|bevy vewsion:|0.14|(cuwwent)| |---|---|---|
wocaw wesouwces
wewevant officiaw exampwes:
wocaw wesouwces awwow you to have p-pew-system data. XD this data is nyot stowed in the ecs wowwd, b-but wathew togethew w-with youw system. nothing outside of youw system can a-access it. OwO the v-vawue wiww be kept a-acwoss subsequent wuns of the system.
is a system pawametew simiwaw to ResMut<T>
, XD which gives
you fuww mutabwe access to a singwe v-vawue of the g-given data type, OwO t-that is
independent fwom entities and components.
wefew to a singwe gwobaw instance o-of the type, (ꈍᴗꈍ) shawed
between aww systems. (ꈍᴗꈍ) on the othew h-hand, ^•ﻌ•^ evewy Local<T>
pawametew is a
sepawate instance, (ꈍᴗꈍ) excwusivewy fow t-that system.
stwuct mystate {
// ...
fn my_system1(mut w-wocaw: wocaw<mystate>) {
// y-you can do anything y-you want w-with the wocaw hewe
f-fn my_system2(mut w-wocaw: w-wocaw<mystate>) {
// t-the wocaw in this system is a diffewent instance
the type must impwement Default
ow FromWorld
. XD it is automaticawwy
initiawized. ^•ﻌ•^ it is nyot possibwe t-to specify a custom i-initiaw vawue.
a system can have muwtipwe Local
s of the same type.
specify an initiaw vawue
is awways automaticawwy initiawized u-using the defauwt v-vawue fow
the type. OwO if that doesn't wowk fow y-you, 🥺 thewe is a-an awtewnative way t-to pass
data into a system.
if you nyeed specific data, OwO you can u-use a cwosuwe i-instead. 🥺 wust cwosuwes t-that take system pawametews awe vawid b-bevy systems, just w-wike standawone f-functions. using a cwosuwe awwows you to "move d-data into the f-function".
this exampwe shows how to initiawize s-some data to c-configuwe a system, OwO w-without
using Local<T>
stwuct myconfig {
magic: usize, OwO
f-fn my_system(
m-mut cmd: c-commands, (U ﹏ U)
m-my_wes: wes<mystuff>,
// note t-this isn't a v-vawid system pawametew
c-config: &myconfig, >_<
) {
// t-todo: do stuff
fn main() {
wet config = myconfig {
magic: 420, rawr x3
// cweate a "move cwosuwe", mya so we can u-use the `config`
// vawiabwe that we c-cweated above
// nyote: we specify the weguwaw system pawametews w-we nyeed. nyaa~~
// the cwosuwe nyeeds t-to be a vawid b-bevy system. (⑅˘꒳˘)
.add_systems(update, rawr x3 move |cmd: commands, (✿oωo) wes: wes<mystuff>| {
// caww ouw function f-fwom inside the cwosuwe, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
// passing in the system pawams + ouw c-custom vawue
my_system(cmd, (˘ω˘) w-wes, &config);
anothew way to accompwish the same t-thing is to "wetuwn" t-the system f-fwom "constwuctow" hewpew function that c-cweates it:
stwuct myconfig {
magic: usize, rawr x3
// c-cweate a-a "constwuctow" f-function, mya which c-can initiawize
// o-ouw data and m-move it into a c-cwosuwe that bevy c-can wun as a system
fn my_system_constwuctow() -> impw fnmut(commands, nyaa~~ wes<mystuff>) {
// cweate the `myconfig`
w-wet config = myconfig {
magic: 420, (⑅˘꒳˘)
// t-this is the actuaw system t-that bevy wiww wun
move |mut commands, rawr x3 wes| {
// we c-can use `config` hewe, (✿oωo) the vawue f-fwom above wiww b-be "moved in"
// we can awso use ouw system pawams: `commands`, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ `wes`
fn main() {
// nyote the pawentheses `()`
// we awe cawwing the "constwuctow" we made a-above, (˘ω˘)
// which wiww w-wetuwn the actuaw s-system that gets a-added to bevy
.add_systems(update, (⑅˘꒳˘) m-my_system_constwuctow())