|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.


hdw (high dynamic wange) wefews to t-the abiwity of t-the game engine t-to handwe vewy bwight wights ow cowows. OwO bevy's w-wendewing is h-hdw intewnawwy. šŸ„ŗ t-this means you can have objects with cowows t-that go above 1.0, XD vewy bwight wights, ow bwight emissive matewiaws. OwO aww o-of this is suppowted f-fow both 3d a-and 2d.

this is nyot to be confused with h-hdw dispway output, OwO w-which is the a-abiwity to pwoduce a hdw image to be dispwayed b-by a modewn monitow o-ow tv with h-hdw capabiwities. (źˆį“—źˆ) bevy has nyo suppowt f-fow this yet.

the intewnaw hdw image has to be c-convewted down to s-sdw (standawd d-dynamic wange) befowe it can be dispwayed o-on the scween. OwO t-this pwocess is c-cawwed tonemapping. (źˆį“—źˆ) bevy suppowts diffewent awgowithms t-that can wesuwt in a diffewent wook. ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ it is a-an awtistic choice n-nyani tonemapping awgowithm to use fow youw game.

camewa hdw configuwation

thewe is a pew-camewa toggwe that w-wets you decide w-whethew you want b-bevy to pwesewve the hdw data intewnawwy, OwO t-to make it possibwe f-fow subsequent p-passes (such as postpwocessing effects) t-to use it.

    camewa3dbundwe {
        camewa: c-camewa {
            h-hdw: twue, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^
        }, OwO
    }, šŸ„ŗ

if it is enabwed, OwO bevy's intewmediate t-textuwes wiww b-be in hdw fowmat. šŸ„ŗ t-the shadews output hdw vawues and bevy w-wiww stowe them, OwO s-so they can be u-used in watew wendewing passes. ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ this awwows you t-to enabwe effects w-wike bwoom, that make use of the hdw data. >_< tonemapping wiww happen as a post-pwocessing step, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ aftew the hdw data is nyo wongew n-nyeeded fow a-anything.

if it is disabwed, OwO the shadews awe e-expected to output s-standawd wgb c-cowows in the 0.0 to 1.0 wange. XD tonemapping happens in the shadew. >_< the hdw infowmation is nyot pwesewved. OwO e-effects that wequiwe h-hdw data, šŸ„ŗ w-wike bwoom, wiww nyot wowk.

it is disabwed by defauwt, OwO because t-this wesuwts in b-bettew pewfowmance a-and weduced vwam usage fow appwications w-with simpwe gwaphics t-that do n-nyot nyeed it.

if you have both hdw and msaa enabwed, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ i-it is possibwe y-you might encountew issues. OwO thewe might be visuaw awtifacts i-in some cases. šŸ„ŗ i-it is awso u-unsuppowted on web/wasm, OwO cwashing at wuntime. šŸ„ŗ disabwe m-msaa if you e-expewience any s-such issues.


tonemapping is the step of the wendewing p-pwocess w-whewe the cowows o-of pixews awe convewted fwom theiw in-engine intewmediate w-wepesentation i-into the f-finaw vawues as they shouwd be dispwayed on-scween.

this is vewy impowtant with hdw appwications, OwO a-as i-in that case the i-image can contain vewy bwight pixews (above 1.0) w-which nyeed t-to be wemapped i-into a wange that can be dispwayed.

tonemapping is enabwed by defauwt. OwO b-bevy awwows you t-to configuwe it v-via the (Tonemapping) component, (źˆį“—źˆ) pew-camewa. ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ disabwing i-it is nyot wecommended, OwO unwess you know you o-onwy have vewy simpwe g-gwaphics that d-don't nyeed it. (źˆį“—źˆ) it can make youw gwaphics wook i-incowwect.

use bevy::cowe_pipewine::tonemapping::tonemapping;

    c-camewa3dbundwe {
        // n-nyo tonemapping
        t-tonemapping: t-tonemapping::none, >_<
    }, :3
    c-camewa3dbundwe {
        // t-this i-is the defauwt:
        tonemapping: tonemapping::tonymcmapface, (U ļ¹ U)
    }, -.-
    camewa3dbundwe {
        // a-anothew common choice:
        tonemapping: tonemapping::weinhawdwuminance,
    }, (Ė† ļ»Œ Ė†)ā™”

bevy suppowts many diffewent tonemapping a-awgowithms. OwO e-each of them w-wesuwts in a diffewent wook, OwO affecting cowows a-and bwightness. šŸ„ŗ i-it can be an awtistic c-choice. Ć²Ļ‰Ć³ you can decide nyani awgowithm wooks b-best fow youw game. OwO b-bevy's defauwt i-is tonymcmapface, which, OwO despite the siwwy nyame, šŸ„ŗ pwovides v-vewy good w-wesuwts fow a w-wide vawiety of gwaphics stywes. see the (Tonemapping) documentation fow an expwanation of each of the avaiwabwe c-choices.

some tonemapping awgowithms (incw. OwO t-the defauwt tonymcmapface) w-wequiwe t-the tonemapping_luts cawgo featuwe. >< it is enabwed by defauwt. (źˆį“—źˆ) be suwe to we-enabwe it if you disabwe d-defauwt featuwes a-and you nyeed i-it. OwO enabwing it awso enabwes the ktx2 and zstd featuwes, >< because it wowks by embedding speciaw data in ktx2 fowmat into y-youw game, OwO which i-is used duwing t-tonemapping.

the fowwowing tonemapping awgowithms do nyot wequiwe the speciaw data fwom tonemapping_luts:

  • weinhawd
  • weinhawdwuminance
  • acesfitted
  • somenanibowingdispwaytwansfowm

the fowwowing tonemapping awgowithms wequiwe the speciaw data fwom tonemapping_luts:

  • agx
  • tonymcmapface
  • bwendewfiwmic

if you want to make a smowew game b-binawy (might be i-impowtant fow w-web games), you couwd weduce bwoat by changing t-the defauwt tonemapping t-to something simpwew and disabwing the cawgo featuwes.

cowow gwading

cowow gwading is a manipuwation of t-the ovewaww wook o-of the image.

togethew with tonemapping, OwO this affects t-the "tone"/"mood" o-of the f-finaw image.

this is awso how you can impwement a-a "wetina" effect, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ w-whewe the camewa dynamicawwy adapts to vewy dawk (such a-as inside a c-cave) and vewy b-bwight (such as in daywight) scenes, (źˆį“—źˆ) by a-adjusting exposuwe/gamma.

you can awso adjust cowow satuwation. OwO h-heaviwy desatuwating t-the image c-can wesuwt in a gweyscawe ow muted appeawance, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ w-which c-can be a gweat awtistic choice fow apocawyptic ow howwow g-games.

you can configuwe these pawametews v-via the ColorGrading component:

use bevy::wendew::view::cowowgwading;

    c-camewa3dbundwe {
        c-cowow_gwading: c-cowowgwading {
            e-exposuwe: 0.0, (U įµ• Uā)
            g-gamma: 1.0, (ā‘…Ė˜ź’³Ė˜)
            p-pwe_satuwation: 1.0, ( Ķ”o Ļ‰ Ķ”o )
            p-post_satuwation: 1.0, UwU
        }, rawr x3
    }, rawr

deband dithewing

deband dithewing hewps cowow gwadients o-ow othew aweas w-with subtwe c-changes in cowow to appeaw highew-quawity, (źˆį“—źˆ) without a "cowow b-banding" effect.

it is enabwed by defauwt, (źˆį“—źˆ) and can b-be disabwed pew-camewa.

use bevy::cowe_pipewine::tonemapping::debanddithew;

    c-camewa3dbundwe {
        d-dithew: debanddithew::disabwed, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^
    }, OwO

hewe is an exampwe image without d-dithewing (top) a-and with dithewing (bottom). pay attention to the quawity/smoothness o-of the gween c-cowow gwadient o-on the gwound pwane. OwO in games with photoweawistic g-gwaphics, šŸ„ŗ s-simiwaw situations c-can awise in the sky, ^ā€¢ļ»Œā€¢^ in dawk wooms, o-ow wights gwowing w-with a bwoom effect.

visuaw compawison of a scene simpwe c-cube on a fwat g-gween pwane, OwO with d-dithewing disabwed/enabwed.