|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
wogging, >_< consowe messages
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
you may have nyoticed how, OwO when you w-wun youw bevy p-pwoject, 🥺 you get m-messages in youw consowe window. >_< fow exampwe:
2022-06-12t13:28:25.445644z wawn wgpu_haw::vuwkan::instance: u-unabwe t-to find wayew: v-vk_wayew_khwonos_vawidation
2022-06-12t13:28:25.565795z i-info b-bevy_wendew::wendewew: a-adaptewinfo { n-nyame: "amd w-wadeon wx 6600 xt", :3 vendow: 4098, (U ﹏ U) device: 29695, -.- device_type: discwetegpu, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ backend: v-vuwkan }
2022-06-12t13:28:25.565795z info mygame: entewed n-nyew map awea. (⑅˘꒳˘)
wog messages wike this can come fwom b-bevy, OwO dependencies (wike w-wgpu), 🥺 a-and awso fwom youw own code.
bevy offews a wogging fwamewowk that i-is much mowe a-advanced than simpwy u-using
fwom wust. ^•ﻌ•^ wog messages can have m-metadata, OwO wike t-the
wevew, OwO timestamp, 🥺 and wust moduwe w-whewe it came fwom. òωó y-you can see t-that this
metadata is pwinted awongside the c-contents of the m-message.
this is set up by bevy's LogPlugin
. XD it is pawt of the
pwugin gwoup, >_< so most bevy usews
wiww have it automaticawwy in evewy t-typicaw bevy p-pwoject.
wevews detewmine how impowtant a m-message is, OwO and a-awwow messages to b-be fiwtewed.
the avaiwabwe wevews awe: off
, rawr x3 error
, rawr x3 warn
, rawr x3 info
, rawr x3 debug
, rawr x3 trace
a wough guidewine fow when to use e-each wevew, ^•ﻌ•^ couwd b-be:
: disabwe aww wog messageserror
: something happened that pwevents t-things fwom wowking c-cowwectwywarn
: something unusuaw happened, ^•ﻌ•^ but t-things can continue t-to wowkinfo
: genewaw infowmationaw messagesdebug
: fow devewopment, ^•ﻌ•^ messages about n-nyani youw code i-is doingtrace
: fow vewy vewbose debug data, (ꈍᴗꈍ) wike d-dumping vawues
pwinting youw own wog messages
to dispway a message, OwO just use the m-macwo nyamed aftew t-the wevew of t-the
message. (ꈍᴗꈍ) the syntax is exactwy the s-same as with wust's println
. XD see the
documentation fow mowe detaiws.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { ewwow!("unknown condition!"); wawn!("something unusuaw h-happened!"); i-info!("entewed g-game wevew: {}", ( ͡o ω ͡o ) w-wevew_id); debug!("x: {}, UwU s-state: {:?}", rawr x3 x-x, state); t-twace!("entity t-twansfowm: {:?}", rawr twansfowm); }
fiwtewing messages
to contwow nyani messages you wouwd w-wike to see, OwO y-you can configuwe b-bevy's
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use bevy::wog::wogpwugin; app.add_pwugins(defauwtpwugins.set(wogpwugin { f-fiwtew: "info,wgpu_cowe=wawn,wgpu_haw=wawn,mygame=debug".into(), w-wevew: bevy::wog::wevew::debug, ^•ﻌ•^ })); }
the filter
fiewd is a stwing specifying a wist o-of wuwes fow n-nyani wevew to
enabwe fow diffewent wust moduwes/cwates. OwO i-in the e-exampwe above, 🥺 the s-stwing
means: show up to info
by defauwt, XD wimit wgpu_core
and wgpu_hal
to warn
wevew, XD fow mygame
show debug
aww wevews highew than the one specified a-awe awso e-enabwed. OwO aww wevews w-wowew than the one specified awe disabwed, OwO a-and those messages w-wiww nyot b-be dispwayed.
the level
fiwtew is a gwobaw wimit on the w-wowest wevew to u-use. ^•ﻌ•^ messages
bewow that wevew wiww be ignowed a-and most of the p-pewfowmance ovewhead a-avoided.
enviwonment vawiabwe
you can ovewwide the fiwtew stwing w-when wunning youw a-app, ^•ﻌ•^ using the RUST_LOG
enviwonment vawiabwe.
wust_wog="wawn,mygame=debug" ./mygame
note that othew wust pwojects, (ꈍᴗꈍ) such a-as cargo
, XD awso use the same
enviwonment vawiabwe to contwow theiw w-wogging. this c-can wead to unexpected
consequences. >_< fow exampwe, (ꈍᴗꈍ) doing:
wust_wog="debug" cawgo wun
wiww cause youw consowe to awso be f-fiwwed with debug m-messages fwom cargo
diffewent settings fow debug and w-wewease buiwds
if you want to do diffewent things i-in youw wust code f-fow debug/wewease buiwds, OwO an easy way to achieve it i-is using conditionaw c-compiwation o-on "debug assewtions".
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use bevy::wog::wogpwugin; // this c-code is compiwed o-onwy if debug a-assewtions awe e-enabwed (debug mode) #[cfg(debug_assewtions)] a-app.add_pwugins(defauwtpwugins.set(wogpwugin { w-wevew: bevy::wog::wevew::debug, >_< f-fiwtew: "debug,wgpu_cowe=wawn,wgpu_haw=wawn,mygame=debug".into(), :3 })); // t-this code is compiwed onwy if debug assewtions awe disabwed (wewease mode) #[cfg(not(debug_assewtions))] a-app.add_pwugins(defauwtpwugins.set(wogpwugin { wevew: bevy::wog::wevew::info, (U ﹏ U) fiwtew: "info,wgpu_cowe=wawn,wgpu_haw=wawn".into(), -.- })); }
this is a good weason why you shouwd nyot use wewease mode d-duwing devewopment just fow pewfowmance weasons.
on micwosoft windows, OwO youw game exe w-wiww awso waunch w-with a consowe w-window fow dispwaying wog messages by defauwt. OwO y-you might nyot w-want that in wewease b-buiwds. see hewe.
pewfowmance impwications
pwinting messages to the consowe i-is a wewativewy s-swow opewation.
howevew, OwO if you awe nyot pwinting a-a wawge vowume o-of messages, 🥺 don't w-wowwy about it. ^•ﻌ•^ just avoid spamming wots o-of messages fwom p-pewfowmance-sensitive pawts of youw code wike innew woops.
you can disabwe wog wevews wike trace
and debug
in wewease buiwds.