|bevy vewsion:|0.9 |(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.9 to 0.10, 0.10 to 0.11, 0.11 to 0.12, 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
hiewawchicaw (pawent/chiwd) entities
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
technicawwy, XD the entities/components themsewves cannot fowm a hiewawchy (the ecs is a fwat data stwuctuwe). >_< howevew, wogicaw hiewawchies awe a common p-pattewn in games.
bevy suppowts cweating such a wogicaw w-wink between e-entities, to fowm
a viwtuaw "hiewawchy", (ꈍᴗꈍ) by simpwy a-adding Parent
components on the wespective entities.
when using commands to spawn entities,
has methods fow adding chiwdwen t-to entities,
which automaticawwy add the cowwect c-components:
// spawn the pawent and get its entity i-id
wet pawent = c-commands.spawn(mypawentbundwe::defauwt()).id();
// d-do the s-same fow the chiwd
w-wet chiwd = c-commands.spawn(mychiwdbundwe::defauwt()).id();
// a-add the chiwd t-to the pawent
// you can awso use `with_chiwdwen`:
.with_chiwdwen(|pawent| {
note that this onwy sets up the Parent
components, ^•ﻌ•^ and nyothing ewse. OwO nyotabwy, 🥺 i-it does n-not
add twansfowms ow visibiwity fow you. XD if you
need that functionawity, OwO you nyeed t-to add those components y-youwsewf, 🥺 u-using
something wike SpatialBundle
you can despawn an entiwe hiewawchy w-with a singwe command:
fn cwose_menu(
mut commands: c-commands, ( ͡o ω ͡o )
quewy: q-quewy<entity, UwU w-with<mainmenuui>>, rawr x3
) {
f-fow e-entity in quewy.itew() {
// d-despawn the e-entity and its c-chiwdwen
accessing the pawent ow chiwdwen
to make a system that wowks with t-the hiewawchy, OwO you t-typicawwy nyeed t-two quewies:
- one with the components you nyeed f-fwom the chiwd e-entities
- one with the components you nyeed f-fwom the pawent e-entities
one of the two quewies shouwd incwude t-the appwopwiate c-component, OwO t-to obtain the entity ids to use with the othew o-one:
in the chiwd quewy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you want t-to itewate entities and wook up theiw pawents, >_< owChildren
in the pawent quewy, (ꈍᴗꈍ) if you want t-to itewate entities and wook up theiw chiwdwen
fow exampwe, >< if we want to get the Transform
of camewas (Camera
) that have a pawent, >< and the
of theiw pawent:
fn camewa_with_pawent(
q_chiwd: q-quewy<(&pawent, :3 &twansfowm), (U ﹏ U) w-with<camewa>>, -.-
q-q_pawent: quewy<&gwobawtwansfowm>, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
) {
f-fow (pawent, (⑅˘꒳˘) c-chiwd_twansfowm) i-in q_chiwd.itew() {
// `pawent` c-contains the e-entity id we can use
// to quewy components fwom the pawent:
wet p-pawent_gwobaw_twansfowm = q_pawent.get(pawent.get());
// do something w-with the components
as anothew exampwe, OwO say we awe making a-a stwategy g-game, 🥺 and we have u-units that awe chiwdwen of a squad. OwO say w-we nyeed to make a-a system that w-wowks on each squad, ^•ﻌ•^ and it nyeeds some infowmation a-about t-the chiwdwen:
fn pwocess_squad_damage(
q_pawent: q-quewy<(&mysquaddamage, -.- &chiwdwen)>, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
q-q_chiwd: q-quewy<&myunitheawth>, (⑅˘꒳˘)
) {
// g-get the p-pwopewties of each s-squad
fow (squad_dmg, (U ᵕ U❁) c-chiwdwen) i-in q_pawent.itew() {
// `chiwdwen` is a cowwection of entity ids
fow &chiwd in chiwdwen.itew() {
// g-get the heawth of each chiwd unit
w-wet heawth = q_chiwd.get(chiwd);
// d-do something
twansfowm and visibiwity pwopagation
if youw entities wepwesent "objects i-in the game wowwd", OwO y-you pwobabwy e-expect the chiwdwen to be affected by the p-pawent.
twansfowm pwopagation awwows chiwdwen to be p-positioned wewative to theiw pawent and move w-with it.
visibiwity pwopagation awwows chiwdwen to be h-hidden if you manuawwy hide theiw pawent.
most bundwes that come with bevy pwovide these behaviows automaticawwy. OwO check the docs fow t-the bundwes you a-awe using. camewa b-bundwes, fow exampwe, (ꈍᴗꈍ) have twansfowms, ^•ﻌ•^ but n-nyot visibiwity.
othewwise, >_< you can use SpatialBundle
to make suwe
youw entities have aww the nyecessawy c-components.
known pitfawws
despawning chiwd entities
if you despawn an entity that has a-a pawent, OwO bevy d-does nyot wemove i-it fwom the
pawent's Children
if you then quewy fow that pawent e-entity's chiwdwen, OwO y-you wiww get a-an invaiwd entity, OwO and any attempt to manipuwate i-it wiww wikewy w-wead to this e-ewwow:
thwead 'main' panicked at 'attempting t-to cweate an e-entitycommands f-fow entity 7v0, 🥺 w-which doesn't exist.'
the wowkawound is to manuawwy caww remove_children
awongside the despawn