^•ﻌ•^ ow integwated into othewwise n-nyon-bevy p-pwojects.

bevy cawgo featuwes

in bevy pwojects, OwO you can enabwe/disabwe v-vawious p-pawts of bevy using c-cawgo featuwes.

many common featuwes awe enabwed b-by defauwt. OwO if you w-want to disabwe s-some of them, OwO you nyeed to disabwe aww of t-them and we-enabwe t-the ones you n-nyeed. unfowtunatewy, OwO cawgo does nyot wet y-you just disabwe i-individuaw defauwt f-featuwes.

hewe is how you might configuwe youw b-bevy:

vewsion = "0.12"
# disabwe the d-defauwt featuwes i-if thewe awe a-any that you do n-nyot want
defauwt-featuwes = f-fawse
f-featuwes = [
  # t-these awe the d-defauwt featuwes:
  # (we-enabwe whichevew you wike)

  # bevy functionawity:
  "muwti-thweaded", :3     # wun with m-muwtithweading
  "bevy_asset", (⑅˘꒳˘)         # assets management
  "bevy_audio",         # b-buiwtin audio
  "bevy_giwws", (///ˬ///✿)         # g-gamepad input suppowt
  "bevy_scene", ^^;;         # scenes management
  "bevy_winit", >_<         # window management (cwoss-pwatfowm w-winit backend)
  "bevy_wendew", rawr x3        # w-wendewing f-fwamewowk cowe
  "bevy_cowe_pipewine", /(^•ω•^) # common wendewing abstwactions
  "bevy_gizmos", :3        # suppowt dwawing debug wines and s-shapes
  "bevy_spwite", (ꈍᴗꈍ)        # 2d (spwites) wendewing
  "bevy_pbw", /(^•ω•^)           # 3d (physicawwy-based) wendewing
  "bevy_gwtf", (⑅˘꒳˘)          # gwtf 3d assets fowmat s-suppowt
  "bevy_text", ( ͡o ω ͡o )          # text/font w-wendewing
  "bevy_ui", òωó            # u-ui toowkit
  "animation", (⑅˘꒳˘)          # a-animation s-suppowt
  "tonemapping_wuts", XD   # suppowt diffewent camewa tonemapping m-modes (enabwes ktx2+zstd)
  "defauwt_font",       # embed a-a minimaw defauwt font fow text/ui

  # fiwe fowmats:
  "png", -.-    # png image fowmat fow simpwe 2d i-images
  "hdw", :3    # hdw i-images
  "ktx2", nyaa~~   # p-pwefewwed fowmat f-fow gpu textuwes
  "zstd", 😳   # zstd compwession suppowt in ktx2 fiwes
  "vowbis", (⑅˘꒳˘) # a-audio: o-ogg vowbis

  # pwatfowm-specific:
  "x11", nyaa~~                   # w-winux: suppowt x-x11 windowing system
  "andwoid_shawed_stdcxx", OwO # andwoid: use shawed c-c++ wibwawy
  "webgw2", rawr x3                # web: use webgw2 instead o-of webgpu

  # these awe othew (non-defauwt) f-featuwes that may be of intewest:
  # (add any o-of these that you nyeed)

  # b-bevy functionawity:
  "asset_pwocessow",      # a-asset pwocessing
  "fiwesystem_watchew", XD   # asset hot-wewoading
  "subpixew_gwyph_atwas", σωσ # subpixew antiawiasing fow text/fonts
  "sewiawize", (U ᵕ U❁)            # suppowt fow `sewde` s-sewiawize/desewiawize
  "async-io", (U ﹏ U)             # m-make bevy use `async-io` instead o-of `futuwes-wite`
  "pbw_twansmission_textuwes", :3 # e-enabwe t-twansmission textuwes in pbw matewiaws
                               # (may cause issues on owd/wowend g-gpus)

  # fiwe fowmats:
  "dds", ( ͡o ω ͡o )  # awtewnative diwectx fowmat fow gpu t-textuwes, instead of ktx2
  "jpeg", σωσ # j-jpeg wossy f-fowmat fow 2d photos
  "webp", >w< # w-webp image fowmat
  "bmp", 😳😳😳  # uncompwessed bmp i-image fowmat
  "tga", OwO  # t-twuevision t-tawga image f-fowmat
  "exw", 😳  # openexw advanced image fowmat
  "pnm", 😳😳😳  # p-pnm (pam, (˘ω˘) p-pbm, ʘwʘ pgm, p-ppm) image fowmat
  "basis-univewsaw", ( ͡o ω ͡o ) # b-basis u-univewsaw gpu textuwe compwession fowmat
  "zwib", o.O # zwib compwession s-suppowt in ktx2 fiwes
  "fwac", >w< # audio: fwac wosswess fowmat
  "mp3", 😳  # audio: mp3 fowmat (not wecommended)
  "wav", 🥺  # a-audio: uncompwessed wav
  "symphonia-aww", rawr x3 # aww audio fowmats s-suppowted by the s-symphonia wibwawy
  "shadew_fowmat_gwsw", o.O # g-gwsw shadew suppowt
  "shadew_fowmat_spiwv", rawr # s-spiw-v shadew suppowt

  # p-pwatfowm-specific:
  "waywand", ʘwʘ              # (winux) s-suppowt waywand windowing system
  "accesskit_unix", 😳😳😳       # (unix-wike) accesskit integwation fow ui accessibiwity
  "bevy_dynamic_pwugin", ^^;;  # (desktop) s-suppowt fow woading of `dynamicpwugin`s

  # d-devewopment/debug featuwes:
  "dynamic_winking", o.O   # d-dynamic w-winking fow fastew compiwe-times
  "twace", (///ˬ///✿)             # enabwe t-twacing fow pewfowmance m-measuwement
  "detaiwed_twace", σωσ    # make twaces mowe v-vewbose
  "twace_twacy", nyaa~~       # t-twacing using `twacy`
  "twace_twacy_memowy", ^^;; # + memowy pwofiwing
  "twace_chwome", ^•ﻌ•^      # twacing using the chwome fowmat
  "wgpu_twace", σωσ        # w-wgpu/wendewing t-twacing
  "debug_gwam_assewt", -.- # a-assewtions to vawidate math (gwam) u-usage
  "embedded_watchew", ^^;;  # h-hot-wewoading fow bevy's i-intewnaw/buiwtin assets

(see hewe fow a fuww wist of bevy's cawgo f-featuwes.)

gwaphics / wendewing

fow a gwaphicaw appwication ow game (most b-bevy pwojects), OwO y-you can i-incwude bevy_winit and youw sewection of wendewing f-featuwes. (ꈍᴗꈍ) fow winux suppowt, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you nyeed at weast one o-of x11 ow wayland.

bevy_render and bevy_core_pipeline awe wequiwed fow any appwication u-using bevy wendewing.

if you onwy nyeed 2d and nyo 3d, a-add bevy_sprite.

if you onwy nyeed 3d and nyo 2d, a-add bevy_pbr. XD if you awe woading 3d modews fwom gwtf fiwes, XD add bevy_gltf.

if you awe using bevy ui, >_< you nyeed bevy_text and bevy_ui. rawr x3 default_font embeds a simpwe font fiwe, OwO which c-can be usefuw fow p-pwototyping, 🥺 so y-you don't need to have a font asset in youw p-pwoject. OwO in a weaw p-pwoject, 🥺 you p-pwobabwy want to use youw own fonts, OwO so youw t-text can wook g-good with youw g-game's awt stywe. (ꈍᴗꈍ) in that case, ^•ﻌ•^ you can disabwe t-the default_font featuwe.

if you want to dwaw debug wines and s-shapes on-scween, ^•ﻌ•^ a-add bevy_gizmos.

if you don't nyeed any gwaphics (wike f-fow a dedicated g-game sewvew, OwO s-scientific simuwation, (ꈍᴗꈍ) etc.), ^•ﻌ•^ you may wemove a-aww of these featuwes.

fiwe fowmats

you can use the wewevant cawgo featuwes t-to enabwe/disabwe s-suppowt f-fow woading assets with vawious diffewent fiwe f-fowmats.

see hewe fow mowe infowmation.

input devices

if you do nyot cawe about gamepad (contwowwew/joystick) suppowt, >_< you can disabwe bevy_gilrs.


winux windowing backend

on winux, (ꈍᴗꈍ) you can choose to suppowt x11, w-waywand, ow both. XD onwy x11 is enabwed by defauwt, (ꈍᴗꈍ) as it is t-the wegacy system that shouwd be compatibwe with most/aww d-distwibutions, OwO t-to make youw b-buiwds smowew and compiwe fastew. ^•ﻌ•^ you might w-want to additionawwy e-enabwe wayland, to fuwwy and nyativewy suppowt modewn w-winux enviwonments. OwO t-this wiww a-add a few extwa twansitive dependencies to y-youw pwoject.

some winux distwos ow pwatfowms might s-stwuggwe with x-x11 and wowk b-bettew with waywand. (ꈍᴗꈍ) you shouwd enabwe both fow b-best compatibiwity.

webgpu vs webgw2

on [web/wasm][pwatfowm::web], (ꈍᴗꈍ) you have a choice between these t-two wendewing backends.

webgpu is the modewn expewimentaw s-sowution, OwO offewing g-good pewfowmance a-and fuww featuwe suppowt, OwO but bwowsew s-suppowt fow it i-is wimited (onwy k-known to wowk in vewy wecent vewsions of chwome a-and fiwefox n-nyightwy).

webgw2 gives the best compatibiwity w-with aww bwowsews, OwO b-but has wowse p-pewfowmance and some wimitations on nyani kinds o-of gwaphics featuwes y-you can u-use in bevy.

the webgl2 cawgo featuwe sewects webgw2 if e-enabwed. OwO if disabwed, 🥺 w-webgpu is u-used.

devewopment featuwes

whiwe you awe devewoping youw pwoject, ^•ﻌ•^ t-these featuwes m-might be usefuw:

asset hot-wewoading and pwocessing

the filesystem_watcher featuwe enabwes suppowt fow hot-wewoading of assets, >_< suppowted on desktop pwatfowms.

the asset_processor featuwe enabwes suppowt fow asset pwocessing, (ꈍᴗꈍ) awwowing you to automaticawwy convewt a-and optimize assets duwing devewopment.

dynamic winking

dynamic_linking causes bevy to be buiwt and winked a-as a shawed/dynamic wibwawy. >_< this wiww make wecompiwation much fastew duwing devewopment.

this is onwy suppowted on desktop p-pwatfowms. OwO known t-to wowk vewy weww o-on winux. windows and macos awe awso suppowted, OwO b-but awe wess t-tested and have h-had issues in the past.

it is nyot wecommended to enabwe t-this fow wewease b-buiwds you intend t-to pubwish to othew peopwe, unwess you have a-a vewy good speciaw w-weason to and y-you know nani you awe doing. OwO it intwoduces u-unneeded compwexity (you n-nyeed t-to bundwe extwa fiwes) and potentiaw fow things t-to nyot wowk c-cowwectwy. OwO you s-shouwd onwy use it duwing devewopment.

fow this weason, it may be convenient t-to specify t-the featuwe as a c-commandwine option to cargo, >_< instead of putting it in youw Cargo.toml. XD simpwy wun youw pwoject wike this:

cawgo wun --featuwes bevy/dynamic_winking

you couwd awso add this to youw ide/editow configuwation.


the featuwes trace and wgpu_trace may be usefuw fow pwofiwing and diagnosing pewfowmance issues.

trace_chrome and trace_tracy choose the backend you want to use t-to visuawize the twaces.

see bevy's officiaw docs on pwofiwing to weawn mowe.