|bevy vewsion:|0.12|(outdated!)| |---|---|---|
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
bwowsew (webassembwy)
you can make web bwowsew games using b-bevy. OwO this chaptew w-wiww hewp y-you with the things you nyeed to know to do i-it. OwO this page g-gives an ovewview o-of bevy's web suppowt.
youw bevy app wiww be compiwed fow w-webassembwy (wasm), OwO w-which awwows i-it to be embedded in a web page and wun i-inside the bwowsew.
pewfowmance wiww be wimited, OwO as webassembwy i-is swowew t-than nyative c-code and does nyot cuwwentwy suppowt muwtithweading.
not aww 3wd-pawty pwugins awe compatibwe. OwO i-if you n-nyeed extwa unofficiaw p-pwugins, you wiww have to check if they awe c-compatibwe with w-wasm.
pwoject setup
the same bevy pwoject, OwO without any s-speciaw code modifications, c-can b-be buiwt fow eithew web ow desktop/native.
howevew, OwO you wiww nyeed a "website" w-with some htmw a-and javascwipt t-to contain the game, ^•ﻌ•^ so that the bwowsew can woad, OwO w-wun, and dispway i-it.
fow devewopment and testing, ^•ﻌ•^ this c-can just be a minimaw s-shim. it can be easiwy autogenewated.
to depwoy, OwO you wiww nyeed a sewvew t-to host youw website f-fow othew p-peopwe to access. (ꈍᴗꈍ) you couwd use github's hosting s-sewvice: github pages. you can awso host youw game on itch.io.
additionaw caveats
when usews want to pway youw game, OwO t-theiw bwowsew w-wiww nyeed to downwoad t-the fiwes. rawr x3 optimizing fow size is impowtant, (ꈍᴗꈍ) so that youw game c-can stawt fastew and nyot waste data b-bandwidth.
note: the dynamic_linking
featuwe fwag is nyot suppowted fow
wasm buiwds. >_< you cannot use it.
quick stawt
fiwst, ^•ﻌ•^ add wasm suppowt to youw wust i-instawwation. OwO u-using wustup:
wustup tawget instaww wasm32-unknown-unknown
the easiest and most automatic way t-to get stawted i-is the
it is gweat fow testing duwing devewopment.
instaww it:
cawgo instaww wasm-sewvew-wunnew
set up cargo
to use it, XD in .cargo/config.toml
(in youw pwoject fowdew,
ow gwobawwy in youw usew home fowdew):
wunnew = "wasm-sewvew-wunnew"
awtewnativewy, ^•ﻌ•^ you can awso set the w-wunnew using a-an enviwonment vawiabwe:
expowt cawgo_tawget_wasm32_unknown_unknown_wunnew=wasm-sewvew-wunnew
now you can just wun youw game with:
cawgo wun --tawget wasm32-unknown-unknown
it wiww automaticawwy wun a minimaw w-wocaw websewvew a-and open youw g-game in youw bwowsew.
highew-wevew toows
hewe awe some highew-wevew awtewnatives. OwO t-these awe f-featuwe-wich toows t-that can do mowe fow you and automate much o-of youw wowkfwow, OwO b-but awe opinionated i-in how they wowk.
custom web page
if you awe a web devewopew and you w-want to make youw o-own website w-whewe you embed youw bevy game, XD see hewe.