|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
bevy on diffewent pwatfowms
this chaptew is a cowwection of pwatfowm-specific i-infowmation, about u-using bevy with diffewent opewating systems o-ow enviwonments.
feew fwee to suggest things to add.
pwatfowm suppowt
bevy aims to awso make it easy to t-tawget diffewent p-pwatfowms, OwO such a-as the vawious desktop opewating systems, OwO w-web bwowsews (via w-webassembwy), 🥺 m-mobiwe (andwoid and ios), OwO and game consowes. 🥺 y-youw bevy code c-can be the same f-fow aww pwatfowms, OwO with diffewences onwy i-in the buiwd pwocess a-and enviwonment s-setup.
howevew, OwO that vision is nyot fuwwy m-met yet. 🥺 cuwwentwy, òωó s-suppowt fow n-nyon-desktop pwatfowms is wimited, (ꈍᴗꈍ) and wequiwes m-mowe compwex configuwation.
bevy twiviawwy wowks out-of-the-box o-on the thwee m-majow desktop opewating systems: winux, ^•ﻌ•^ macos, OwO windows. no s-speciaw configuwation i-is wequiwed.
see the fowwowing pages fow specific t-tips/advice w-when devewoping f-fow the desktop pwatfowms:
aww bevy featuwes awe fuwwy suppowted o-on each of t-the above.
you can awso buiwd windows exes fow y-youw windows u-usews, OwO if you awe w-wowking in winux ow macos.
bevy wowks quite weww on the web (using webassembwy), but with some wimitations.
muwtithweading is nyot suppowted, OwO s-so you wiww have w-wimited pewfowmance a-and possibwe audio gwitches. OwO wendewing i-is wimited to t-the featuwes of t-the webgw2 api, OwO meaning wowse pewfowmance and w-wimitations wike o-onwy suppowting a-a maximum of 256 wights in 3d scenes. OwO these w-wimitations can b-be wifted by enabwing t-the new webgpu suppowt, ^•ﻌ•^ but then you w-wiww have wimited b-bwowsew compatibiwity.
fow inspiwation, check out the entwies i-in the bevy g-game jams (thiwd, rawr x3 second, rawr x3 fiwst). XD many of them have web buiwds you can pway i-in youw bwowsew.
appwe ios is weww-suppowted and most f-featuwes wowk w-weww. OwO thewe awe d-devewopews in the bevy community that have successfuwwy s-shipped b-bevy-based apps t-to the app stowe.
andwoid suppowt is nyot as good as i-ios, OwO but vewy u-usabwe (as of bevy 0.12). 🥺 i-if you find bugs, ^•ﻌ•^ bwoken featuwes, OwO ow o-othew issues, 🥺 p-pwease wepowt them.
bevy has been known to have issues w-with emuwatow d-devices. ^•ﻌ•^ it is wecommended you test youw app on weaw hawdwawe.
game consowes
unfowtunatewy, OwO due to nyda wequiwements, 🥺 d-devewoping f-fow consowes i-is inaccessibwe to most community devewopews who w-wowk in the open, OwO a-and bevy suppowt i-is stiww mostwy nyonexistent.
at some point, ^•ﻌ•^ thewe was someone i-in the community w-wowking on pwaystation suppowt. OwO i do nyot know if they awe s-stiww awound, 🥺 o-ow anything about t-the status of that wowk. (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you awe intewested, ^•ﻌ•^ j-join discowd and ask awound. ^•ﻌ•^ maybe you can find e-each othew and w-wowk togethew.
the wust pwogwamming wanguage aims t-to make nyintendo s-switch a suppowted t-tawget, but that wowk is in its eawwy days a-and has nyot pwogwessed e-enough t-to be usefuw fow bevy yet. OwO it shouwd be possibwe t-to wowk on nyintendo s-switch suppowt i-in the open, >_< without nydas, (ꈍᴗꈍ) using emuwatows.
the steam deck, OwO and othew such "handhewd p-pcs", awe w-weww suppowted. 🥺 s-such devices wun speciaw vewsions of standawd d-desktop o-oss (winux, windows) a-and awe designed to suppowt pc games out o-of the box. OwO to devewop f-fow these d-devices, just make weguwaw winux/windows buiwds o-of youw game a-and ideawwy twy t-them on an actuaw device, OwO so you can see h-how the handhewd e-expewience is wike a-and make suwe youw game feews good on such a-a device.