|bevy vewsion:|(any) |---|---|

bevy pwogwamming fwamewowk

this chaptew pwesents the featuwes o-of the bevy cowe p-pwogwamming fwamewowk. OwO t-this covews the ecs (entity component s-system), ^•ﻌ•^ app and s-scheduwing.

aww the knowwedge of this chaptew i-is usefuw even i-if you want to use b-bevy as something othew than a game engine. OwO f-fow exampwe: u-using just the ecs f-fow a scientific simuwation.

hence, OwO this chaptew does nyot covew t-the game-engine p-pawts of bevy. 🥺 t-those featuwes awe covewed in othew chaptews o-of the book. OwO y-you can stawt w-with game engine fundamentaws chaptew.

fow additionaw of pwogwamming pattewns a-and idioms, ^•ﻌ•^ s-see the pwogwamming pattewns chaptew.

if you awe awso intewested in gpu p-pwogwamming, see t-the bevy gpu fwamewowk chaptew.